Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara" 24x7--21 "The Source"---Contemplation---96

"Sitting at Sahastrara" 24x7--21 "The Source"

21) “ It is always said that children always originate from parents but in some peculiar cases it is just opposite in a way, “Children have given birth to their parents” , so astonishing this statement is. Is not it?  Yes, it is true as per my awareness, when it is concerned with the magnet.

A piece of magnet has an independent energy field,  when all the pieces of magnet come closer up to some extent then they stick together and their individual magnetic power  become a collective power and their collective energy field enhances automatically which is capable to convert iron into magnet.  

We must have heard about the magnetic zone in the North at our planet and it always pulls all the magnets towards itself through its magnetic field.  We may take the example of the needle of compass which always indicates North side though it is quite far from the magnetic zone.

That’s why we may say the several pieces of magnet has created a huge mass of magnet which looks like  a mountain So we assume that piece of magnet is like a child and a huge mass of magnet is like its father and the magnetic power of that huge mass is like mother. The power of magnets always keeps all the magnets bonded together. Thus the children have created their parents. When they remain united for thousands and thousands years then their outlines vanishes and they seems one piece.

The same thing happens with the particles of the Soil which take millions of years to convert into stone, through the process of metamorphism. And when we break that stone and crush that into power then it will convert into soil again but with some peculiarities in the comparison with the prior stage.  Now this power would be having the capacity of joining two stone together if it is mixed with water. It would work just like the Cement. 

So same happens with our Souls, our souls are too, an independent enlightened particles, having individual energy field up to some extent, when they join together then the energy field multiplies and it become one, converts into the Power of ‘Mother Adi Shakti’ and the collective form of the souls becomes the bearer of  “Adi Shakti” means, “God”. 

And when a soul is kept away from the ‘Whole Mass of Souls’ (God) then Its inclination would always be towards ‘God’ because of the Energy Field.  That’s why all of us have a natural inclination towards ‘God’. That is the only reason as per my awareness, ‘Shree Maa’ always has instructed us to be collective.  

The actual collectivity is the collectivities of Souls (Kundalini) , when they stay at Sahastrara only then they could become collective.  The energy of several Kundalini interacts with our Kundalini at our Sahastrara automatically because of the existing power of “Maa Adi Shakti “and make our Kundalini more powerful and connected with all the Kundalini of the people who are sitting at their Sahastrara in this Cosmos. 

So if we always remain at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart then every moment we would be getting more and more power from awakened Kundalini of others.  And we may easily communicate with ‘Almighty’ with the help of the infinitive energy field of several awakened Kundalini.

If a Sadhak/Sadhika always maintain energy field at his/her Sahastrara and his/her Central Heart then the power of his/her Kundalini expands and he/she would be able to channelize the power of ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ with the help of his/her attention easily as well as he/she would gain more and more knowledge of Subtle World because of the uninterrupted supply of the power of ‘Almighty’.  That person would work as the medium of ‘God’ and always try to help people in establishing connectivity with ‘Almighty’ always. 


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---20 "Compatibility"----Contemplation-----95

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---20 "Compatibility"

“Every Soul is meant to be connected with another Soul in this world, it has two poles like magnet which is liable to generate magnetic field between two Souls. When they get human body first time then they have been manifested in human form like male and female and they feel natural attraction for each other. And when they have been recycled again and again then their behavior shows different types of aptitude and temperament, liking or disliking, attraction or repulsion. Whereas they were attracted towards each other in very first birth so why they exhibit disliking or even repulsion in next cycles of their birth.

 It has only and only one reason which is, the influence of Mind over our awareness which use to be filled by the memories of different environment which are liable to suppress the originality of the desire of  the Soul and contaminates our awareness as well, and always try to dominate our awareness by imposing its desire and drag our awareness towards  comparison which causes repulsion between them. Even our mind is liable to change the traits of our Jeans when our awareness becomes imprisoned of mind.

Fortunately the beautiful and most precious day comes and we surrender to the ‘Lotus Feet of Shree Maa’ and ‘She’ flows ‘Her’ pure love to our Heart and our Heart flows ‘Her’ love to our mind then our obstinate mind changes its aptitude and this change of mind changes  the traits of  our Jeans.

It is seen, the finding of Soul Mates is the most difficult and crucial task for everyone in our society even for Sahaj Followers. Those who are not aware of Sahaj Yoga, they look upon so many things before establishing marital relation in our country like, Skin Color, features, height, weight, cast, earning, social status, dowry, parental back-ground, talking style, look, glance, eating habits, popularity , education, ceremonial expenses and lots of other things. Means all the analysis goes through mind only, what ever we keep in our mind we just want to fulfill that requirement.

Sometimes it seems that we are not looking for marriage but finding some sort of suitable home appliances to fulfill the need of our house because of the stuff of our mind. That is the only reason there are so many cases of divorce and humiliation everywhere.But if we live along with our Sahastrara and feel our Central Heart all the time then we might be able to choose our Soul Mate very easily without matching the parameters of our limited mind. 

In this situation we will never listen to our mind but we will be motivated by the impulses of our Central Heart which would be telling us about the perfect and suitable match for our instrument as a Soul Mate. Whenever ‘Shree Maa’ would want then ‘She’ would generate such a beautiful and suitable co-incidence that we would be surprised and feel more surrendered into ‘Her Lotus Feet’. ‘She’ would provide us the perfect and lifetime match for our external life as well as our spiritual growth.

When our ‘would be’ spouse come before us then our Central Heart would start pulsating with unidentified joy and we would feel some sort of pulling into our Central Heart which would be deemed as the consent of our ‘Beloved Mother’. And it would seem as; we have spent some time along with that person earlier whereas we would be meeting that person first time. It is sure that we cannot find a suitable companion for us with our own effort, this works belong to ‘Shree Maa’ only, ‘She’ is the only one who can reset our life cycle in one life.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"----19 "Enjoying Meditation while watching T V"---Contemplation---94

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"----19 "Enjoying Meditation while watching T V"

“All of us use to watch T V and occasionally we go out for watching movie in Cinema Halls, if we are young, our parents sometimes feel embarrassed because the quality of the movies are gradually getting down, excessive violence and vulgarity is increasing day by day. Sometimes it feels very odd to watch movie/serials along with family members because of the contents.  

So what should be done, should we avoid watching T V or movies together, or should we disconnect the cable connection for ever, or should we purchase three-four T Vs for all the family members? So this is a problem.

As per my practical routine experience, if we maintain to acknowledge the flow of energy at both the Centers like Central Heart and Sahastrara and then if we watch T V or movie in this state then we would not be affected with the illicit contents of the film. 

What ever we see, hear, listen, it used to be filtered by our Sahastrara first then it goes to our Central Heart which is very intelligently and efficiently absorb the proper contents and sends that to our memory for our benevolence. Thus, we would never get any types of negative influence while watching our favorite movie or serials but we would enjoy more.

Another thing which is very important and beneficial for us, if we watch T V/Movie while feeling Vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart then our thoughts will become stop and we would enjoy both the things at a time. We know properly, what ever is displayed on T V in the form of serials or movie, are fictions, we usually just witness the drama in that movie/serial, so our mind become busy in absorbing the contents what are being shown in the film and it stops releasing thoughts automatically.

In a layman’s language, we can say watching anything in witness state makes us free from our routine thoughts,  so same thing happens while watching T.V/ Movie, our mind and attention becomes engaged and we could not think anything which use to be troublesome for us.  Actually we become disturbed with the continuous chain of our own thoughts during the spell of meditation. 

The chain of thoughts belongs to us only, generally our thoughts rotates round our existence and often give us tension and create so much trouble.  So when our attention and mind become busy in any film then they automatically stop and give us relief for sometimes.  

Frankly speaking, I usually meditate while watching T.V which gives me more energy and enhance my concentration, it is very good and energy boosting.  You may try if you like.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"----18 "Utilization of Spare time"---Contemplation---93

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"----18 "Utilization of Spare time"

“Very often we have to wait for someone or we have to wait for our Train/Bus/Flight for a very long time and it feels very difficult to pass that time, it seems that our watch have stuck, we sometimes start walking here and there, or we try some book stalls, or we call someone and talk to him/her over our mobile , or if we have our lap-top then we usually surf/chat on  net, or we go near the office and read all the instructions very carefully, or sometimes we start doing some future planning or we sit silently and memories all the recent moments either good or bad and feel an effect of those moments in our mind accordingly. Means, we have to indulge our self in anything to pass the time of waiting.

As per my awareness if we are alone and we have to wait for some times then we may utilize our time by keeping our attention at our Sahastrara and into Central Heart first and realize the flow  in both the energy centers for few minutes then we should select Central Heart Chakra first and keep our attention into Central Heart and try to read the flow of vibration there. Because all pervading power make an abode into our Central Heart after opening the Central Heart Chakra in the form of ‘Maa Jagdamba, so we should enjoy ‘Her’ Company for some times by realizing  ‘Her’ existence in the form of vibration.

After this process, now we may try communication with ‘Her’, we may put some of our question before while feeling ‘Her’ into our Central Heart one by one, and we may get answers in the form of increasing and decreasing rhythm of the flow of energy. When ‘She’ says yes, then we will feel the increasing intensity of flow of energy, if ‘She’ denies then the flow would decrease. 

Apart from questions we may talk and share our feeling with ‘Her’, we may complain for any person or anything to ‘Her’ then we will feel intense vibrations into our Central Heart and at Sahastrara confirming ‘Her’ assurance of being with us. This assurance enhances us our Faith and Surrender as well as intensifies the energy and provides depth in our meditation.

If we keep our attention at anything in this situation then we automatically come to know so many things about that. ‘She’ helps us providing all the knowledge of what we think about. This is the stage when we become “Aatm Gyani” (full of self knowledge). We may keep our all the problems before ‘Her’ while feeling the flow at both the Centers, and then we may get the answers and solutions of our problems. ‘She’ gives every solution by making us understand ourselves internally; we may get impulses of new thoughts which might solves our problems and queries. 

Then we may select our Sahastrara and study the frequency of vibration by putting different situation or questions in this situation. Then we may try other Chakras one by one as per the query and desire. It is very interesting and energy boosting.  If we practice this we would never feel bore and alone but enjoy the companies of the Deities who are sitting on our chakras’. They are too, never let you feel loneliness and indifferent. Try this if you would like.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---17 "Coping with Severe Business"---Contemplation--92

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---17 "Coping with Severe Business"

“Most of the time we become the victim of severe busy-ness, we have to see several different types of works at a time alone, even we have to skip our meal, because of very busy-ness we could not check the work being done by our workers which was wrong, gave some monitory and good will losses.

we could not go through our important  paper work which was having some critical mistakes, had been submitted  to the Government Authority, sometimes we forget domestic assignments which is given by our family members to accomplish, especially given by our children for their school projects, or given by our spouse for her relatives.

And when we come back to our home then we have to go through their annoyance in spite of peaceful words of consolation,  in this negative mental disposition we become silent completely or we sometimes become  irritated and bust out with anger which causes more tension and unhappiness to us. 

We often feel that life has become a burden and unpleasant. Internally we feel humiliated and dejected and we start finding faults of others as well as of ourselves. This gives us more bitterness and makes us either aggressed or depressed.  Usually such types of situation make us suffocated inside and leads to psychosomatic disorder.

To overcome this discouraging situation we should keep our attention at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart always then we will become more powerful and more balanced. If we see that we have to go through critical busy-ness then we should keep our attention into our Central Heart which will reflect priorities of works one by one spontaneously so beautifully that all the work will be completed properly. 

If someone has done wrong with us then our Central Heart would guide us and take us away from any type of irritation, we would come back to our home with smile and peace that our family members would feel comfortable and they won’t complain for anything thought their work was not accomplished.  

Because our energy field make them understand our situation itself. Even we would not feel like using our tongue to make them understand. If some papers were submitted to Govt. Authority in a wrong manner then their Officers would suggests us the proper way to resubmit them without any types of penalty.

Actually this Divine Energy which sprouts from our Central Heart after being connected with Sahastrara, sooths every creature and every particle of this universe as well as ‘It’ reveals everything into its original forms which gives clarity and transparency to everyone.  That’s why a Sadhak/Sadhika becomes quite fearless, balanced, compassionate and tranquil inside.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---16 "The Acceptance".----Contemplation----91

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---16 "The Acceptance"

“Due to negative Karmas of our previous lives we have to go through tough phases of our external life, unfortunately we are blamed for something which we have not done, neither we know anything about that happenings but all the evidences go against us and we are declared accused of what we did not do. It happens sometimes and we feel demoralized, we curse our fate, we try our level best to convince the truth, but we fail.

In this severe situation we must maintain the flow of energy in both the Energy Centers and we should become third person and tell ourselves that “you are not guilty, you are not suffering, this is not your problem, this is the problem of ‘Maa’ who has given birth, ‘She’ will take care of us”. This counseling would help us and we become quite detached with the circumstances, we must understand that this is all due to our previous life cycles, so we can’t help our self.

It is better to be quite completely and be ready to face any thing up to any extent while being at Sahastrara and into our Central Heart. We should not run away from this situation because this had to be happened, if we try to escape or we try to manipulate the things then the magnitude of the problem would multiply and would affect us more. 

So it is far better to accept the adversity rather than finding any un-natural and wrong way for solution. But we should welcome all the negative circumstances with full patience and courage. We must take all these things as an examination taken by ‘Shree Maa’ for higher growth.

And it is a fact, as per my awareness, ‘Shree Maa’ peeps into our previous lives and find our all the negative and positive karmas and then assemble all the considerations of all the karmas in such a beautiful sequences that one by one different types of circumstances comes before us and slowly but firmly we move ahead with the feeling of Complete Surrender and faith. 

When ‘She’ provides adverse situation before us then our Surrender intensifies and when ‘She’ take us through celebration and good time then it should be assumed as a reward of complete surrender. 

When we touch the pinnacle of problems then we usually become detached and this detachment makes us ‘Nirvikalp’ means option less, we do not want to take any option except the company of ‘Shree Maa’ all the time at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart. Thus we could proceed ahead with the feeling of detachment as well as joy."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"----15 "Death"-----Contemplation---90

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"----15 "Death"

“Suddenly we come to know that someone whom we like the most has gone to another world leaving us bereaved, we feel so much pain and grief inside, even we could not eat properly, all the time we use to think about our dear one with wet eyes, again and again we tend to think why he/she has gone so early, why God has shown this time to us. We become so restless and suffer a lot thinking, thinking and thinking that it use to be quite impossible for us to sleep properly. We sit before ‘Shree Mata Ji’ for hours but our pain hardly subsides.

Generally we lose interest in our routine life out of the feeling of missing our dearest one all the time, it seems that everything has been seized from us, we are the only victim of fate, sometimes we curse our fate and our previous Karmas, sometimes we think, we are going through the period of punishment which was destined in our previous life.  

We feel, as if we are going to die, the loss of our beloved one is unbearable to us, out of severe mental disposition we tend to think that we should also die, what we would do living alone in this world without our dear one. We could hardly get relief of other’s consoling words, this state goes on for several days but our situation remains the same. At this situation what we should do, how we can overcome this sever circumstances? 

Though this is quite difficult period for everyone, and it is quite impossible to forget everything quickly, no magic can replace the loss of life.  In this tough phase, we may feel the love of our beloved at our Sahastrara and acknowledge that into our Central Heart continuously with pain and his/her memory. 

We must feel that he/she has become the part n parcel of our ‘Divine Mother’,”Adi Shakti” he/she has surrounded us in Nirakar form, we must live with him/her in the form of invisible Energy, so we should take this surrounded energy through our Sahastrara and in to our Central Heart in keeping view of his/her existence into the atoms of Cosmic Energy. If we do so then we would feel satisfaction and peace inside.

We know, when our Soul leave our mortal body then It may convert into ‘Astral Being’ or It has become one with ‘Almighty’ if It has been salvaged as per our Karmas. Astral Body has two categories, one is ‘Higher Astral Being’ who always helps and guide good people as per the instruction of ‘God’ in their Subtle Body like Lamas, Saints, Sad gurus, Peers, Darvesh etc. 

And second one is ‘Lower Astral Being’ who has to suffer even after physical death, they usually tortures innocent people in the form of ‘Bhoots, Ghosts, Vampires, Jinnat, Pishach, etc. because of their suffering.  They create so many problems for weak persons so that he/she could do something good for their sufferings.

When we maintain energy in both the Centers and then remember those who have left their physical body then the flow of Pure Love of ‘Maa Jagdamba and Maa Adi’ goes to them and give relief and happiness to them even into their Astral Body then their awareness give us blessings and good wishes which might be able to change our bad fate into good.  If we want to rise in all sphere of our life then we must earn good wishes and blessings of the people without keeping any type of greed. ‘God helps those who earn blessings and good wishes."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---14 "Fighting against Humiliation" Contemplation----89

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---14 "Fighting against Humiliation"

"If we want to live a very truthful and clean life then we always have to fight with odds and oppositions of the people who are around us because our honesty and clairvoyance become their greatest hurdle for their sinful and selfish motives. So they always try to create so many problems and difficulties in our way in all manners. Sometimes they block our path and try to grip us and torture us.

In this opposite situation a Sahaji becomes confuse what to do, should he/she forgive them and turn back from his path, or should he/she request them to make his/her route clear with clasping hands or should he/she let them dominate him/her and let him/her tease or should he/she oppose their deeds and fight with them, what should he/she do in this situation?

As per my awareness, if we are surrendered to ‘Shree Maa’ in true sense and feel ‘Her’ at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart always then we have to do our duty first, means at any cost we have to clear our path if we feel that someone is stopping us to fulfill the dream of ‘Shree Mata Ji’ or someone is trying to humiliate us by taking advantage of our good behavior.  

In the name of Sahaj Yoga we must not let others to dominate our Soul & Spirit.  If they try to pull our leg then we better kick them off and proceed ahead. After all we are the Son and Daughter of ‘Maa Adi’ who is the most powerful in this Universe, so how can we be so coward and timid.

Though ‘Shree Maa’ takes care of everything because ‘She’ is everywhere but this is our duty to maintain a good pace towards righteousness.  If we pull them away from us, ‘She’ is 100% there behind our effort, this is not ‘Her’ job, ‘She’ gives us power and understanding to perform the right work. 

We may come to know ‘Her’ consent in the form of strong sensation and palpitation in our both the Chakras.  Unfortunately I have seen some Sahajis do not want to do anything against the injustice and nuisances against them or against some of us but run away from there and say ‘Shree Mata Ji’ would take care.  

If we maintain vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart  always then we would never feel let down or defeated internally and we would always face such types of foolish persons and do not let them allow  to do anything wrong against us.  A Sahaji means a Warrior who only bows down to ‘Lotus Feet’ not to injustice.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, April 9, 2012

"Sitting At Sahastrara 24x7"---13 "The Party Time"----Contemplation----88

"Sitting At Sahastrara 24x7"---13 "The Party Time"

“One day we receive an invitation for a party from our near and dear to celebrate some ceremony and we prepare our mind to attend that function. Just before the day of the celebration we should sit peacefully in meditation and take our attention to that place where we will go and release pure love of our ‘Beloved Mother’ from our Central Heart through our Sahastrara in the form of energy to that place and to those people at least for 10 minutes. 

We must energies each and every corner with the help of our attention. This would be very good for peaceful and healthy environment of that function as well as it would be helpful to protect any types of unforeseen hazards. This is some sort of shielding from coming problems.

The power of ‘Maa Adi Shakti and Maa Jagdamba’ is capable to save people as well as capable to generate harmony among people who are going to attend that function. If someone is planning to create any type of problems against the program or against the people who are organizing that event, that person would not be successful in his motive, Our ‘Mother’ would definitely protect us from any types of miss happening.

Another thing, which is most important for us, ‘Maa Adi’ would generate such beautiful co-incidences to let us meet with true seekers and very deep peoples who are searching true path for meeting ‘Almighty’. When we will go there, they would automatically come across to us and interact with us and would definitely talk about spirituality.  And we would happily tell them our experiences and explain them about ‘Mother’. I have seen it usually happens.  

If we always remain at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart then our energy field emits pure vibration to the whole atmosphere and it is capable to raise the Kundalini of  all the people who come into the magnetic field of our Kundalini. 

Thus , we would enjoy the party time as well as we would be fulfilling our duty as a child of ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ who has come to this planet Earth to make it into Heaven and to make us reform to be freed from all types of fear and greed. The day would come that all of us would be enjoying Pure Love everywhere into this Globe.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Friday, April 6, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---12 "Enjoying Shopping"-------Contemplation---87

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---12 "Enjoying Shopping"

“Occasionally we go to the market and enjoy shopping spree with our family members or with some friends, often we see that we could not select anything because the disliking of our other members or sometimes they like some products but we hardly like that. We become confuse and bewildered, what to do ?, Finally we are forced to purchase something or we have to come back with empty handed, or we have to waste more time going here and there for selecting things.

This situation generally spoil our mood and we feel dishearten.  I too, have seen people wasting his/her precious time in searching articles as per their choice and proper need.  In spite of going into several shops, they hardly could get things as per their taste.Why it happens?, because we always compare our selected things with our previous ones or with some other persons and usually forget our requirement as per our personality,  what would suit on us as per our pocket and occasion. We usually see others what they are wearing or what they are having.

If we maintain feeling Pure & affectionate Energy of our ‘Beloved Mother’ at our Sahastrara and into Central Heart during the period of shopping then ‘She’ would definitely help us in making decision. The increasing or decreasing flow of energy at Sahastrara and into Central Heart while paying attention in selecting things would help to produces powerful impulses in our heart which would be decision making regarding choosing items.  These continual impulses are the language of our ‘Internal Mother’ who is showing ‘Her’ consent by strong impulses of ‘Her’ liking.

‘Maa Jagdamba’ is our personal deity who always wants our benevolence in all respect in all the sphere of our Life.  ‘She’ is so affectionate and loving that ‘She’ cannot tolerate our sadness and pain. ‘She’ is always ready to help us not only in our spiritual ascent but also give ‘Her’ company in everything what we do in our day to day life. When ‘She’ is once awakened then ‘She’ is always there with us at each and every step of our move.  When we always try to supply the Love of ‘Maa Adi’ from our Sahastrara to our Central Heart then ‘She’ becomes very happy and ‘She’ does so many good things for us.

The Power of ‘Maa’ Adi’  is the diet of ‘Maa Jagdamba while Love of ‘Maa’ Jagdamba’ is the ignition for ‘Maa Adi’, so both the Goddesses have the best compatibility for each other.  And the awakening of both the Goddesses is  very essential  for us for spiritual as well as materialistic growth.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---11 "Distance Does not Matter"----Contemplation---86

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---11 "Distance Does not Matter"

“ Sometimes we become sad  due to external distance between our Dear ones, we want to see them, we want to sit with them, we want to chat with them, we want to share some beautiful moments with them, we want to take care of them, we want to express love before them, we want to enjoy silence sitting along with them, we want to knit dreams being with together, we want to relish good food with them, we want to meditate in the company with them, we want to sing for them, we want to exchange our experience with each other sitting in front of each other and sometimes we want to share the glory of our ‘Beloved Mother’ together.  But the absences of our loved ones often prick us inside and we feel gloom inside our Heart.

To overcome this situation we should maintain feeling vibration at both the centers like Sahastrara and Central Heart first and then we must think the Love of our Dear ones has sprinkled into the air or into the atmosphere just like the fragrance of flower around us and then we should receive that love through our Sahastrara into our Central Heart continuously as much time as we like.  

This would be energy boosting which would be able to give internal happiness and change the swing of our mood and make us cherished.  After this process we would enjoy his/her presence in a subtle form and will never miss them again.

We should never miss anyone but we should live with their being, their existence and their energy whom we like the most."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji