Monday, October 29, 2012

An Urgent Appeal----For Super Storm ‘Sandy’ & Tsunami------Contemplation----121

Urgent……..!!!!!!!--------For Storm ‘Sandy’ & Tsunami

Jai Shree Mata Ji, my awareness is earnestly requesting to all our Sahaj Companions to take their ‘Pious Attention’ loaded with ‘Divine Energy’ to severe ‘Storm Sandy’ which is supposed to hit the surroundings of  ‘New York’ and other areas and ‘Tsunami’ might hit ‘Canada soon according to today’s News Papers. For this we may pray to ‘Shree Maa’ to stop this assumed devastation and save our human races and several creatures in meditative state. According to my internal awareness we may try some steps:----

i)First of all we must take our attention to our Sahastrara and feel the flow of ‘Adi Shakti’ and then take this energy to our Central Heart and again feel this energy into our Central Heart in the form of any type of Sensation then,

ii)We should take our attention into our ‘Nabhi’ and remember and realize ‘Shree Hanumana ‘ in the form of vibration for some times and request ‘Him’ to stop this would be ‘Hazard’, because ‘He’ is the Son of ‘Deity Air’ and ‘He’ has got thousands of ‘Ganas’ under ‘His’ control called ‘Sylphs’ who are capable to check this types of Natural Calamities. Because these types of Incidents are the consideration of their Anger. If we supply ‘Pure Love of ‘Shree Maa’ to them they might calm down.

iii)For Tsunami we must take our attention to our Mooladhar Chakra and supply the ‘Pure Love’ of ‘Shree Maa’  from Central Heart to ‘Shree Ganesha’ who has 13000 Ganas, called ‘Gnomes’ who are capable to check any types of Earth Quakes which is again due to their annoyance. When we supply ‘Pure Energy’ to ‘Shree Ganesha’ then ‘He’ supplies ‘This Energy’ to all ‘His’ Ganas(Gnomes) which can make them calm.

All the five Natural Spirits became violent due to utter unawareness of human being who usually cross their limit and destroy all types of equilibrium out of greed and need. Their anger can be turned into compassion if all of us supply pure ‘Love’ of ‘Shree Maa’ from our Central Heart and Sahastrara collectively. Kindly try this at least once for the benevolence of all the creatures and human being. Thank you”.

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Seven Stages Above Sahastrara---Fourteenth Stage---"Chaturthdashi"----Contemplation----120

“Chaturthdashi” /“ The Fourteenth Stage 

 7) And finally when we enjoy living like a Spirit then we qualify the last exams to be with the Origin of our Spirit e. i. "God-Almighty" ("Parbrahmm-Parmeshwar") "Himself". This is the stage of complete Salvation, thus, the drop has taken the form of an Ocean. We are alive, we are in physical body but we are away from all types of fear of losing anything and away from all types of inclination of gaining anything. 

 At this point we are totally relaxed internally, we are not in a hurry or worry but we are in a state of enjoying every moment whether favorable or unfavorable according to our situation. We become able to see through the truth behind every occurring and happenings, that’s why we become quite and calm. We are not worried about our Death or our survival; we know “She’ is there to take care of everything and this is ‘Her’ will. 

But we become quite responsible in all manners either related to this World or Spiritual World. We do not try to put Bandhan to protect our self, nor we worry about our Chakras catching, neither we are worried about any type of So called Negativity because we know these all are the essential part and parcel of the Sahaj Yoga Training Session. These aspects are not negative but they are high lightening the positive side of Sahaj Yoga as well as the short coming of the Sahaj Followers, So that the new people can come and join it and get the state of Truth. 

We internally start knowing and understanding the works of "God" as soon as we come close to "God-Almighty". At this stage we become the Axis of Eternal Energy, and people get benefit out of such types of persons. Such types of people are not for themselves but they are for the benevolence for the entire creations. 

Very often the power of "Almighty" manifests through these people but they are hardly understood by the peoples. Only true seekers can recognize these people. They become the Bliss and Blessings of "God". They are very simple in their external behavior; they easily get deceived because they always think everyone is the child of God, they always believe in people because they are totally away from all types of tricks and hypocrisy, duality, showoffs and propagation. 

They do what they feel; they cannot imitate others because they are Original in their behavior. They cannot misguide people because they are guided by ‘God’ ‘Himself’. They cannot cheat people because they hardly know how to cheat others but people may cheat such types of people because they do not worry about cheatings. They know internally that everything belongs to ‘God’ whether honesty or cheating, ‘He’ is there behind every circumstance. 

 Though they are very humble and soft inside but they become very strict if they have to face untruth and falsehood, then they become the great worrier to protect the innocent. At this situation, all their powers and whole attention starts working against the lies and undue impositions. They are just like ‘Sant Sipahi’ (Saint with Sword) , they cannot become coward in the name of any religion. They have got infinite Love and Affection for true persons and Sword of pure knowledge for cutting all types of conditioning and rigidity against the truth. 

Nobody can let them down with any type of threat and imposition. They are guided by their own inspirations and motivations which usually come into their Heart. They hardly bother of what others say, they are quite alert about what ‘She’ wants from them. So this is the last and 14 th stage of our Existence being in the form of Human Being as per my understanding and contemplation.”


 ‘Jai Shree Mata Ji

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Seven Stages above Sahastrara---Thirteenth Stage---"Triyodashi"----Contemplation ---119

 “Triyodashi” / The Thirteenth Stage 

 6) Now we go little ahead from the 12th Stage of our awareness and touch the 13th stage. The digit 13 is called "Tera"(Yours) in Hindi language which expresses the belonging with Almighty.  When our attention and our awareness merges into the ocean of divinity then one thing comes out of this beautiful union which is ''The Complete  witness State' for all types of activities  of the Best creation of 'God' e.i. Human Being till the merging of all types of consciousness of the human into 'The Source', means Being 'The Spirit'.

Our 'Spirit' is the best guide, companion, adviser, helper, protector, and redeemer of our existence as human being. At this stage our existence gets the benefit of the 'Spirit' and become the inseparable part of 'It' and our existence manifests as Spirit. At this point we become a Spirit as we always pray to 'Shree Mata ji' "Shree Mata Ji' I am a Spirit, please 'Shree Mata ji' kindly make me Spirit again. 

 If 'Kundalini'(Soul) is the part and parcel of 'Adi Shakti' while 'Spirit' is the representative and reflection of the 'Bearer' of 'Adi Shakti' means 'God'. God covers two aspect, one is the Bearer of Power and second one is the Power of 'Himself'. One is Neutral &; Static and another one is Dynamic. It is just like Electricity which flows into  Hot and Cold wire.  One is Active while another one is Passive. 

The whole cosmic principal is based on this Dynamic and Static phenomenon, so same with our souls and Spirit which are too expressed into two forms like Male and Female. Thus, when our existence reached into the state of a Spirit then all types of internal activities like Curiosities, Inquiries  and inclinations get finish and we live a life with full of understanding and complete satisfaction with Compassion.” 


"Jai Shree Mata Ji''

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Seven Stages Above Sahastrara----Twelfth Stage--"Dwadashi"-----Contemplation----118

 “Dwadashi” / The Twelfth Stage 

5) To continue the further journey of attention after Pradakshina Chakra, when our attention remains at this chakra for quite a long time then it gets energy continuously and supply to our awareness so that our awareness can get developed more and more gradually. And finally our awareness gets the stage of Pradakshina Chakra and then the Need of our Attention finishes, our attention works like a vehicle for taking our awareness to several stages and to give nourishment to our awareness at every stage. 

 At this situation our attention merges into our awareness and ends its separate identity and becomes the part and parcel of our awareness and our awareness meets with ‘The Source’ and dissolves itself into the Ocean of Divinity. So this is the end of all types of doings and activities of our several subtle institutions which use to help us to be in complete inactive state. 

Thus the Seeking of the ‘Source’ ends at this point. Our attention and our awareness become the part and parcel of ‘God’. And we start living with infinite joy and we experience the several traits of Human Being in Witness state and with complete Detachment. Before this state we use to be involved in all types of Mental Dispositions of Human Being and feel pain and anguish due to unawareness and rigidity of our Mind. 

Now we are scot free to explore the unique creation of Almighty. When we cross the level of Sahastrara then our Mind merges into our Attention and when we reaches at Pradakshina Chakra then our Attention merges into our awareness and our awareness merges into The Source. And we enjoy complete Zero State. That’s why ‘Shree Mata ji’ has said in one of ‘Her’ lecture on ‘Attention, “Your attention becomes ‘God’ when it is on God.” 


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Seven Stages Above Sahastrara---Eleventh Stage--"Aikadashi"---Contemplation----117

 “Aikadashi”/ Eleventh Stage

 4) ‘AikaDashi (Eleventh day) from the beginning of Navratra. And this day may represent our Eleventh Chakra e. i. “Pradakshina” Chakra ’. The Meaning of ‘Pradakshina’ in Hindi- Sanskrit Language is, “Orbital Movement” just like the Earth which rotates around the Sun. 

It has some more meanings if we break this word into two words, Pra=Paar Brahmm (beyond universe) and Dakshina=Dena(Giving) , means Giving of something which is coming Beyond Universe. First we come to the first meaning of ‘Pradakshina, which express Orbital Movement. 

 This Chakra shows the state of the existence of ‘The Source’ (God) and ‘The Power of Source’ (Adi Shakti). When our Awareness touches this level and our Attention reaches this point and rotates around ‘The Source of Power’, thus, generates ‘Orbital Movement’ of our attention and our attention receives unlimited powers every moment and supply to our Awareness to grow more and more. Then we feel complete oneness with Almighty, at this stage our attention always remain there with this Eleventh Chakra in spite of performing all types of worldly duties and responsibilities. 

 A true Sadhak does not deviate from Meditation and maintain the flow of energy into his/her subtle system every moment. Now we come to the second meaning of this word Pradakshina as it is already stated in first paragraph that, something is being received Beyond Universe and giving to others. 

 When the awareness of a Sadhak remains at this point then his/her attention connects with the Almighty and supply ‘His’ power to his/her Sahastrara and Central Heart first and then this energy uses to be transferred to the Sahastrara and Central Heart of the others with the help of attention of that Sadhak. So at this stage, a Sadhak becomes capable to raise the Kundalini of others with the help of his/her attention, he/she also can give relaxation to others by supplying Pure Energy into the Central Heart of others. 

 One more thing is very interesting, By this method while remaining at ‘Pradakshina Chakra’ we may sow the ‘Seed of Knowledge’ what we have gained during meditation, into others Subtle System easily as ‘Guru Vashishtha’ had done with Lov & Kush during their studies, he raised their Kundalini first and then transferred all his know-how into the subtle system of Lov & Kush with the help of his attention. 

 So we can also do this if we practice meditation in a proper manner. Actually this was being done by ‘Shree Mata ji’ ‘Herself’ with all of us. Those who were at the verge of going deep into proper meditation, ‘Shree Maa’ supplied ‘Her’ knowledge into them which is being sprouted step by step into their awareness. 

As per my awareness, this is the process of fulfilling of the dream of ‘Shree Mata ji’ by letting sit on Sahastrara every moment. Those who practice with their attention to absorb the powers of ‘Adi Shakti’ from Sahastrara to Central Heart and supply these powers to others with the help of their attention, they would definitely attain this stage and receive the blessings of this Chakra and they will work for the transformation of the Entire Human Being. 

 Actually if I am not wrong, this is nothing but sitting into the Lap of ‘Shree Mata ji’ in true sense. In the last on the Eleventh Day from the beginning of Navratra, I pray to ‘Shree Maa’ to grant this beautiful and enjoyable state of the attention to all of us which enable us to live a life with complete freedom from all types of doing and thinking.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Seven Stages Above Sahastrara----"Tenth Stage---'Dashmi'----Contemplation-----116

“Dashmi”/ Tenth Stage

 3) Happy ‘Vijay Dashmi’ to all the Nirmal Souls, this day is known as the name of “Dushhera” is the symbol of ‘Ravana’ who was having Ten Heads, so we may call it as Dush(Ten) + Hara(Defeated), Ten Headed Ravan got defeat at this day by ‘Sri Rama’.

As per mythological story, Ravan was a very learned and knowledgeable person so, perhaps he had conquered all the powers of all the nine chakras and then he surrendered himself from any further gaining and became part and parcel of the whole Viraat, means he dissolved himself into the Truth and became one with the truth at some point of his ‘Sadhna’ (meditation).

 Perhaps He had ended his separate identity from the Source. According to ‘Shree Mata ji’ there is Tenth Chakra above Sahastrara is called ‘Valay’ Chakra so the tenth day of Navratra represents this chakra. Valay is the Hindi word and it has a meaning of Merging or dissolution.

This Tenth Chakra Valay symbolizing the process of merging Three Things into each other and become one, which are, i) Sadhak (who practice meditation=Sahaji), ii) Sadhna (Meditation=Sahaj Yog), iii) Sadhya (Target of Meditation=Adi Shakti) respectively. When these three things become one then the stage of ‘Valay’ appeared.

 As per the contemplation of my awareness, all the nine Goddesses, all the Deities of all the chakras, all the Masters, all the Elements and all the knowhow of different Paths are needed for the evolution of Human Being, so, when the level of awareness of a Sadhak reaches the height of this Chakra then they become one with each others, means the need of all the deities and goddesses becomes finish at this stage. Means, the Attention of a Sadhak becomes completely free from all the worldly attachments at this state in spite of having External Body. Means he/she use to get Salvation at this level. So, in my eyes, Ravan too got Salvation from all his Desires and Needs. 

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, October 15, 2012

Seven Stages above Sahastrara Chakra------Contemplation----115

Seven Stages Above Sahastrara Chakra

“Ashtami”/ Eight Stage

 1) As per my awareness , the eighth day of Navratra, being the day of Chakra ‘ARDH BINDU' , So just try to feel this stage by keeping your attention into the Sky, absorb the power of sky into your Central Heart through your Sahastrara and stay in this position as much as you like. Try to feel the part n parcel of Infinitude.

'Ardh-Bindu'= 'Ardh-Nareeshwara ,'Shree Shiva' has divided into two forms, ' which is capable to flow the Love and Powers of twin quality of 'God' like Pure Affection of Mother(Vatsalya) and Perfect Protection(Saurakshan) of Father.

"Shree Charan of Shree Maa" works as 'Ardh-Narishwara. If we feel 'Her' "Lotus Feet" into Space then we receive different type of flow coming from 'Her' Lotus Feet and filling our Central heart through Sahastrara then we would feel completely dissolved and delighted. At this time we might feel overflowing joy into our heart.

When our attention stays at this point then we get both the qualities of Divine Mother and Father and convey 'His' Love to all the Human Being without any selfishness and greed. We flow 'Nirvajya Prem'( selfless and flawless love) for everyone without discrimination, and we usually lift people internally by giving inspirational protection. My awareness wish this beautiful state to all my Sahaj Companions during this Navratra and pray to 'Shree Maa' to grant more deep stages.

 “ Navami”/ Ninth Stage

 2) Navami, represents the ninth Chakra, the ninth day of Navratra, covering the blessings of all the nine planets including the powers and manifestations of Nine Emotions(Nav-Ras) of all the nine 'Goddesses' for our day to day life as well as spiritual life.

Bindu=Dot=Zero=Nothingness=Tranquility. This Chakra manifests Nothingness (Shoonyta) means 'The Kingdom of God'. When our attention reaches there and stays there then we enjoy the complete 'Freedom of Attention'.

At this state, we even do not want to notice the flow of vibrations but we feel absorption into Nothingness while maintaining 'Shree Maa' as the Central Point of 'Her' presence. This Bindu represents 'Shree Shiva' as at ningth Stage and now ‘Shree Mata ji’ is there at Center of Concentration of our attention.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Impulses"----"चिंतन "(Contemplation) ----114

"चिंतन "(Contemplation)

"स्वार्थी के लिए त्याग,                        "Sacrifice for Selfish
और धूर्त के लिए प्यार ,                                and Love for Cunning,"

अहंकारी के लिए सम्मान,                                   "Respect for Ego Eccentric,
और जड़ के ,लिए ज्ञान",                                   and Knowledge for Rigid,"

"ईर्ष्यालू के लिए निकटता,                          "Closeness for Jealous,
और ईमानदार के लिए कपटता,"                          and Honesty for Cunning,"

"ज्ञानी के लिए शिक्षा,                                          "Teaching for Self-Realized,
और त्यागी के लिए भिक्षा,"                                  and Begging for Detached,"

"आताताई के लिए क्षमा,                               "Forgiveness for Sadist,         
और दानी के लिए जमा,"                                  and  Hoarding for Giver,"

"दुष्ट के लिए उपदेश,                             "Lessons for Cruel,
और सुप्त के लिए सन्देश,"                              and Message for Asleep,

"नकारा के लिए मदद,                                        "Help for the Irresponsible,
और हिंसक के लिए दरद ,"                      and Pain for Wild,"

"लोभी के लिए भक्ति,                                "Devotion for Greedy,
और मूर्ख के लिए शक्ति,"                              and Power for Foolish,"

"तृष्णा के लिए संतुष्टि,                                                "Satisfaction for Over Ambitious,
और समर्पित के लिए युक्ति,"                                and Trick for Surrendered,"
बिलकुल व्यर्थ है।                          It is all useless.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"