Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----69----"Different Feelings of Sahastrara"

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----"Different Feelings of Sahastrara"

We often talk about the feelings of Sahastrara and it is noticed that these experience of sensations varies person to person as per their depth and practices. So my awareness is willing to share few common symptoms of Sahastrara which have come into the observation and feeling.

1) Feeling of Coolness: - When ‘Shree Maa’ touches our Sahastrara then we feel some sort of Cooling, it seems that Mint has been sprinkled at our Sahastrara. It is the sign of introduction of ‘Shree Adi Shakti’ with our Sahastrara.

2) Feeling of Tingling: - When ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ starts opening our holes of Sahastrara then we feel some sort of sensational tingling at our Sahastrara.

3) Feeling of Fluid moving under the skin of the scalp: - It happens when ‘She’ flows through few opened holes of Sahastrara into very thin Energy Tubes then this types of sensation take place. This process opens our Nadies of Virata which might be helpful to receive more Divine Energy.

4) Feeling of Surface Tension: - This situation occurs when the power of ‘Adi Shakti’ goes into our Central Heart and then it starts working and generates more Energy which circulates through all the five chakras and finally wants to pass through the half opened holes of Sahastrara, so this state creates surface tension at Sahastrara.

The same tension appears when our attention raises others Kundalini and raised Kundalini tries to open his/her Sahastrara then we feel the reflexes of other’s Sahastrara into our Sahastrara.

5) Feeling of sudden Pain at Sahastrara: - If our Sahastrara do not open due to rigid following of all types of conditionings and suddenly our attention goes to ‘Shree Mata Ji’ even for few seconds then our Kundalini spontaneously rise and hit our Sahastrara to come out then we feel sudden pain in our Sahastrara.
6) Feeling of continuous pain in Sahastrara: - When consciously or unconsciously we keep on remembering someone or giving self realization to a crowd and our attention is working on their Sahastrara then we feel reflexes of others at our Sahastrara in the form of continuous pain. This is the sign of the process of opening Brahmrandhra.

7) Feeling of Vibrating Sahastrara: - This is a very beautiful occurring, when our attention works on other’s whole instrument and his/her Central Heart gets open and starts releasing its collective energy through Sahastrara then we receives such types of reflexes in our Sahastrara. Means ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ is utilizing our Instrument.

8) Feeling of pulling Sahastrara along with Central Heart:- It is an excellent state if happens to feel, when our holes of Sahastrara get open properly and all the collective Energy of all the six Chakras passes through our Sahastrara continuously then we feel such type of Pulling at our Sahastrara, if we put our attention fully to our Sahastrara then pulling increases and converts into  ‘Chilling’ at Sahastrara. In this condition our magnetic field works and raises others Kundalini without keeping attention on them. 

So these are few symptoms of Sahastrara with specific situations.


"Jai Shree Mata ji"

Monday, December 26, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"----68----"Three Types of Relations"

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"-----"Three Types of Relations"

‎"Most often Sahaj Practioners live with three types of relations:--

1) Blood Relations, which are given by 'God' according to our previous Karmas, which depends on us and we have some sort of external responsibility to fulfill them with our true heart when and until they deceive us. When such types of relation start cheating with us then our moral responsibility ends and we become free from any types of relation but we should manage those relations due to humanity. Because the Pure Energy which is releasing from the external and internal body of a Sahaj Follower, might cleanse them and the day might come when their Suppressed Spirit Would awaken.

2) Second types of relations are those which have created so much problem for us, they have humiliated us, they always try to seize every thing which belong to us, they want to dominate in all respect, and we too, do not want to see their faces, and we hate their all the evils. For such types of people, we have to keep their Subtle Existences into our Central Heart so that they could get the Love of 'Sri Maa Jagdamba' who may kill their all the evils which are around their 'Spirit'.

3) Third types of relations are those which always give us Selfless Love and Compassion and we feel 'God' in their existence and we always convey our good wishes to them, who are our true well wishers. And we too love them with our true heart and we always pray for them. Or whom 'Maa' Adi shakti' has given self realization through us with the help of our attention. For such types of Souls we must keep all of them into the 'Lotus Feet of Shree Maa' at our Sahastrara so that they could get the love and blessings of 'Adi shakti' along with us during the state of meditation. These types of Souls become the true medium of 'Adi Shakti' and the whole globe gets benefit out of their work."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----67---"Possession of Thought"

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----"Possession of Thought"

‎"Now we come to the possession of previous thoughts, when some one has gone through either very good or very bad situation then the memory of that happenings saves into our Mind.

If we are living our present life unfortunately in miserable situation then our Mind help us by reminding our very good memories to keep us away from the severity of present sufferings. Our mind let us think of old days when we enjoyed a lot so that we might pass the trauma of bad feelings of presents. So some times old good memories give us a therapeutic effect for our mental disposition and give us some relief to the undue stress of acceptance of the present circumstances.  

But the problem starts when we become accustomed of thinking our old good time again and again rather than accepting the truth, which makes us weak and coward. When we realize some hard truth we quickly go into the past and stay there for some times. This makes us escapist and timid internally. Slowly we start avoid going before people and become the victim of Isolation. Then we make our own world in our mind and start dwelling into our imaginary world and then the situation of illusion generates which occasionally hallucinates us by showing a visual of our imagination.  

After some times we start talking with the characters of our illusionary world which manifests in the form of talking with ourself. Some times we laugh and some times we weep, some times we cry and some times we become angry. The people who live around us became scared by watching our activities and they start thinking that someone is living with us, or we have become possessed. This is actually nothing but being possessed by our own created world. 

In this situation his/her physical health would affect, his B P becomes unstable, suddenly it will get down or suddenly it might rise with his/her feeling of despair or Anxiety as per his/her mental and emotional state. Slowly, slowly his/her internal conflict would begin in between two imaginary aspects and he/she becomes discouraged and dishearten, he/she might feel defeated internally.  

When such types of people go before 'Shree Mata Ji' they some times start begging from 'Shree Mata Ji' what they want or some times they become annoyed with 'Shree Mata Ji' for not fulfilling their desire. And when they sit for meditation their attention immediate goes to the memory of past to their Mind and they being enjoying their fantasy land and often their eyes release tears because they get love from 'Shree Maa' and felt relaxed and their body starts moving in a rhythmic motion in back and forth position. Tomorrow we wil go through the memory of bad past.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, December 17, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "------66----"Possession of Soul"

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----"Possession of Soul"

 ‎"When we talk about possession then it is assumed that some Soul is controlling some one by capturing some one's mind and body and it is deemed that some sort of 'Bhoot' is in side that person specially in Sahaj Yoga. This is a very Hot topic among Sahajis. Because 'Shree Mata Ji' had told so many things about possession of Bhoots, and one of 'Her' Miracle photo is exhibiting several 'Bhoots' coming out of Human Body during meditation. 

'She' has told in one of 'Her' lecture about the Protein 52 in Left Agnay, when this protein activates then some one may be prone of the Possession of Bhoot. And that person would shake like anything before the 'Altar' of 'Shree Mata Ji'. So few of us have become very concious and frightened of Bhoots. And we follow so many techniques like 'Matka', Candling, Camphor-ing, shoe beating, string knotting, or paper burning to be away from 'Bhoots'

My awareness is willing to share some experience regarding this topic. I have seen two types of possessions, First one is Possession of Soul and another one is possession of Previous Thoughts. when two souls start residing in one human body then it is called the possession of Bhoot. In this situation some signs appeared:-- 

1) The diet of possessed person would increase and he/she might eat the food of four to five person at a time because the another Soul controls the Central Nervous System so that the brain could not get proper information to give command to Auto Nervous System to stop eating. 

2) The reflexes of brain becomes lethargic, if you will call such person then he/she would not listen properly, you would feel that he/she is ignoring your call but, actually he/she would be in the state of semi conciousness. Even some time he/she would not recognise you, he/she would miss the recognition frequently. 

3) That person would talk mysteriously, he/she would tell about the hidden wealth, he/she would even disclose some sort of secrets which nobody use to be knowing before, he/she may tell several things about others previous life or their future planes which no one has ever heard or said in a semi concious state. 

4) Some times he/she might become very angry or even he/she might beat some one without any reason. Some times he/she would behave himself/herself as an elderly person, some times he/she might read Mahabharata or Ramayana in pure 'Sanskrit Language'. Suddenly he/she might weep very badly without any incident.

5) Very often he/she would try not to take bath or change his/her cloths daily and become quite reluctant about routine hygiene. He/she would like to lye down on the bed all the time. 

6) Whenever he/she would come before 'Shree Mata Ji' he/she might shout loudly and start shaking vigorously or he/she might start jumping and going towards "Lotus Feet' of Shree Maa' and bow down his/her head into 'Her' 'Shree Charnas' saying," Maa Kali please leave me, forgive me, I promise you I would leave this person." So these are some symptoms of possessed person. 

We should not become frightened in this situation but we must sit in meditation and supply pure Love of 'Shree Mata Ji' into the Central Heart of such person through Sahastrara with the help of our attention at least for five minutes and then we should take our attention to the Left Agnya of that person and energise this Chakra at least for another five minutes when and until we feel some sensation in our left Agnya. This can be done either in collectivity(Best) or individually from any place with the help of attention. This process works very fast it is evident before us. 

Those who always lives in Extreme Past, they are more liable to get this problem quickly so when we supply Pure Love from our Central Heart to the Central Heart and Left Agnya of such persons then the Soul of Bhoot gets energy and become strong which causes relief to that Bhoot and that Bhoot might leave that person. 
One more thing such Bhoots are not transferable, they can not catch you because they come into any one's system with some specific and particular situation.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, December 15, 2011

'Contemplation (चिंतन)"-----65-----"Three Main Works of Kundalini"

'Contemplation (चिंतन)"------"Three Main Works of Kundalini"

Jai Shree Mata ji, When Kundalini Stays at Sahastrara then Kundalini does three types of main works as per my awareness. Though ‘She’ performs several works at a time after being One with ‘Adi Shakti’.

i) Connection: -- The Energy Field of Kundalini become capable to raise others Kundalini without their will, this energy field works silently. But this change may be reflected in his/her behavior. That person may feel an urge to go to his/her worshiping place. Or he/she may ask to know about Sahaj Yoga if he/she knows you earlier. Because Our Kundalini has all the knowledge of Sahaj yoga but our Mind is not aware of Sahaj Yoga.

ii) Purification:--If anyone who is in Sahaj yoga, comes close to a Properly Realized Soul whose Kundalini stays at Sahastrara for ever then the Energy of his/her Kundalini enters into the Subtle System of that Sahaji and start working like a Herbal or Homeopathic Medicine, which pulls all the contamination out of the body first to give relief to the disease, so same situation take place with that Sahaji, he/she may show some sort of Jealousy, Ego, Non-acceptance and suddenly become against with that Good Sahaji, and some may show Tears, Sadness, Gloom and Reluctance. Because the Power of Kundalini Cleanse the Subtle System means it works as a Purifier.

iii) Communication:--When our Kundalini Establish properly at our Sahastrara then ‘She’ starts working as a Communicator with ‘Almighty’. ‘She’ receive several messages from ‘Adi Shakti’ in the form of ‘Spontaneous Impulses’ into our Heart related anything which is being thought by us, and make us inclined to do according to our Impulses.  This Communication helps us ‘even’ in our Shopping Spree for selection of our desired things as well as Rising into Meditation.  This Eternal Communication covers both, Spiritual & Materialistic World. Because both the world are made by ‘Adi Shakti’.

In this State our Kundalini reads our Emotio0ns and Feeling from our Heart (without using any word or praying for anything by us) and pass towards ‘Adi Shakti’ then ‘Adi Shakti’ consider which is good or bad for us and then ‘She’ may fulfill our desire. Thus, our Instrument becomes a representative of ‘Almighty’. And then we do not live for ourselves, we usually worry for the benevolence for others and ‘Adi Shakti’ worries for the benevolence for our self.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"-----64---"Fear Factor Among Children"

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"----"Fear Factor Among Children"

"Some time we observe that few of our children are having different types of fear in spite of being in Sahaj yoga. They do not want to go into Dark rooms, they avoid being alone, they are inhibited to come before outsiders, they feel difficulty talking with strangers, they hardly get mixed up with new friends or so many different types of phobia they have and become quite introvert.

Actually due to some types of bad memories of their past they lost their Self Confidence and become timid inside and they still living with that memory which is frightening them every moment. They are not able to be away with that severe experience. Their mind is infested with several doubts and confusions.

For such types of problems we have to do one and very simple thing during the state of meditation, we, first realize good vibrations(Energy) into our Central heart and Sahastrara and then we should take our attention to their Sahastrara either individually or collectively for at least two minutes and then to their Central heart and drain and supply Pure Love of 'Shree Mata ji' in the form of Flow of Energy at least for another two minutes and then feel the reflexes into our Central Heart and at Sahastrara. 

Then we should take our attention to their Left Agnya and steer Pure Energy to left Agnya at least for five minutes from our Central heart. This process might be repeated as many time as we like when and until our children shows the sign of carefree ness in their behavior. This process is capable to break the chain of their thoughts related to any type of fear. Try this if you like.


"Jai Shree Mata ji"

Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----63---"Hyperactivity of Children of Sahaj Families"

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----"Hyperactivity of Children of Sahaj Families"

Jai Shree Mata ji, Some times we listen from our Sahajis their Kids are Hyper Active,they hardly sit at one place, the parents of such children usually complains and ask what to do for the rectification for the temperament of their children. Hyperactivity of the children usually shown right at the time of meditation or at the time of some meditation programme. Often all of us have to go through such types of situations. Few questions rises,is there any problem with the kids ?, or they have caught with some Negativity ? Why this type of expressions are there ? 

Actually, when we engage our self into meditation then our Kids become Scott free and as per their natural tendency to pull the attention of their parents towards themselves to see what they are doing or playing. By doing this they feel privileged and happy. And the another reason is very important to understand, 

when we sit for meditation and go deep inside then the collective or Individual Energy ignites and covers our surroundings to enlighten every particle or creature then this Awakened Energy goes into the Internal and Subtle System of our Kids and Children and take all the contamination on the surface of their Mind and the children get affected with their hidden negative aspects. Because they are so young to understand that contamination but their activity enhances automatically and they started shouting.  

On the other hand 'Shree Maa' wants us to put our attention loaded with the Eternal Energy to the system of the kids at that time during the meditation. So that the get relief. If we are aware of this fact then we would do it with our conscious state.

So, to make them calm and quite we first, have to feel vibration at our Sahastrara and in our Central heart at least for 3-5 minutes then we should take our attention to the Sahastrara of our kids for some time then to their Central heart at least for 2-3 minutes till the feeling of increased vibrations into our Central Heart and at Sahastrara. And then we should take our attention to their 'Right Agnya' and energize this Chakra at least for 5 minutes. We should do this as many times as we can. Its is very good for them as well as for us because it is capable to increase our depth.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-------62---"Meditation with Different Inclination"

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----"Meditation with Different Inclination"

“Sahaj Yoga, which occurs only when ‘our Kundalini is awakened and pulled up to Sahastrara by the power of ‘Shree Mata Ji’ Thus,  Kundalini become one with Adi Shakti and meditation starts irrespective of place, posture, recitation of Mantras, Method of meditation , Clearing and Balancing Techniques, protocols, posts, rules & regulations.

All these things are actually needed to take our Attention to the Sushummana Nadi. It varies person to person. We all are different in our temperament because of the influence of all the three Nadies, so we automatically adopt the way which suits to our Internal Subtle system and there is no need to do all the process and techniques which may be needed for others, before meditation.  All types of external process and techniques are just the preparation for going into Meditation.

Why we eat different types of vegetables, serials, beverages, fruits, grains etc, because of the different types of need as per our inclination and taste towards food, so same with this Pre-Meditational Process and the Method of Meditation. It varies as per our Subtle System.

If someone is born on Ida Naadi, he/she would definitely incline towards Bhajans, Music and different types of Aesthetic Arts. If someone is born on Pingla Nadi then he/she would show interest in Chanting Mantras, Performing Hawans and taking responsibility of the work of Organization. And if someone is born on Sushummana Nadi then he/she would not show too much interest in Bhajans and External Doings for the preparation of Meditation and different types of Organizational works but he/she would happily like to be in meditation without performing all types of external activities before meditation.

Because he/she is blessed with this trait since his/her Birth so he/she would not be willing to do so many do’s and Don’ts before meditation, he/she is not supposed to do anything to  take his/her attention to the Sushummana because his/her Attention is already there. That’s why there are so many discrepancies in the methods of meditation, we must understand this fact and we must not impose any method over each other. The process of Meditation and Self Realization should be left liberally freed as per the choices and intensity of a Sahaji.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Friday, December 2, 2011

"Impulses"---(Contemplation) (चिंतन) "-------61-------03.12.11


1) ‎"The Intense Love and Endless Care generates Compassion which is the Key features of the bonding and rapport of External(visible) and Internal(Invisible) world. Compassion is the vital cord which is capable to hold all the creatures with entire creation, represents the quality of 'Adi Shakti and the Shakti Holder(God)."

2) "When silence occurs then loves manifests spontaneously which is capable to cross the barrier of time and space."

3) ‎"We often see the images and idols of 'Shree Shiva' whereas 'He' had never been incarnated on the Earth as per our all the Books, so how the image of 'Shiva' has come. Perhaps, as per my contemplation, 'Shiva' is the Highest State of our Existence during meditation, when we touch this state then our face expression becomes the same as 'Shree Shiva' has."

4) "We all are 'Her' children only controlled by 'Her', there is no one in the universe who dare to touch us, this is only our mind which always misguide us and create confusion and reduce our faith. Our faith must be like a 'Mountain' in 'Her'. If we use to be in doubt it means we are giving weightage to our mind rather then to 'Shree Maa'."

5) ‎"We are here to explore the love and beauty of our Creator, because 'He' wants us to fill our awareness with 'His' blessings so that we will always feel obliged and surrendered to 'Him'. Complete Surrender is the only medium to realize 'Him' into our consciousness."

6) ‎"We have to cross the ocean of Emotions in this world with the help of small canoe. We have to cover this journey alone but with the feeling of Oneness with 'Him'. ("Yatra akeli hai, sirf saath ka ehsaas hai, ic ehsaas mein hee tao 'usi' ka abhaas hai.")

7) ‎"When and until Light is little away from us then we see everything clearly with the help of light and when we absorb the full light within us then we can see The Darkness more clearly than before."

8)  ‎"We human are effort oriented, when we fulfill our duties with true heart only then we get peace out of doing otherwise we may suffer from Guilt. That's why "Sri Siddhartha" had done his duty of finding 'God' when and until he became "Sri Buddha"."

9)  “If our attention goes on such persons who are not connected with divine power then the reflexes of their subtle system would be appeared on our Subtle System and we  might feel reduced vibration. We should  know, those who's connectivity is proper then  they become an instrument of Subtle World and they use to become the Mirror of other's mental disposition.

10) ‎"Though 'Adi Shakti' exists every where, 'She' nurtures 'Her' whole creation, 'She' connects each and every particle with each other, 'She' flows through 'Her' whole creation, 'She' is available everywhere, but for human being 'She' is not available when and until human invite 'Her' or ask 'Her' to be awakened inside him/her. For this time the name of 'Maa Nirmala' is the key for the ignition of 'Adi shakti' for all of us, 'Her' external form as 'Nirmala' is the first spark which enable 'Maa Adi Shakti' to be available there for benevolence."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "------60---"Myths Related to Possessions--01.12.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "------60---"Myths Related to Possessions"

"We usually hear from several Sahajis that some one is Left Sided, some one is right-sided, some is possessed, some one is having 'Bhoot' into his/her system, some one is using 'Tantra', some one is hypnotising, some one is anti Sahaja and so many things are discussed by our Sahajis without having any proof and proper know-how. Some times, we feel like laughing and smiling to hear all these hear says. It is really so entertaining that no body can imagine. 

Because, those who discuss this types of stuff, hardly go through any experience, but they are very alert and very swift to spread such things among Sahaj Followers , they even do not try to understand:--- 

1) How it is possible for a 'Bhoot' to stand still before 'Shree Mata Ji' whereas 'Shree Maa' has stated that no 'Bhoot' can stand before 'Her' ?

2) How any 'Tantrik' can do anything before 'Her' ? 

3) Is any one has any type of capacity to Hypnotise others in the presence of 'Shree Mata Ji' ?

4) If some one is Right Sided or Left Sided then it is matter of 'Shree Mata Ji', 'She' will take care of him/her 'Herself'. Who are we to decide and declare any Sahaji ? We all are 'Her' children who have come into 'Her Lotus Feet' to rectify ourself by going deep into Meditation.  

5) If 'Shree Maa' is taking work from any Sahaji for Raising Kundalini, Giving Self Realization and leading Meditation then how it is possible for such Sahaji to work Against Sahaj Yoga because he/she is just an instrument, Kundalini is raised only by 'Adi Shakti'. So how any person can be Anti Sahaja. 

Yes, only one situation is Anti-Sahaja, if some one try to stop any one for spreading Sahaj Yoga and stopping any one for Leading Meditation or telling about Sahaj Yoga as per my awareness. That person is 100% Anti-Sahaj.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, November 28, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"-----59---"Rigidity of Mind"----28.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"--------"Rigidity of Mind"

" Our Mind behaves like an Obstinate Kid in normal practice who always fight for the things which is given to him earlier and being liked by him/her first then he/she use to refuse to give them back like small children who do not want to return anything.

They become so possessive about their toys, trophies, chocolates, pen-pencils, pencil boxes, books what ever they like the most. Even if their teacher teaches them anything in using one method for solving some question first then they become so adamant that they do not want to listen even to their parents if they would be telling the another  method to solve the same question.

Whatever they learn in first time that becomes their last know-how. They will always say to their parents that their teacher taught them the right things, “you are wrong, you are not right. So same thing happens with our Mind, whatever it gets through its intellect first time that uses to be the last thing in its memory. After that whatever will come before it then it starts comparing with its previous know-how then it may select or reject according to its priorities and acknowledgement.

Just remember the Mythological Story of “Maa Gauri” who made ‘Sri Ganesha’ for ‘Her’ convenience to look after the entrance while taking ‘Her’ Bath, you know, ‘Shree Ganesha is so ignorant that ‘He’ could not recognize ‘His’ Father ‘Shree Shiva’ and protested ‘Him’ then ‘Shree Shiva’ cut down ‘his’ Head then ‘Maa Gauri’ cried and wept. Then ‘Shree Shiva’ joined ‘His’ Head of an Elephant. Only then ‘Shree Ganesha’ was recognized as the Initiator of Auspiciousness.

The same thing happens into our Subtle System, ‘Maa Gauri’ is representing our Soul (‘Maa Kundalini)’, ‘Shree Ganesha’ is representing our Mind which was made by our Soul for ‘Her’ support, but ‘He’ is yet to be recognized by our Spirit, and ‘Shree Shiva’ is representing our Spirit. When the pure love of our Spirit reaches to the obstinate and ignorant Mind then our Mind surrenders and transformers into the Child of ‘Maa Parwati and Father Shiva’. Then our Mind helps us in every aspect of our life.

It means, when and until our Soul meets our Spirit our Mind cannot get the pure knowledge of Truth and show its rigidity which does not allow the Eternal Energy to come into our Subtle System, and our Mind dominates our Soul. That’s why few of us fight and argue with each others. If we keep our attention into our Central Heart and at Sahastrara, only then our Rigid Mind can get an Ease and become knowledgeable.


……………………Jai Shree Mata ji

“The only way one can really understand what we are is by knowing yourself.”
  -----------------------H.H.Shree Mata Ji Shree Nirmala Devi

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----58---"Problem of Less Vibration--22.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----"Problem of Less Vibration"

 ‎"The problem of less vibration among Sahajis are very common, some are very honest they clearly tell every one, some feel shy, some hide the fact because they think, what other Sahajis would think, what he/she is doing in Sahaj Yoga for such a long period, whereas he/she is not feeling vibrations, some shows that, they are drenched with into chilling vibrations, they usually mislead people out of fear of being called bad Sahaji, some start catching others Chakras and telling others faults to camouflage their own situation, some starts chanting mantras to get more vibrations, some try all the techniques to cleanse all their Chakras and some wise Sahajis leave everything over 'Mother' if they do not acknowledge vibrations into their system. What to do.....?

If we talk technically, the reason of less vibration is only and only is, dual personally of us which by default we adopt unknowingly or due to unawareness which we are carrying from our Materialistic world in which we usually or frequently tell lies, we do show-offs, use Hypocrisy, hide truths, misguide and mislead others for some earnings and some sort of materialistic benefits. These habits are followed by us by mistake due to habit and the conditioning of Mind and the circuit of Pure Vibrations cut down automatically.  

Because our brain has the quality of tallying everything which comes before our consciousness and awareness and when we talk about such things then our brain compare with previous information and if our brain sees that the information is correct then it opens the gate of both the Agnya Chakra and let the Pure Energy come into our Subtle System other wise the gate remains closed. So this is the basic reason of less vibration. If we follow truth and do not imitate others then we will never have the problem of less vibrations and catching of Chakras.  

Unfortunately few of us want to be what we are not inside and always try to follow what we are not having. We usually ignore Our-Self and try to act according to the superficial or external know-how. for example, we read books and immediately telling other to do this and to do that without experiencing by our self what is written in that books. The same we do with the lectures of 'Shree Mata ji' without realizing them into our experience. If we want to maintain the good flow of vibrations, we are not supposed to do great jobs but to follow truth and our own experience, my awareness wants to assure you that no body will has to face reduced vibrations.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----57-----"Emotions and Feelings---19.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "------"Emotions and Feelings"

 “Usually our life Dangles in between Emotions and Feelings even after getting Self Realization as per the level of our awareness. Heart expresses feelings which manifest Truth while Mind exhibits Emotions which may be due to severe conditioning and Attachments.

 Sometimes it leads to Myths and false attitude. Out of Intense Emotions, often we weep, cry, fight, criticize, compare, dominate and do so many Anti-Natures and Anti-God deeds which become liable to face more severe problems in our coming life. Out of Severe Rigidity of Emotions we some time Even Kill a person and become a victim of Bad Karmas.  All types of Terrorism, Extremism and Fanaticisms is due to Negative Emotions.

Everywhere whether in our World, Country, State, city, Society, Home, among several religions and Even in Sahaj Yoga Religion, we can see there is a conflict due to Negative Emotions. Through Emotions, Our Conditioned Mind is dominating every one.

On the contrary if we rely on the feelings of our Heart and Subtle Energy at our Subtle Centers then we may be guided by ‘Shree Adi shakti’ who always flow in Nirakar Form into our Subtle system and Keep us away from all types of Illusions and Myths and make our life Worthy and Prosperous in all manners. So we must be alert about the influence of our Mind.

That’s why, it is always said, “Feeling is greater than any Knowledge or we may say Feeling is Knowledge.”

“You are not the sum of your physical, mental, emotional life, but you are designed for the spiritual. The whole design of the human being is created to enjoy your spiritual life and not the material life. This is the basic thing human beings don’t understand and that’s why, if they knew this fundamental thing, they would seek their spirit first and they would not seek other things.”-------------------H.H.Shree Mata Ji Shree Nirmala Devi


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"