Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Birth Day / A Reminder"------Contemplation----113

Birth Day/A Reminder

Jai Shree Mata Ji, First of all I would like to convey my sincere thanks and overwhelming feelings for all my Sahaj Companions for your ‘Love and Compassion’ for which my ‘Information Bank=Mind’ could not flash any suitable and appropriate word from its memory and know-how before my awareness which could match with ‘The Feelings of your Selfless Love’. 

But my Heart, my Subtle Body, my Awareness and all the Cells of my Biological Body are absorbing and relishing the affectionate flow of your heart which is igniting abundant Energy into my Heart. Actually these are not mere wishes but a stream of ‘Pure Energy’ which not only keep on bonding each of us but also nourish each and every particle of this creation.

As per my awareness, the Date of Birth is some sort of a reminder which remind us the day of our Return Journey to our ‘Sweet Home’ where our ‘Real Parents’ would be waiting for us. We too would be very anxious to share the experience of our journey of this life on this Planet Earth along with them. It is just like a ‘Count-Down’, that’s why ‘Birth Days’ have been celebrated. 

Our Birth Day enables us to have a glance of our previous activities and works so that our awareness could evaluate our deeds and tell us what should be done in future. If we have gained something last year then we may celebrate our happiness in the form of ‘B’ Day or on the contrary if we did not achieve anything in our last year then we might celebrate our ‘B’ Day as the ‘First Day’ for heading towards our Pre-Set Goal.

Actually ‘Birth Day’ is the indicator to do Real ‘Karma’ like doing true effort to maintain a rapport with our Creator, to show selfless Love and affectionate behavior to all the Children of God as well as to the whole creation, to spread ‘Her’ message to entire globe without discrimination, to give a humble shoulder to ‘Him’ for preserving ‘His’ creation. 

Our ‘Birth Day’ realizes true Sahajis to utilize their precious passing moments in giving Self-Realization and helping and guiding Old Sahajis & New Comers to establish connectivity with all pervading power, because time is very short and we have lots of ‘Divine Work’ to be finished in time. ‘She’ has provided us all ‘Her’ Powers and knowledge for Enhancement of ‘Divine Flow’ into the atmosphere so that all the ‘Five Elements’ could remain quite and calm. Human Mental Negative Release is going against the Nature & ‘God’ and making all the elements angry. So Meditation and Realization work is very essential for all of us.

We all are on Journey with an assignment of Awakening Every Human who comes into the contact with our awareness as well as spreading Pure Love into the Entire Creation. ‘She’ is with us at our Sahastrara as ‘Adi Shakti’ and into our Central Heart as ‘Jagdamba’ with all ‘Her’ Deities, Weapons and Love, we are nothing to do except to keep our attention with Both of Them and convey ‘Her’ Love to every person as well as to every creation to make our ‘Birth’ successful. So my awareness and every breath wishes ‘Happy ‘B’ Day to every Sahaj Companion every moment.”----From Face Book wall posting on 26.09.12


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, September 24, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7---36--"Nirvikalp Avastha"----Contemplation----112

"Nirvikalp Avastha"

36) “We usually talk about ‘Nirvikalp Avashta’ for faster growth in Spirituality, ‘Shree Maa’ have delivered some lectures to attain ‘Nirvikalp’ stage and we often discuss among Sahajis how to achieve this stage. 

Some times we feel that our meditation is not up to the mark and we can not enjoy this position because it is quite difficult, some of us tend to remind our mistakes and think that we have done so much wrong so we are not eligible to avail this level, some of us assume that if we could sit for hours without moving our finger then we might get benefit of this stage and some of us feels that if we could leave all the worldly affair for few days and stay back into our room and maintain meditation all the time then perhaps we might achieve this goal of ‘Nirvikalpta’. 

So, we may practically differ in our opinions regarding ‘Nirvikalp Avastha’. Now the question is, how can we sit in this state ? Is this impossible for us? Or would it take several years of maintaining strict meditation routine ? So some of us in not sure of being in this stage.  

Actually, as per my awareness, if we just maintain the flow of ‘Adi Shakti’ at our Sahastrara all the time and realize this connectivity into our Central Heart then it is quite easy to get advantage of this state. This is as simple as breathing, when we always feel the presence of ‘Maa’ at both the Centres in every move of our materialistic and spiritual life then we automatically begin leaving all complicated things on ‘Shree Mata Ji’ because ‘She’ is always there.

While doing anything we realize that ‘Shree Maa’ is watching us every moment, that’s’ why we feel relaxed first and do not even try to use our mind but leave everything on ‘Spontaneity’ which usually comes without using our brain and mind. 

Actually, this spontaneity is nothing but saying of ‘Shree Maa’ internally in the form of sudden thought with cool vibration which would not resemble with our old information and pre saved data of thoughts of our mind. This spontaneous flow pulls our attention towards itself and deviate our mind from thinking which dissolves all the thoughts of several options for any types of problems and complicacies.

‘Nirvikalpa’ means substitute-less-ness of our awareness, our awareness would not be willing to take help from our mind to find our any types of substitute for particular situation.

Nirvikalpa Avastha is the synonym of ‘Surrender’; both the things are compatible for each other. If we try one then another thing comes automatically as bonus. So, realizing of continuous flow of Divine Energy at Sahastrara and Central Heart generates option-less-ness into our awareness and consciousness and our faith boosts and enable us to leave worries, planning, miseries on ‘Shree Maa’s will."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7---35-- "Remedy for Insomnia"-----Contemplation---111

"Remedy for Insomnia"

“Finally after doing our regular jobs and fulfilling our routine responsibility we prepare to go to bed, we sit peacefully and comfortably and remind what we had done since morning to evening, is there any one whom we have hurt by mistake, is there anyone who had created some problem for us, is there someone who showed some real love for us, is there anyone who had help us, what we would do tomorrow, what would be the priority of our working. So these types of things we usually think before going to bed.

Finally we close our eyes and think of ‘Shree Mata Ji’ and try to feel vibration into our both the palms and often we beg ‘Her’ pardon if we have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly and then we try to concentrate to have sleep. But most of the time the flow of thoughts comes and we stick with some thoughts without our will and entangled into its chain. 

Sometimes it runs for one to two hours and we usually loose our sleep and become the victim of ‘Insomnia’. We struggle a lot not to think but we are helpless. It seems that our head would blow up, sometimes we cry with severe pain, though we recite the ‘Mantra’ of ‘Shree Maha Kali’, We beg ‘Shree Mata Ji’ to stop all the thoughts and provide us a sound sleep for several times but all goes in vain. Then we become restless and try to find the reason, we tend to think that some negativity is surly there with someone whom we met in day time and we had been infected with negative influence. 

Actually this was not due to negativity but it was an intense inclination towards our need or priority which has invoked from deep ‘Subconscious’ due to moving flow of Pure Energy into our Agnya Chakra in the state of meditation, It happens because ‘Mother Energy’ wants to cleanse our Left Agnya that’s why ‘She’ pulls our prime thought on the surface of our mind and then ‘She’ wants to give relief from all the frequent thoughts which give us trouble. So it is nothing but clearing which sometimes take too long.

In this situation we should try to feel vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart instead of feeling the flow into our palm. At Sahastrara we meet ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ who provides us ‘Nirvicharita’ because of ‘Her’ trait of ‘Nirliptta’(detachment) and we feel ‘Maa Jagdamba’ into our Central Heart who always consoles us and reduces the anxiety of thought with ‘Her’ Compassion and Love.

If we still do not get relief due to instable concentration then we must do some breathing exercise, my awareness would like to share some tips :-- i) First of all we should stop our breath after inhalation for some times as long as possible and then exhale very slowly, we may repeat this as much as times till we get relief from coming thoughts. When we stop our breath then the flow of thoughts blocks and our attention automatically goes to our Central Heart and Sahastrara because of the pressure which builds here due to ignition of the Central Heart Chakra. 

Our breath is just like a ‘Cell’ of divine power, it is called ‘Prana’, which is capable to boost our Central Heart Chakra after realizing our Kundalini at Sahastrara so, our Central Heart Chakra moves due to ‘Prana’ and produce more energy which first goes to all the Chakras and then finally wants to pass through our ‘Brahmmrandhras’(holes of Sahastrara). That’s why it helps in opening our Sahastrara and we feel vibration at this place. Thus, we might feel our Sahastrara and our Central Heart Chakra and our thoughts stops automatically.

ii) After this process we should maintain rhythmic breathing for sound sleep, means, when we inhale then we should take our attention at our Sahastrara and when we exhale then we should take down our attention to our Central Heart, we should repeat this again and again till we enters good sleep. 

We should do this procedure, thinking, as if we are keeping our head into the ‘Lap’ of ‘Shree Mata Ji’ closing our eyes and ‘She’ is moving ‘Her’ fingers at our scalp slowly into our hairs. Then we would be feeling very much relaxing and calm, our thought would definitely stop and we would relish a sound sleep. If we do this every night before falling asleep then ‘She’ might come into our dreams and communicate with us and solve our problems related to Materialistic World as well as spiritual world. 

In the sleeping state ‘She’ cleanses our Collective Sub-Conscious which is the only and only cause of all our psychosomatic disorders and all types of complexes which is the main cause of several diseases. Every problem and diseases usually comes from our Left Agnya, although they may manifest on Right Side or Left Side. So it is essential to work at Left Agnya first for any types of problems with the help of attention.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---34---"The Confession"----Contemplation---110

"The Confession"

“In our day to day life we often confess for so many things which we have done earlier before our near and dear or before the idol of ‘God’ or Some times we go to Church and confess for our so called Sins as per our little understanding and feel little light because we were keeping all the load of our previous doings on our head that was making us depressed, weak, timid and guilty inside. Almost we use to die every moment by thinking about our sins which was committed by us due to unawareness or due to reaction. This type of confession gives us a temporary relief but after some times the feeling of severe guilt dominates us and make us reluctant of doing anything. 

Even after getting Self Realization this feeling make us restless because it intensify more than an unrealized soul, though we sit before ‘Shree Mata Ji’ and try to meditate after using all the Sahaj Techniques but the feeling of incompetence kills us slowly and deviate our attention from meditation and take us towards continuous thoughts of dire consequences of our previous doings. This becomes so frightening for some of us that we sometimes become seriously ill or we might be the victim of psychosomatic disorder.

We usually talk to ‘Shree Mata Ji’ during meditation and ask ‘Her’ for forgiveness, we often show our problems and compulsions to ‘Shree Mata Ji’, why we have done those things. We expect ‘Her’ favor and promise to ‘Mother’ not to repeat that in future. We bag 'Her' pardon for several times before ‘Shree Maa’ to take us away from the severe feeling of resentment. 

As per my awareness, the urge of confession is programmed by ‘Almighty’ ‘Himself’ to make people more close to ‘Him’. This is for the persons who are completely drawn into the temptation and illusion of this mythical materialistic world. Who usually do not give preference to ‘God’, they even do not want to recall ‘Him’ out of total unawareness. 

‘God’ loves every Soul because every Soul belongs to ‘Him’ only and due to rigidity and temptation of mind, our Soul suffers a lot and ‘He’ could not tolerate the pain and anguish of ‘His’ Soul. So ‘He’ usually create several types of circumstances which might compel people to do something against their Spirit which causes them severe guilt and the feeling of guilt compel them to confess before ‘Him’. 

So confession is the beginning of the communication between ‘God’ and Human. This communication usually takes us more close to ‘Him’ and this closeness generates a beautiful relation and this relation converts into ‘Devotion’ and devotion leads to surrender and surrender flourishes in the form of meditation and meditation flows Pure Love and this love works as connecting cord and this cord help us to reach up to the last destination means to let us sit into ‘Her Lotus Feet’ and ‘Her Divine Feet’ sucks all the guilt and makes us completely fearless and innocent. That’s why confession has got greatest significance in all the religions for our spiritual ascent in our normal human life. 

But if we are connected with ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ by being at our Sahastrara and into our Central heart then the confession changes its mode and become word-less. When we stays at our Sahastrara and acknowledge ‘Her’ love into our Central Heart then ‘She’ peeps into our Collective Sub-conscious Mind and read all types thoughts of emotions and feelings which give us maximum pain and guilt then ‘She’ pulls out all such types of thoughts one by one on the surface of our mind and dissolves them into ‘Her’ love in the form acknowledging different frequencies of vibration. 

If we read the intensity and frequency of vibration with the help of our attention while thinking about all our previous Sins and wrong deeds then we will find that the feeling of guilt and resentment is reducing automatically and this process is making us free from the bonding of the conditioning our own of thoughts. That’s why ‘Sitting at Sahastrara’ all the time enable us to get the privilege of “Auto Confession” without using even a single word and releases all the contamination of Negative Thought and finally leads us to the beautiful feeling of ‘Being a Spirit’.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7--33"--"Nirvicharita"-----Contemplation----109


33) "If we want to achieve "Nirvicharita" (thoughtlessness) then we must understand "Vicharita" (thoughtfulness) first, otherwise we might get confused. 'Vicharita' always comes from only four things, that is, i) Profit, ii) Loss, iii) Reverence and iv) Insult, apart from these four things every thought comes from 'Nirvicharita'. Vicharita covers all types of materialistic affairs which rotates around our own personality.

Because our Mind revolves round all the four things all the time and this orbital movement of mind generates a magnetic field which attracts our attention and our attention become influenced and this influence goes to our awareness in our routine normal life which always causes thoughts as the out come of this subtle mechanism. 

Actually our mind is designed to evaluate all the things which is sent into its memory time to time during the journey of our life, it is the store of all the materialistic information’s which is necessary for our Soul while experiencing exploration on Earth. 

Our Soul can not understand the rituals and customs of earthly life because 'It' is beyond all the conditioning and rules which is applicable on our External Existence. So our mind provide a great help for our Soul time to time after proper Self Realization means the feeling of our own 'Spirit'.

On the contrary if we do not Enlightened even after the process of Self Realization then this mind becomes the biggest hurdle in our ascent by griping and dominating our awarenesses which causes downfall and unsatisfaction and irritation into our Materialistic and Spiritual life and this unsatisfaction creates so much trouble into our mind and imprisoned our attention and our attention entangles or stuck with some limited thoughts and these repeated thoughts make tense all our neurotic system which either become very stiff or pressurised and this stiffness causes different types of pains and problems and finally we become the victim of severe disease.

If we try to engage our attention into feeling and reading the intensity and frequency of the flow of energy at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart first and then acknowledge the energy into rest of all the Chakras then we might observe the variation into the flow of energy which would produce the thoughts about the feeling of different types of sensation with the reminding of the words of 'Shree Mata Ji' on different topics of Chakras and spiritual growth which is again a process of achieving thoughtlessness. 

As per my little understanding with individual awareness, all the thoughts about Deities, 'Shree Mata Ji', Sahaj programs, Vibrations, Flow of energy, Nadies, Chakras,Kundalini, Nature, Planets,Galaxies,Universe, Spontaneous Impulses of thoughts, Thoughts of planning for spreading Sahaj Yoga with new methods and techniques, Leading meditation with new procedure etc, comes under "Nirvicharita". 

So when we maintain continuous meditative state in the form of acknowledging divine flow at our energy centres or any where into our Nerves while doing everything then we definitely become 'Nirvichar' gradually. My awareness and I wish you a permanent state of 'Thoughtlessness."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Friday, September 7, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7--32 -"Poor Negativity !!!!!!!!!"----Contemplation---108

"Poor Negativity !!!!!!!!!!!!!"

“We often talk about some Sahajis who met an accident or  some sort of unforeseen and some of us usually comment, “Perhaps some Negativity would be around them or they have done something wrong or they might had not done their ‘Bandhan’ properly, or their meditation is not up to the mark, that’s why they had to face an accident.” So these statements and topics are very common among us.

If something has gone wrong with some Sahaji then ‘Poor Negativity’ is always blamed, do we sit for some time to contemplate over this issue, do we ever look deep inside us to find the appropriate answer, is negativity is always responsible for any type of miss-happening, what is exactly behind all these scenes ? 

There is biggest question related such types of negative consequences. Though ‘Shree Mata Ji’ always says that we all are entirely protected and saved from all types of problems then why we get an accident. Is something wrong with our meditation or we are out of Sahaj Yoga ? This question is always there into our mind, we hardly get any answer from us but we generally say, “It is ‘Her’ will”.

As per my little awareness, if some of us encounter such types of things in our routine life in spite of being in meditative state then there is no role of ‘Negativity’ directly to be the cause of accident but it is due to our previous ‘Karmas’ (Acts) of previous life cycles.

If we study the ‘Birth Chart’ of any one of us who had to go through the ‘Negative consideration’ then we will find some probabilities of accidents and causalities due to annoyance of  Planets at that particular time, it means all the considerations either good or bad of our Previous acts (Karmas) are predestined or prefixed. It is nothing but planetary influence which causes problems and accidents with all of us.

So now the next question arises, “What is the use of Sahaj Yoga if we have to go through all the bad and unfavorable phases of our destiny whereas ‘Shree Maa’ has assured a save and peaceful life to all of us. So why these negative occurring are there, would it be stopped or they keep on coming before us.

Actually, behind all the accidents and unforeseen, the Law of Nature works which was set by the Creator ‘Himself’. If knowingly or unknowingly we go against Nature or ‘God’ then we have to face some sort of negative consideration at any costs. 

So what ever we have done earlier, it cannot be erased, and it generates some sort of considerations either positive or negative. We have to go through all the considerations whether we would like or not. That’s why we have to go through tough phases in our life sometimes whether we follow Sahaj Yoga or we lead a normal materialistic life.

 If we stay at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart all the time then consequences of our Negative consideration usually changes but the sequence always remains the same. Means, if we maintain connectivity with ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ then ‘She’ let us go through unfavorable time along with ‘Her’ presence and protect us from severity and fatality of occurrences. That’s why ‘She’ has said, “You will be protected”.

But if we do something wrong with someone being in Sahaj Yoga with our full consciousness out of Greed, Jealousy and Ego then we would definitely be punished badly by Deities and Ganas. So we must be very alert about our doings with innocent people. 

We all Sahajis, are supposed to escort people from all types of myths and illusions of this materialistic world, we are supposed to be the Light for the people who are falling again and again due to darkness and unawareness, we are the expectation of ‘Shree Mata Ji’ to convert this barren world into orchids. It can be done easily if we maintain the communication with ‘Maa Adi shakti’ at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart all the time. ‘she’ would let us know how to do this job.

Actually, Negativity is always be invoked earlier out of our Greed, Hatred, Jealousy, Dominance and undue comparisons very silently and after some time its consideration appears in the form of accidents and miss-happenings which is called ‘Negativity’ by mistake. 

"Negativity’ is just like cat which comes or influences us very silently". So we must understand that any types of Negative occurrence are the consideration of wrong deeds which were done earlier in last previous life cycles. These should be taken very lightly and in a very joyful mood, my awareness would rather say that we should enjoy our unfavorable time with a great enthusiasm considering this time as a training session taken by ‘Shree Maa’ for further growth and spiritual development.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, September 3, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---31 "Blessings of Six Mothers"----Contemplation---107

"Blessings of Six Mothers"

31) “When we open our eyes in this world then we might nurture by almost six types of ‘Mothers’ who always take care of us from the beginning of our life till the end of our all life cycles (Salvation).

i) Biological Mother:--She is the one who is destined to be the medium of our arrival on earth by our ‘Previous Karmas’ (Prarabdha) or due to ‘His’ will. She usually takes care of us with natural bondings due to being her part and parcel of her blood and cells. She wants to do anything for our convenience and benevolence; even she might sacrifice all her happiness and comforts for the sake of our growth.

On the contrary if ‘she’ is not properly aware then she would usually think of us to take care of her in her older age. She would expect so many things from us which she could not do herself in her life. Sometimes she might impose so many ideas and desire on us to be fulfilled by us according to her choices till the end of her life.

ii) Mother Earth:--‘She’ always provides us so many things which are most essential for our survival like food and water; ‘She’ circulates her gravitation force into our body which is capable to balance all the minerals and sucks all the negative elements from our neurotic system. If we lie down on the ground then ‘She’ cleanses all our chakras and gives relief to any type of spinal problems.

iii) Mother Nature:--Though ‘she’ is the part and parcel of Earth but ‘she’ has distinctive qualities which sooths our neurotic system by providing several beautiful scenes like, waterfalls, flowing rivers, deep sincere oceans, glittering snow-clad mountain peaks, laughing flowers, fragrant gardens, singing breeze, smiling sun, welcoming moon, blinking stars and so many aesthetic feelings which often turn our sad mood to happy one. All these things give us internal joy without any expectation from us.

iv) Mother Kundalini:--Being the Part and Parcel of ‘Almighty’, ‘She’ leads us to our final destiny e.i. our Salvation or we can say Reunion with our ‘Source’, ‘She’ always try to remind us again and again in spite of being imprisoned by our Rigid Mind that we are a Soul, we are a Spirit. What ever we do, whereas we go against ‘God’ due to unawareness, ‘She’ still loves us, ‘She’ forgives us, and ‘She’ inspires us to do good jobs and finally ‘She’ often succeeds to inclined us towards ‘God’.

Apart from leading towards Spiritual world ‘She’ plays an important role in our materialistic life by developing some aesthetic traits and qualities which become the medium of earning of our daily bread and fulfilling our dreams. When ‘She’ rises and resides at our Sahastrara then ‘She’ establishes ‘Her’ connection by becoming a connecting cord with the power of ‘Almighty’ as well as with all the deities who resides into our ‘Subtle system’ to give relief not only to them but also ‘She’ relieve our body pain and problems. If we keep our attention at the place of pain then ‘She’ channelizes divine power to that place immediately and starts curing that problem. Because our Body is ‘Her’ vehicle so ‘She’ is always ready to mend it.

v) Maa Jagdamba:--When our Kundalini starts living at our Sahastrara and if we meditate into our Central Heart regularly with pure devotion and dedication while feeling the vibration at our Sahastrara as well as into our Central Heart then our Individual Deity whether we worship, Shree Mahadeva, Sri Krishna,Sri Hanuman, Sri Jesus, Sri Kaali, Sri Ganesha etc , they usually wake up and help us waking up ‘Maa Jagdamba’.

 Because Central heart Chakra is the place of ‘Maa Jagdamba’ and ‘She’ wakes up with pure dedication and devotion and ‘She’ is the commander in chief of all the deities of our Subtle body, so ‘She’ always takes care of our all types of need like Material, Spiritual, Emotional and Neurological. ‘She’ is our best guide, companion and best friend who is always ready to give ‘Her’ shoulder to any our problem, ‘She’ spontaneously provides unique ideas for our benevolence and perfect growth in all sphere of our life. When we feel weak inside then ‘She’ churns our Central Heart chakra and boosts our confidence and energy level.

vi) ‘Maa Adi shakti’:--‘She’ is the one who gives us resurrection by pulling ‘Her’ child ‘Kundalini’ to ‘Her’ residing place at Sahastrara. When we always keep our attention at Sahastrara then ‘She’ showers ‘Her’ powers which goes through our open energy tubes and empowers all the deities through Central heart who help our Kundalini Maa to cut all the bonding and undue involvements of our Rigid Mind.

‘Maa Adi shakti’ generates so many harmonious co-incidences which give us maximum joy to our soul and strengthen our nervous system to tolerate happily all types of negative considerations of our previous life cycles. We should not ask ‘Her’ to give any type of materialistic thing because ‘She’ is not involved in materialism, so ‘She’ won’t listen, ‘She’ is quite away from this world but ‘Her’ proportion resides in every particle to give power to the entire creation. 

If we make a contact with anything of this world with the help of our Sahastrara then ‘She’ would give ‘Her’ signals to show ‘Her’ existence otherwise we cannot find ‘Her’. So if we live with our Sahastrara then we may enjoy the company of all types of ‘Mothers’ and make our life successful in true sense.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"