Monday, November 28, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"-----59---"Rigidity of Mind"----28.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"--------"Rigidity of Mind"

" Our Mind behaves like an Obstinate Kid in normal practice who always fight for the things which is given to him earlier and being liked by him/her first then he/she use to refuse to give them back like small children who do not want to return anything.

They become so possessive about their toys, trophies, chocolates, pen-pencils, pencil boxes, books what ever they like the most. Even if their teacher teaches them anything in using one method for solving some question first then they become so adamant that they do not want to listen even to their parents if they would be telling the another  method to solve the same question.

Whatever they learn in first time that becomes their last know-how. They will always say to their parents that their teacher taught them the right things, “you are wrong, you are not right. So same thing happens with our Mind, whatever it gets through its intellect first time that uses to be the last thing in its memory. After that whatever will come before it then it starts comparing with its previous know-how then it may select or reject according to its priorities and acknowledgement.

Just remember the Mythological Story of “Maa Gauri” who made ‘Sri Ganesha’ for ‘Her’ convenience to look after the entrance while taking ‘Her’ Bath, you know, ‘Shree Ganesha is so ignorant that ‘He’ could not recognize ‘His’ Father ‘Shree Shiva’ and protested ‘Him’ then ‘Shree Shiva’ cut down ‘his’ Head then ‘Maa Gauri’ cried and wept. Then ‘Shree Shiva’ joined ‘His’ Head of an Elephant. Only then ‘Shree Ganesha’ was recognized as the Initiator of Auspiciousness.

The same thing happens into our Subtle System, ‘Maa Gauri’ is representing our Soul (‘Maa Kundalini)’, ‘Shree Ganesha’ is representing our Mind which was made by our Soul for ‘Her’ support, but ‘He’ is yet to be recognized by our Spirit, and ‘Shree Shiva’ is representing our Spirit. When the pure love of our Spirit reaches to the obstinate and ignorant Mind then our Mind surrenders and transformers into the Child of ‘Maa Parwati and Father Shiva’. Then our Mind helps us in every aspect of our life.

It means, when and until our Soul meets our Spirit our Mind cannot get the pure knowledge of Truth and show its rigidity which does not allow the Eternal Energy to come into our Subtle System, and our Mind dominates our Soul. That’s why few of us fight and argue with each others. If we keep our attention into our Central Heart and at Sahastrara, only then our Rigid Mind can get an Ease and become knowledgeable.


……………………Jai Shree Mata ji

“The only way one can really understand what we are is by knowing yourself.”
  -----------------------H.H.Shree Mata Ji Shree Nirmala Devi

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----58---"Problem of Less Vibration--22.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----"Problem of Less Vibration"

 ‎"The problem of less vibration among Sahajis are very common, some are very honest they clearly tell every one, some feel shy, some hide the fact because they think, what other Sahajis would think, what he/she is doing in Sahaj Yoga for such a long period, whereas he/she is not feeling vibrations, some shows that, they are drenched with into chilling vibrations, they usually mislead people out of fear of being called bad Sahaji, some start catching others Chakras and telling others faults to camouflage their own situation, some starts chanting mantras to get more vibrations, some try all the techniques to cleanse all their Chakras and some wise Sahajis leave everything over 'Mother' if they do not acknowledge vibrations into their system. What to do.....?

If we talk technically, the reason of less vibration is only and only is, dual personally of us which by default we adopt unknowingly or due to unawareness which we are carrying from our Materialistic world in which we usually or frequently tell lies, we do show-offs, use Hypocrisy, hide truths, misguide and mislead others for some earnings and some sort of materialistic benefits. These habits are followed by us by mistake due to habit and the conditioning of Mind and the circuit of Pure Vibrations cut down automatically.  

Because our brain has the quality of tallying everything which comes before our consciousness and awareness and when we talk about such things then our brain compare with previous information and if our brain sees that the information is correct then it opens the gate of both the Agnya Chakra and let the Pure Energy come into our Subtle System other wise the gate remains closed. So this is the basic reason of less vibration. If we follow truth and do not imitate others then we will never have the problem of less vibrations and catching of Chakras.  

Unfortunately few of us want to be what we are not inside and always try to follow what we are not having. We usually ignore Our-Self and try to act according to the superficial or external know-how. for example, we read books and immediately telling other to do this and to do that without experiencing by our self what is written in that books. The same we do with the lectures of 'Shree Mata ji' without realizing them into our experience. If we want to maintain the good flow of vibrations, we are not supposed to do great jobs but to follow truth and our own experience, my awareness wants to assure you that no body will has to face reduced vibrations.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----57-----"Emotions and Feelings---19.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "------"Emotions and Feelings"

 “Usually our life Dangles in between Emotions and Feelings even after getting Self Realization as per the level of our awareness. Heart expresses feelings which manifest Truth while Mind exhibits Emotions which may be due to severe conditioning and Attachments.

 Sometimes it leads to Myths and false attitude. Out of Intense Emotions, often we weep, cry, fight, criticize, compare, dominate and do so many Anti-Natures and Anti-God deeds which become liable to face more severe problems in our coming life. Out of Severe Rigidity of Emotions we some time Even Kill a person and become a victim of Bad Karmas.  All types of Terrorism, Extremism and Fanaticisms is due to Negative Emotions.

Everywhere whether in our World, Country, State, city, Society, Home, among several religions and Even in Sahaj Yoga Religion, we can see there is a conflict due to Negative Emotions. Through Emotions, Our Conditioned Mind is dominating every one.

On the contrary if we rely on the feelings of our Heart and Subtle Energy at our Subtle Centers then we may be guided by ‘Shree Adi shakti’ who always flow in Nirakar Form into our Subtle system and Keep us away from all types of Illusions and Myths and make our life Worthy and Prosperous in all manners. So we must be alert about the influence of our Mind.

That’s why, it is always said, “Feeling is greater than any Knowledge or we may say Feeling is Knowledge.”

“You are not the sum of your physical, mental, emotional life, but you are designed for the spiritual. The whole design of the human being is created to enjoy your spiritual life and not the material life. This is the basic thing human beings don’t understand and that’s why, if they knew this fundamental thing, they would seek their spirit first and they would not seek other things.”-------------------H.H.Shree Mata Ji Shree Nirmala Devi


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "------56--"Problem at Domestic Front"---16.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "------"Problem at Domestic Front"

Jai Shree Mata Ji, we often listen and see our Sahajis having some problems of coordination on domestic front because of the variation in idiosyncrasy related to religious feelings among family members. Few of us have to face criticism by our own family members because they are following some other religious practices. 

Some times the situation becomes so adverse that our Sahajis use to think, either they should leave the house or they should stop following Sahaj yoga. And more worse, when the close relations like Mother-Son/daughter, Father-Son/daughter or even Husband- Wife get affected and become sour. So what should be done in these types of situations, some of us usually think continuously or curse our fate.

I have seen some of us sit for meditation without letting others know, some of us lie if any of our family member ask," where were you." Some of us have to fight over the issue of Sahaj Yoga, some of us have to go through mocking faces of our near and dear, some of us have to listen undignified talking regarding Sahaj Yoga or 'Mother'. 

For all types of above and more bad situations, my awareness would like to share some practical tips which may be helpful for improving the bad atmosphere of the house of our Sahajis as well as in relations among family members.

1) First of all try to maintain vibrations at Sahastrara and in Central Heart during Meditation whether some one is sitting before 'Shree Mata Ji' or somewhere else. Try to feel some sensation at both the Centers at least for 3-5 minutes. 

2) Then take your attention to the Sahastrara of the family members who is creating problem and supply pure love from you heart to his/her Sahastrara at least for two minutes continuously then take your attention to the Central heart and again supply Pure Love of 'Maa' into his/her Central Heart at least for two minutes when and until you feel some increased vibrations into your Sahastrara and in Central Heart. Do this process almost twice a day or more time as you wish. If 'Shree Maa' will you would definitely get some solution. Either he/she would stop creating problem or he/she would be away from you, means you would some how get some peace. 

When we supply Pure Energy from our Central Heart then our Emotions and True Feelings also go along with the divine energy into the Central heart of that family member and slowly he/she might change his/her attitude. This had been tried in several cases. Try this if you would like.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"------55-----"Influence of Nadies"----14.11.11

"मानवीय 'चेतना' के दो सहचर"

हम सभी मानवों की चेतनाओं को मुख्यत: दो सहचरों का साथ मिलता है और वो हैं प्रथम सहचर, हमारा 'मन'(कोष) जिसका निर्माण हमारे प्रथम मानवीय जन्म  के साथ ही हो जाता है, जहाँ भी हम जाते हैं , जो भी हम करते हैं, जिसके साथ भी हम रहते हैं, जो भी वस्तु का हम उपभोग करते हैं,जो भी कार्य हम करते हैं, जो भी वातावरण हमें रहने को मिलता है उन सभी की स्मृतियाँ मन रुपी कोष में भर जाती है और ये सभी स्मृतियाँ अगले ही पल में ज्ञान का रूप ले लेती हैं, अत: हमारा मन मूर्त रूप धारण कर लेता है और आगे के सांसारिक कार्यों के लिए हमारा मार्ग दर्शन करता है।

जब भी हमारा सर्व प्रथम जन्म हुआ था तो उस समय हमारे पास केवल एक ही ज्ञान था और वो था हमारे 'उद्गम' का ज्ञान यानी 'परमपिता' का ज्ञान, क्योंकि ईश्वर ने हमें हमारी 'आत्मा'(साक्षी) व् जीवात्मा'(प्रेरणा) के साथ जन्मा है और संसार में रहने के लिए हमारी जीवात्मा ने ही मन(कर्ता) का निर्माण किया. क्योंकि जीवात्मा तो संसार के भ्रमण पर आयी है परमात्मा की इस रचना का अनुभव करने आई है और इस संसार में विचरण करने के लिए ही उसने मन रुपी कोष  को उत्पन्न किया है। 

जीवात्मा तो परम-पिता की शक्ति का अंश है एक प्रकार से 'परमात्मा' के पूर्ण ज्ञान का कोष है और संसार के तौर तरीको को बिलकुल भी नहीं जानती और न ही वो इनमे लिप्त ही हो सकती है. अत: अपनी सुविधा के लिए उसने मन का सहारा लिया है जैसे की हम यदि कहीं किसी भी जगह घूमना चाहते हैं कोई गाडी किराये पर ले लेते हैं और जगह-जगह घूमते हैं. इस कारण हमारा मन पहले से ही 'परमात्मा' को जानता है. क्योंकि उस वक्त हमारे पास कोई विकार नहीं था और न ही कोई सांसारिक स्मृति ही थी।

जैसे की यदि कोई बच्चा इस संसार में जन्म लेता है तो प्रारंभिक अवस्था में वो बिलकुल भी नहीं जानता की वो कहाँ रहेगा, क्या खायेगा, किसके साथ रहेगा, इसी प्रकार से मन को भी नहीं पता था की उसे क्या-क्या देखना होगा. और जब धीरे-धीरे बड़ा होता जाता है तो बहुत सी यादें ज्ञान के रूप में उसके साथ जुडती जातीं हैं और बच्चा इस संसार में जीने योग्य ज्ञान को प्राप्त करता जाता है।

जब हमारा दुबारा जनम होता है तो वास्तव में हमारी जीवात्मा(कुण्डलिनी) ही मन को अपने भीतर में धारण करती है, और हमें जन्म देकर पुन: मन को मुक्त कर देती है और मन हमारे लेफ्ट-आगन्या से जुड़ जाता है  ताकि जिस मानव को उसने जन्म दिया है उसे संसार में रहने योग्य ज्ञान मन की सहायता से विरासत में मिल जाए. इसीलिए हम सभी जन्म लेने के  दो-तीन वर्षो  बाद अपने-अपने मन की करने लगते हैं. पसंद-नापसंद जाहिर करने लगते हैं। 

जैसा की  'श्री माँ' ने बताया था की कुण्डलिनी जन्म देने के बाद हमारी त्रिकोणकार अस्थि में बैठ जाती है और एक प्रकार से निष्क्रिय हो जाती है जब तक के उसको पुन: जगाया न जाए तो ऐसी दशा में मन ही उसे समस्त प्रकार के अनुभव करता है क्योंकि वह सक्रिय हो जाता है. तो इससे ये निष्कर्ष निकलता है की मन भी इसका अप्रत्यक्ष रूप में सहायक होता है. परेशानी केवल तब ही बढती है जब मन सांसारिक उपभोग में रम कर आगे की यात्रा को रोक देता है और पूरी तरह संसारिकता में लिप्त हो जाता है और छणिक अननद के चक्कर में फंस जाता है। 

ऐसी ही दशा में कुण्डलिनी को बहुत घुटन होती है और वो छटपटाना प्रारंभ कर देती है और मानव को बहुत ही असंतोष का अनुभव होता है. अपनी असंतुष्टि को दूर करने के लिए वो एक-एक करके अपनी सुविधा व् पसंद की सभी वस्तुएं व् मानवों को अपने चारों ओर एकत्रित करता जाता है फिर भी उसके भीतर का असंतोष नहीं जाता तब थक हार कर वो 'परमात्मा की ओर मुड़ता है और उनसे जुड़ने की सच्ची पुकार करता है। 

यही वो अनमोल  क्षण होता है जब उसको कोई सद-मार्ग मिलता है और परमपिता के द्वारा उसकी कुण्डलिनी जागृत करने  की व्यवस्था कर दी जाती है. और जब कुण्डलिनी जागृत हो जाती है तो मन बड़ा प्रसन्न होता है क्योंकि उसका भूला हुआ साथी उसे पुन: प्राप्त हो जाता है. और इसी क्षण से मानव की चेतना को दूसरा 'सहचर' उपलब्ध हो जाता है. और अब मानव के जीवन का आनंद बढता जाता है। 

पहले तो उसे केवल संसार की चीजो व् हालात का ज्ञान था अब उसे अपने वास्तविक 'माता-पिता' का ज्ञान भी होने लगता है. वह स्वम को सुरक्षित व् प्रसन्न महसूस करने लगता है. एक तरफ मानव 'माँ कुण्डलिनी' का दुलार पाता है तो दूसरी ओर 'मन' उसका परम मित्र बन जाता है, जो पहले अक्सर उसे जिद्दी बच्चे के सामान कष्ट देता था. अब मानव दोनों के ही ज्ञान का लाभ उठता है, एक तरफ 'परमात्मा' के द्वारा बनाये गए संसार का मजा लेता है तो दूसरी ओर 'परमपिता' के सानिग्ध्य का लाभ भी उठता है और अपने मानवीय जीवन को सफल बनता है. इसीलिए देवता भी इस मानवीय जीवन को तरसते रहते हैं। 

ऐसी सुन्दर स्थिति में अब मन भी एक यात्री बन जाता है और कुण्डलिनी का मित्र बन कर उसके साथ पुन: घूमना प्रारंभ कर देता है और हम सभी की मानवीय चेतना को दोनों प्रकार का लाभ अच्छे से मिलना प्रारंभ हो जाता है और हम सबकी चेतना उत्थित होने लगती है. कभी-कभी हमारा मन जब अनेको भावनाओं की वीथिकाओं की भूल-भूल्भुल्य्या में फंस जाता है तो अपनी शक्ति देकर 'माँ कुण्डलिनी' उसे बाहर निकाल देती है।

और जब भी कभी साधक, साधना में अत्यधिक लीन होकर सांसारिक कर्तव्यों से विमुख होने लगता है तब मन अनेको सुन्दर-सुन्दर स्थितियां दिखा कर साधक को अति-गाम्भीर्य से बचाता है और 'परमात्मा' के बनाये सुन्दर संसार का आनंद भी दिलाता है और संतुलित रखता है.  इस प्रकार से दोनों ही 'सहचर' किसी भी प्रकार के अति-वाद से हमें बचाने में  हमारी मदद करते हैं।

तो इस प्रकार से हमारा मन हमारी कुण्डलिनी 'माँ' को मानवीय स्वभाव व् भावनाओं से परिचित करता है और हमारी कुण्डलिनी माँ मन को परमात्मा के बनाये अनेको लोको व् अलोकिक दुनिया से अवगत कराती है और दोनों ही एक दूसरे के ज्ञान से संपन्न हो जाते हैं, एक दूसरे के पूरक हो जाते हैं। 

कुण्डलिनी मन का रूप धर लेती है और मन कुण्डलिनी का रूप धारण कर लेता है. कुण्डलिनी का लाभ संसार को मिलना प्रारंभ हो जाता है और मन का आनंद समस्त देवी-देवताओं को मिलने लगता है. कुण्डलिनी की शक्ति समस्त मानवो को जाग्रति देने व् जोड़ने का कार्य करती है और मन सभी मानवों में आनंद भर देता है. इधर कुण्डलिनी आनंदित रहने लगती है उधर मन शक्ति शाली हो जाता है। 

कुण्डलिनी 'माँ' बन जाती है और मन पिता बन जाता है. और दोनों एक दूसरे में समां कर  अर्ध-नारीश्वर बनकर सत्य साधक को सदा आशीर्वादित करते रहते है और साधक दोनों से प्रेम पाकर  सारी मानव जाती को लाभान्वित करता चला जाता है  और पूर्ण रूप से मुक्त हो जाता है. इसीलिए कहा जाता है की भगवान मन में रहते हैं.


"Jai Shree Mata ji" 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----54----Different Salutations"---10.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----Different Salutations"

  We usually see people of all the community saluting each other in different forms, basically these are the symbols of Spiritual Practices of different methods which was recommended by their masters as per my awareness:-- 
a)  We ‘Sanatani ‘ do ‘Pranaam’(Namaste) with clasping our both the hands and palm _()_,our left hand represents our Ida Nadi and our Right hand represents our Pingla Nadi, when we join both the hands then it becomes Sushummana Nadi, means we are following ‘Madhya Marg’. When we say Pranaam, Pra+Naam, Pra=Paar Brahma (Beyond Universe), Naam=Naman (Bowing Head with reciting or remembering ‘His’ name.) It means when we do Pranaam internally we say,”O’ God, ‘You’ live beyond this universe, we bow our head before you and we see you in the form of The Spirit, sitting into the heart of this person .

b)  Just watch the process what Christens do while sitting before ‘God’, they use to touch their Fore head , Left heart and Right Heart, make a Triangle while touching all the three chakras, means Energizing their Central heart to generate Forgiveness and Central Agnya to both the Heart Chakras with their Right Hand which represents Vishudhi Chakra  because our arm represent our Vishudhi Chakra. They always say,”God Bless You” G+O+D means G=Go into the O=Ocean of D=Divinity.

c)  Now  look at what Muslims do while doing ‘Cornish’, they just bend forward and bow their head and then take their right hand  close to their Central Agnya, means they vibrate their Agnya with the help of Vishudhi chakra, and vibrate their Vishudhi with Agnya Chakra. it means they are indicating we get the power of God from our Agnya Chakra. They Say, Aslaam Wale Kum, and another person say,”Wale Kum Salaam”, I do not know the exact meaning but as my awareness sense,It means, God takes care of you, Another phrase they use,"Yaa Quadirau”+ ‘O’ God you are everywhere, you take care of everything.

d)  The Biggest number of follower of Buddha are Japanese who do,”Saayo Naara”  by bending their back forward bowing their head and  touch their Central heart with their Right hand, which again a process of Vibrating Central heart by Vishudhi Chakra, or vibrating each other. It means they want to tell that the Mother Energy is sitting into the Heart and we are the follower of Shakti.

e)  In the End of this contemplation we come to ‘Sikhs’ they too clasp their hands with bowing their head,”Sat Shree Akaal, Vaahe Guru Da Khalsa, Vahe Guru Thee Fateh “means, “The Truth (God) is beyond time, that can never be ruled by the time, Those who are following God, they are Pure, ‘O’ God, everybody should remember your name forever.”

f)   And all of us say,”Jai Shree Mata Ji” 


"Jai Shree Mata ji"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"-----53----"Sheer Unawareness"---08.11.11

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"------"Sheer Unawareness"

 “Often we listen Sahajis talking  about other Sahajis like :--“he/she  has got bad vibrations”,  “his house has got some negativity”, we went there and our Agnya had caught”, “that person is left sided”, this person is right sided”,  “he/she has got ‘BHOOT’ in side his/her system”, “he/she is ill or he/she met an accident because of some negativity”, “he/she has got some disease so we should not go there otherwise we would catch”, “He/she has EGO, you see, my head is aching”, etc.

It is seen in Sahaj yoga, all types of these talking’s generally based on Hear-Says, unfortunately few of our Sahajis could hardly check the right vibrations of any place and of any persons.  Because whatever is heard by them from others goes directly to their Mind. So whenever they tend to check the vibration of so called Sahaji, their Attention Automatically goes to their Mind first and detects the out dated information.  In response they got hot vibrations because unknowingly they took information from their Mind which contains out dated data, instead from the Truth.

 That’s why their Hands become Hot. And they come to the conclusion that such person has got negativity inside.  Because our Mind cannot contain the latest information, means It cannot keep Present into its store.

As per my practical know-how my awareness wants to share some practical tips of checking vibrations with you all.
First of all we must always feel sensation at our Sahastrara and into our Central heart and then we should take our attention to the Sahastrara of the person whom we are going to check at least for 30-45 seconds and then take our attention into the Central heart of that person and keep our attention at least for one minutes when and until we feel some sensation either Hot & Cool, palpitation, throbbing and a feeling of vacuum. 

And now we should spread our Palms open towards sky while keeping your attention at both the centers and try to feel his/her vibrations. This process will tell you the exact positions of that person.

The same process can be done for any type of place. In this process Our Individual Deity like “Maa Jagdamba” interacts with another “Jagdamba” of that person who gives us right information about  us as well as about another one. “Maa Jagdamba’ is the Commander In Chief of our Subtle System as well as External System. Try this……………If you would like.

."चक्र , लहरियां तथा कुण्डलिनी का ज्ञान शुद्ध विद्या नहीं है, सर्व शक्तिमान परमात्मा का ज्ञान ही शुद्ध बिद्या है."------परम पूज्य श्री माता जी श्री निर्मला देवी

(Translation:---“The knowledge of Chakras, Vibration and Kundalini is not Pure Knowledge."


"Jai Shree Mata ji"