Friday, January 27, 2012

"The Seeker--1" Contemplation (चिंतन)--73

"The Seeker--1"Contemplation (चिंतन)

”We usually talk about seeking, and some time we usually say in layman’s style, “I am a seeker, I haven’t come in Sahaj Yoga out of any type of Need and Demand.”

Now the question rises, who is there to let us say “I am a seeker” and playing the actual role in us as Seeker?  Are we really there to perform this duty?, Or our consciousness is there as seeker? , Or our Awareness is behind the veil? Or our mind wants seeking?, Or our Brain is leading towards seeking?, Or our Wisdom is pushing ahead for seeking?, Or  our Sub-Conscious or Supra Conscious is working in disguise ?  Is it our Spirit or Soul who is inspiring us to seek the truth?

As per my internal understanding It is only and only one Existence in us e. i. our “Soul”, an Enlightened Part n Parcel of ‘Almighty’ who has come to explore the creation of ‘God’. Our Soul has been sent to this planet to move and to experience this world in the form of Human Being.

And now our Soul has stuck due to the rigidity of Mind and our Mind is compelling our Soul to take birth after births to fulfill its unfulfilled desire. So our Soul is suffering some sort of imprisonment that’s why ‘This Divine’ (Soul) being motivates our Awareness to find out the ways so that It can get free again and go back to its Source.  So, we usually tend to think about Salvation. Actually this is the Salvation of our Soul.

Our Soul plays a role of our Individual Spiritual Mother so ‘She’ tries ‘Her’ level best to fulfill our all the Materialistic and Spiritual desires which are necessary for our Ascent.  Our Soul treats our Mind as a very young adamant child and treats our Awareness as a Sensible Elderly Child. Sometimes Our Awareness has to bind before the Obstinate Mind. That’s why some times our Mind dominates us and we become slave of Mind.  But after some times our Souls energizes our Awareness and we become free from the grip of Mind.

“Shree Maa’ always says,”Satya Sadhkon ko mera Pranaam.”(I salute to the Seeker of Truth) because ‘She’ does Pranaam to ‘Her’ Nirmal Particle e .i. Our Soul."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Causes of fixation of conditioning among us"---Contemplation(चिंतन)--72

"Causes of fixation of conditioning among us"---Contemplation(चिंतन)

Usually all of us have come into Sahaj Yoga bearing various purposes as per our need and awareness. Which is the main cause of difference in opinion regarding Meditation?
Whenever some of us go outside for conducting Self Realization, we usually brief about Sahaj Yoga to the New Comers that so many problems like Mental, Physical, Psychological and Spiritual problems can be rectified if any one follow Sahaj Yoga, so new people chose this as per their requirement and started following Sahaj Meditation with the condition of being correct which become liable to generate conditioning.

After following meditation for say about few months or week when people become alright with so called problems then they are tend to do what they have already done for their rectification and unfortunately even they adopt that method for ever and tell others too to follow what they have done. 
Though it is quite natural but this type of practice creates so many problems for New Comers who are not suffering with that particular problem. New persons have come with some another problem or desire so their priorities would definitely be changed regarding meditation and their method might be changed as per their need. Thus, creates conflict regarding the procedure of the beginning of meditation. 

If such types of Sahaj Follower are sitting on the Seats of Sahaj Organization then the problem becomes more crucial because they try to force to do what they know and condemns those who have discovered easy and feasible methods as per the requirement of time as well as per the different taste of the follower. That’s why and controversy begins among Sahaj Followers. So inherent needs of Meditation are the main cause of such types of differences in the chosen methods of Meditation.
We usually have come into Sahaj Meditation out of four types of Need e.i:-- 

‘Deenta’=To be Completely Discouraged and Depressed after Several Efforts
‘Heenta’=A feeling of Severe Guilt
‘Daridrta’=Extreme Poverty
‘Khoj’====Seeking of Truth 

So few of us tend to do ‘Conditional Meditation’ which is carrying hidden demand and making the Natural Meditation complicated. Natural Meditation is nothing but maintaining the Company of ‘Almighty’ without any type of demand and condition in all circumstances and situation.
If someone is enjoying the Flow of Vibration at Sahastrara and into his/her Central Heart using any type of method, it means the method is perfect.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, January 9, 2012

"Darshan"-------Contemplation (चिंतन)-----71

"Darshan"-------Contemplation (चिंतन)

“We usually hear from Sahajis about the ‘Darshan’ (Visualization) during the state of meditation, thought it has been heard from ancient time, it is written in books, it is told in Mythological stories and this is a very common topic among devotees of ‘God’ irrespective of  ‘Forms’ of God.

All of us usually worship God in several forms as per our old rituals, sacred practices, Religious ‘Sanskaras’ (Conditionings) and liking either, ‘Shree Shiva, Sri Jagdamba, Sri Hanumana,Sri Ganesha, Sri Krishna,Sri Buddha, Sri Mahaveera, Sri Jesus, Sri Sai Nath, Sri Nanaka, Guru Govind Sing Ji, and ‘Shree Mata Ji’. Now the question rises, why we get ‘Darshan’ of all our adorable Deities during Mediation?
On the contrary, some of us often deny ‘Darshan’ during Meditation.  

Why there are two types of situation?  Is ‘God’ discriminating? Or we are not eligible to see ‘Him’ into our meditation?  This thing often give pain to some of us, thinking negative side if we do not any Glimpse of ‘Him’ during the spell of meditation.  And some of us feel proud because they are privileged by ‘His’ presence while Meditation.

Actually as per my awareness, “When our Kundalini touches our Sahastrara and connects with ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ and we feel vibration at our Sahastrara and then if we take this Energy to our Central Heart with the help of our attention then our Individual Deity ‘Maa Jagdamba’ awakes and take form of our worshiping Deity and comes into our Agnya Chakra to make us sure of the Path (Sahaj Yoga) and ‘Shree Mata Ji’. Because some of us still lacks faith in ‘Shree Mata Ji’ so our Old Deities have to prove ‘Shree Mata Ji’ by coming into our “Darshan” (Agnya Chakra). So that we might develop faith in our ‘Beloved Mother’.

Technically, When our Central heart Chakras ignites with help of the Energy of Sahastrara then it produce more energy which circulates into our all the five chakras and then reaches to our Left Agnya Chakra (Collective Sub Conscious), and then this chakras releases all the Forms of our Deities which were worshiped by us in our previous Births to make our Awareness Assure that ‘Shree Mata Ji’ is the present Deity whom should be worshiped. So this is some sort of Mental Projection.

We may see the Future Deity, because this energy goes into our Right Agnya (Supra Conscious) and reveal the truth of future easily which may come into our Meditation on into our Dream.  So there is nothing to be worried about or to be proud of “Darshan”. It is quite a normal process of Ascending into Meditation and touching the Truth."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, January 2, 2012

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----70---"Revitalization of the Sensitivity of Sahastrara"

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----"Revitalization of the Sensitivity of Sahastrara"

Jai Shree Mata ji, here, my awareness is sharing few tips to revive the Sensitivity of our Sahastrara for those who do not feel  vibration at their Sahastrara, I have met  several Sahaj Followers  who’s sensitivity of Sahastrara is either very low frequency or completely nil and they feel difficulty in meditation due to absence of vibration. And unfortunately they hide this truth from other Sahaj Followers out of hesitation or out of incompetence.

My awareness knows, they feel very miserable inside and always feel guilty in front of ‘Shree Mata Ji’. They always think that they must have done something wrong that’s why they are not feeling vibrations. Sometimes they become scared and sometimes they become timid inside, thinking so many negative things with negative consequences for themselves.  So, there are few very simple tips which might enable any Sahaj Follower to feel vibration at their Sahastrara: ---

a)First of all just take your attention to your Central  Heart and feel ‘Shree Mata Ji’ there for 30-40 seconds and ask ‘Mother’ to let me  feel your presence at Sahastrara in the form of Vibration.

b)You may take a paper and make a ball of that and keep that ball at your Sahastrara and then try to feel  the touch of that ball at your Sahastrara at least  for 2-3 minutes  at every sitting and you may repeat this process as many time as you like. You would see after few days you might be able to feel sensation at your Sahastrara.

c) You may sit comfortable for meditation and then Inhale properly and stop your Breath at least for 20-30 seconds; feeling and thinking you are Staying with ‘Shree Mata Ji’ in your Central Heart and then release your breath slowly.  When you inhale you may feel some pressure at your Sahastrara and when you Exhale then you may feel some sort of feeling of Vacuum in you Central Heart. Both are very good signs, actually this process is capable to Open our Central Heart chakra, and when it opens then it produces more Energy which first,  goes to all the chakras and then finally passes through our Sahastrara after opening our Brahmm-Randhras (Sahastrara Holes).

d) If some is Asthmatic then he/she can do another process instead of stopping breath. He/she can take his/her attention to his/her Sahastrara while inhaling and then take his/her attention to Central Heart while Exhaling. One should repeat this process as much as time as possible when and until One feel sensation at One’s Sahastrara. This is very Easy as well as very good process of Generating Sensitivity at Sahastrara. If we repeat this technique at the time of going to Bed, it may work miraculously for sound Sleep.   So these are few practical tips which have been tried and tested for at least past 11 years, they usually works and capable to let us feel Vibration at Our Sahastrara and into our Central heart.  My awareness wish good luck for those who are going to try this.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"