Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Impulses"---237--“Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening”--Part--5


“Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening”--Part--5

 IX) By Writing:--
This is also a very easy way to raise others Kundalini by writing something which sprouts from our Heart rhythmically in a complete meditative state when we would be relishing the ‘Divine Flow’ into our being and our mind would not be intervening into that outcome of ‘Truth.


Who ever will read such kind of manuscript either in prose or in poetic format attentively then his/her Kundalini will awake and move towards Sahastrara. We have got lots of Sacred Literature of all the religions which are emitting Truth. As
Bible’ etc.

X) By Painting / Depiction:--If some one is enjoying connectivity and then he/she tries to make a painting or try to depict something which is existing into one’s heart then such kind of creation would be having ‘Pure Vibration’ which would be able to give some stimulation into other’s Kundalini through understanding the theme of the painting or by absorption of the message of that Art. 

If that piece of Art would be bearing ‘Truth’ then the Kundalini of the people definitely will rise to the Sahastrara Level and they might feel some sensation of the vibration into their instrument though unknowingly.

XI) By Ringing Gongs/ Bells’:--This is our ancient culture to ring Bells or Gongs at the temples/churches/monasteries or at our home just before/after performing some Sacred Rituals/Pujas/Hawans because of being an indication of the beginning of the Spiritual Practices.

If some one is enjoying connectivity at one’s Sahastrara and right at that time he/she touches some Gongs/Bells then the ‘Pure energy’ from his/her Sahastrara channelizes to that Gong/Bell through his/her hands and then it goes to the whole atmosphere and enters into the ears of the people and give a momentum to the Kundalini of the people who pay attention to those Ringing Bells/Gongs. That’s why our Masters had introduced several things for the spiritual practices for the expansion of ‘Pure Vibrations’.

XII) By Wearing Clothes and Sleepers of Enlightened Souls:--This is another way of Raising Kundalini of the people by wearing cloths of ‘Great Souls’, this is also an ancient practice in Human Civilization. Incarnations/Saints/ Masters used to gift their clothes and Sandals/Sleepers (Khadaoon) to their devotees to give a help to raise their Kundalini.

Because their clothes and Sandals use to retain the same ‘Energy’ which they carry into their Aura so whoever will use those cloths/sandals then he/she would definitely get the benefit of the higher ‘Energy Field’ which would be capable to pull their Kundalini to their Sahastrara.

XIII) By Eating Vibrated Food:--This is also a very popular and oldest practices in
our society to distribute ‘Prasaad’ after all kinds of Worships/Pujas. Such 
vibrated ‘Prasaad’ goes into The Nabhi of the persons and give a signal to their 
Kundalini to come to their third chakra initially and then It makes their 
attention free from all kinds of worldly attachments and desires for few 
Seconds to make a way for their Kundalini to rise up to Sahastrara level.

XIV) By Putting some Bindi or Tilak on the forehead:--It is also a known and very popular way to transfer our energy to give a relief to Agnya Chakra of the another person so that his/her Kundalini could come up with the help of Vibrated Kumkum. 

As soon as we touch the forehead/ Sahastrara of any person in meditative state then our ‘Energy’ enters into his/her instrument through touched area and invite his/her Kundalini to come up to Sahastrara Level as per the frequency and intensity of our own Powers.

Vice versa, if some elderly non Sahaji, is going to touch our Sahastrara for giving us blessings or he/she is going to put some Tilak/Bindi at our forehead then we may take our attention to our touched area and channelize our whole Energy from our Sahastrara and Central Heart to his/her finger/palm so that his/her Kundalini can be awakened. So there are lots of methods in our day to day life to give a help to the Kundalini of the People in an easy way in connecting state."


"Jai Shree Mata ji"

Monday, May 25, 2015

"Impulses"---236---"Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening--Part-4


"Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening--Part-4

Apart from pre-said methods there are more ways of Kundalini Raising which we may adopt in our day to day life without putting some especial efforts.

VI) By Shaking Hands:--We often meet new people and show them the warmth of our happiness by shaking hands. So, right at this time we may channelize the whole Energy from our Sahastrara & Central Heart to our Right Hand and transfer that to the palm of that and then we should keep our attention to his Central Heart at least for one minute.

Then we might feel some reflexes of the rotating energy into our palm or some sensation at our Sahastrara or some pulsation or throbbing or pulling or cooling sensation into our Central Heart which will confirm the awakening of his/her Kundalini.

VII) By Embracing:--Embracing is very common in our society at several occasions either in happiness or in sorrows, so when we get a chance to embrace a New Person then we may put our right palm at the Central Heart on his/her back for few seconds and right at the same time we should keep our attention to his/her Sahastrara while feeling connectivity at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart.
Then you may feel the reflexes of his/her Kundalini at your Sahastrara or into your Palm in the form of some sort of sensation of some energy which will again assure you the awakening of his/her Kundalini.

VIII) By Singing/Playing Musical Instruments:-This is very easy way to raise others Kundalini collectively as well as individually. Whenever we get a chance to sing or play some musical instrument before New People then first of all, we must be connected at our Sahastrara and into our Central heart while feeling the existence of some ‘Divine Energy’ with some desire of raising their Kundalini.

And then we should start singing or playing some musical instrument by keeping our attention into our Central Heart and slowly gets absorbed into the lyrics and melody of the song or tune fully while feeling some intense sensation into our Central Heart and at Sahastrara.

As soon as we will be dissolving into this ‘Divine Flow’ while singing or playing then our Central Heart will start emitting ‘Pure Love’ through our voice and this ‘Pure Love’ will go to their Vishudhi and ignite its Chakra and then this Chakra too start producing its Energy which merges into ‘Pure Love’ and this collective power moves towards Kundalini and Kundalini start moving upward to their Sahastrara after removing all the hurdles of all the Chakras.

Right at this time we might feel an intense but joyous pulling sensation at our Sahastrara and into our Central heart which would be assuring us about the awakening of the Kundalini of the people."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Impulses"---235--“Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening”--Part--3


 "Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening”--Part--3

V) Self Realization by our ‘Energy Field’:--When our Kundalini keeps on interacting with the several Kundalini of others everyday then the power of our Kundalini enhances as It starts sucking ‘Divine Powers’ from our surrounding through our Sahastrara and channelize to our Subtle Energy Centres and Nadies which too start Emitting ‘Pure Energy’ after being nourished by ‘Mother Kundalini’ which passes through our all the Cells and generate a ‘Magnetic Field of ‘Divine Energy’ which is capable to attract all the Souls and Raise their Kundalini without their knowledge and without keeping the attention to them by us.

This kind of ‘Energy Field’ works like a Cyclone which pulls everything into it and becomes bigger. So, same with this Cyclonic movement of its Energy which keeps on pulling all the Kundalini which comes into its Magnetic Field and increase its power gradually.

Some people around such a Blessed Soul feel the urge to talk to them spontaneously and expresses all their problems without any hesitation as they would be knowing that person since ages. 

On the contrary some people start feeling irritation and uneasiness around him/her and they try to run away from him/her, if they find difficult to go to another place then they start finding some ways of quarrelling with such a person because of his/her intense ‘Energy Field’ which pulls all the traits of human on the surface of their mind which manifest in the form of Merits and Demerits.

Such kind of Sadhak/Sadhika hardly worry about the Task of External ways of Kundalini Awakening if they could not go out due to any reason to meet new people or to go for collective meditation for Seminars and Pujas. Because they feel proper Oneness with the ‘Divine’ which is working out through their Instrument with their full consciousness and Awareness.

So, they enjoy every moment which might be Favourable or Unfavourable for them with full acceptance and full willingness because they know that “She” is there to manoeuvre whole creation through their Channels like Awakened Self Realized Souls who has surrendered completely to give a shoulder to “Adi Maa” despite of any situation of their Health, Wealth, Heart, Mind, Will, Desire and Mood."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"Impulses"--234-Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening Part-2


"Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening"--Part-2

iv) En-Masses Self Realization from our Sahastrara:--Through this process, we can give Self Realization to thousands of people from our Sahastrara at a time and take them into Meditation even in the same sitting after making them aware of vibration at palm, Sahastrara, Central heart and anywhere into their Subtle system.

For this, first of all we have to be sure of ‘Divine Energy’ (Vibration) at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart and then we must keep our attention to the Sahastrara of the whole crowd of people at least for 5 minutes and then to their Central Heart for another 2 minutes, though it can be done while talking/briefing to them if some of us have a good practice of acknowledging ‘Her Presence’ at one’s Sahastrara during the whole process.

Right at this time we might feel some intense pulling sensation at our Sahastrara and into our Central heart which would confirm the collective awakening of their Kundalini. When the frequency of vibration increases due to collective awakening of Kundalini then it conver
t into ‘Divine Flow’ which passes through our Sahastrara and Central heart and give us a feeling of Pulling Sensation.

Then we may ask them to close their eyes and keep their attention to their Central Heart and remember their own Deities at least for 2 minutes they might feel some sensation which would acknowledge the awakening the power of their Deities.

After this we may ask them to keep their attention to their Sahastrara and feel the Love of their own Deities in any form like, Rains, Water Falls, Sun Rays, and Moon Light or whatever they like at least for 5 minutes which might again produce some sensation at their Sahastrara to make them assure about the union with the ‘Divine Power’. 

Then we may ask them to close their eyes and meditate into their Central Heart at least for 5 minutes by visualizing “Shree Mata Ji” for few seconds in the beginning in place of their own Deities again and check some sensation into their Central Heart and then at their Sahastrara with the same method.

And then we may ask them to confirm the existence of their own deities in “Shree Mata Ji”’s form with the help of realizing vibration into their Palms, Finger Tips, Central heart, Sahastrara and anywhere into their Subtle Centres and Nadies. So that they can ascertain the same vibration in both the cases, and they will not hesitate to sit before “Her” with due respect after this checking and confirmation process of Vibration.

If we Give Self Realization through this way then we will get Pure Energy in Abundance through our Sahastrara which would not only cleanse our subtle system but also ignite so many sleeping Powers of all the Elements, Deities, Planets, and Rudras which would help us to awaken our own Spirit in true sense. 

And awakened Spirit finally becomes our own ‘Guru’ and Guide us to go beyond all the barriers of our Human Existence like Mind, Body and Soul to relish the Ultimate Love of ‘The Source’ of our Being. In this state we are not supposed to check vibrations anywhere into our subtle system but the truth would spontaneously reflect into our Heart with the slightest flick of our attention." 


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

to be continued...........................

Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Impulses"---233--"Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening"-Part-1


"Different Ways of Kundalini Awakening"(Part-1)

 “We can raise other’s Kundalini by using our Instrument in several ways which might be beneficial for us in the form of different kinds of considerations in different intensities and frequencies of ‘Pure Energy” to evolve our Being. 
I) By Praying to Mother:-This is the easiest and comfortable way for raising other’s Kundalini. We may pray to “Maa Adi Shakti” to raise some one’s Kundalini in meditative state when we would be feeling vibrations in our Palms, or anywhere into to our Subtle System. For this we might come into the Good Book of all the Divine Powers and Great Souls who might provide help to us to uplift our awareness and knowledge.

ii) Giving Self Realization through “Altar”:- This is the most popular way to give Self Realization to the Seekers, Through this way, we have to arrange to call and interact new comers by making them sit before the Altar of “Shree Mata Ji”. and explain them to ask for their Self Realization to “Mother “.

For this job our Kundalini receives some proportionate incentive in the form ‘Divine Powers’ to rectify and to cleanse our Subtle system for gaining Depth in Meditation.

iii) Raising of other’s Kundalini through our Sahastrara:--By this method we can keep our attention to the Sahastrara of the desired person in meditative state, while we would be feeling the Flow of Divine energy at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart and channelize ‘Her’ Love from our Central Heart to the Central Heart of the targeted person so that his/her Kundalini could come to his/her Sahastrara by recognising ‘Mother’ Love. This method can also be used for Distant Kundalini Awakening. 

The beauty of this method is that, we will always keep on receiving ‘Pure’ Love’ from the Kundalini of other’s whole life. Whenever his/her Kundalini would be at his/her Sahastrara and above then she will automatically channelize ‘Mother’s Love’ to our Kundalini because of being inseparable Friend like two magnets. 

Vice versa, other’s Kundalini too would always get the benefit from our Kundalini for ever from our Sahastrara. When such process takes place then both of them would remember each other into their Heart with the feeling of Love & Compassion for each other without giving any phone call."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

to be continued-----------------

Wednesday, May 6, 2015



1) “To achieve ‘Nirvikalp Awastha’,( Option Less State) we have to rely upon meditation only rather than performing Sahaj Techniques of clearing out of fear and habit because all these things are “Vikalpas”(Options). If we are adopting options then how can we become ‘Nirvikalp’.

Though all the such Cleansing Techniques are told and advised by “Shree Mata Ji” several times in ‘Her’ Lectures especially for beginners state or for occasional catches in Chakras and Nadies, if we study. 

When we enjoy vibration at our Sahastrara and acknowledge that into our Central Heart or anywhere into our Subtle Being then all kinds of Clearing Process has no use to gain higher state. 

Because the whole process of all these techniques are fed into our mind time to time by attention and consciousness by listening, watching and understanding of ‘Her’ Talks, which are stored into our Left Agnya. 

So, if we want to use these techniques then we have to come down to our Agnya Chakra again instead of enjoying “Her” Presence at our Sahastrara.

That’s why we might lose our good state by being influenced with all kinds of Sahaj Conditionings and Habits regarding the process of clearing and cleansing of Chakras and Nadies. 

It is far and far better to keep our consciousness above even of the thought of Clearing and cleansing but we must try to ‘Inhale’ “Mother’s Love” from Sahastrara and relish that into our whole being in the form of Vibration or flowing Energy even in worst situation and circumstances. Such kinds of understanding and state definitely leads to complete “Nirvikalpa State” as per my awareness.”

2) “Forgiveness is the Out Come of our Real Love between Soul and Almighty, while the feeling of taking revenge is the consideration of our Hidden Ego and Super Ego which usually Engulf our Awareness and force our consciousness to become a slave of our Mind.
Our mind is governed by the Devils and Demons without the realization of 'Connectivity' with the 'Divine'. Under such reactive and revengeful state, 'It' leads us to do some Anti-God and Anti-Nature tasks which makes us the victim of Negative Karmic Considerations.

If Love is there then Forgiveness is always there and if Love is not there then the meaning of forgiveness is nowhere.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"