Friday, December 9, 2022

"Impulses"--637--"Time Free Zone"

"Time Free Zone" 

"As soon as we enter into 'Thought Free State' through Deep Meditation 'The Clock of Time' stops spontaneously till we begin thinking again.

Actually 'Thoughtlessness' creates a 'Time Free Zone', it pauses 'The Whole Process of Karmic Consideration's' for some times which gives a Dynamism to our Lives in the form of Adversity or Prosperity.

Because, this 'Zero Thought State' is the 'Sate of Oneness' with "God", "Who" soothes our Souls by keeping us away from all kinds of Melancholy,Pains, Sufferings and Sadness during this 'Pause Period'."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

"Impulses"--636-"How to be away from Worldly Contamination"

 "How to be away from Worldly Contamination"

"We must always keep our Attention into our Central Heart in connected state with our Sahastrara all the Time.

To protect It from all kinds of Wordly Contamination which secretes into the Mind after every spell of It's Work.

As we park our Car into the Garage to protect it from Filth, Extreme Sun Light, Dust and Rains after using it.

So, we may say, that, our Attention is just like Car and our Central Heart is the Garage of 'This Car'.

If we keep our Attention with our Mind due to ignorance then it will definitely lose it's Purity & Vitality."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

"Impulses"-635-"No One is Authorized to Sell Divine Knowledge"

"No One is Authorized to Sell Divine Knowledge"

"Those, who are moving on any Spiritual Path, must avoid Monetary Earning from the same Path at any Cost.

Such kinds of Earnings would definitely be Suicidal for their Evolution as well as for their Biological Unit.

Because, when we go deep inside our Heart in Meditative State then 'The Representative' of "The Source",

means, our Own Spirit begins manifesting in the form of 'Self Knowledge' for the Transformation & Benevolence of the True Seekers only.

*So, no body is authorised to sell 'Divinity'.*

If we do so then, it is sure, that we are committing a Big Sin against "God", and we are going to get Severe Punishment from all the 'Deities' in the form of different kinds of Incurable Dreaded Diseases in near Future.

Actually "He" expect some favor from us to become a 'Bridge' between "Him" and 'Seekers of Truth' for their Convenience."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Friday, November 18, 2022

Impulses"--634-"God Almighty" resides above Universe"

 "God Almighty" resides above Universe"

"As far as my Awareness realizes that "God Almighty" resides above this Universe,is an Immeasurable Huge Mass of Countless Enlightened Particles which have the property of a strong Magnet.

And The Collective Power of all these Magnetic Particles, is the "Power of Desire" of "God Almighty", is called "Primordial Mother" e.i "Maa Adi Shakti".

"Who" has created whole Universe, Nature,All kinds of Creatures and Of Course the Best Creation e.i Human Being, a form of Micro Universe, has the same Properties of Macro Universe.

"She" has put those Enlightened Particles into our 'Being' as 'Spirit' and 'Kundalini' as "Her" representative,including 330 Million Deities in Nano Form.

'Who' takes care of all the Functions and Mechanism of our Gross & Subtle Body as they help "Maa Adi Shakti" to run "Her" Cosmos."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Friday, November 4, 2022

"Impulses"-633-"Journey of our Spiritual Evolution"

 "Journey of our Spiritual Evolution"

"Journey of our Spiritual Evolution begins from our Mind and it Ends into our Heart.

Which makes our Awareness as Pure as It was at the Time of our First Birth on this Planet.

It is some sort of a process of Erasing the Data of the Whole History of our all the Births which lies into the Pocket of our Mind.

So that we might be freed from the Compulsion of taking another Birth to fulfill all Worldly Ambitions/Goals/ Aims/Suppressed/Incomplete desires which were left in all Previous Birth Cycles."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"



Tuesday, November 1, 2022

"Impules-632-"-"Seeking Leads to Escapism in the Beginning"

 "Seeking Leads to Escapism in the Beginning"

"Most of the People who want their Redemption, are tend to keep running away from all Worldly Pursuits during the Phases of 'Seeking' 'The Truth', thinking them as Hurdles in the beginning of their Spiritual Journey.

And when, they get 'Proper Awakening' of their Spirit by the Love and Blessings of "God".

Then they turn back towards this 'Gross World' to help Deserving Souls in attaining their due Enlightenment without expecting any kind of Consideration."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Thursday, October 20, 2022

"Impulses"--631--'Refinement through Detachment"

 "Refinement through Detachment"

"If we are moving on a 'True Spiritual Path' in True Sense then we realize that, we are being Detached and Fearless gradually.

But such kind of Detachment and Fearlessness makes us more refined and sincere to perform all kinds of duties and fulfill all the Responsibilities towards Materialistic as well as Spiritual World very Gracefully and Happily."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Saturday, October 15, 2022

"Impulses"-630-"Peace" is The Greatest Achievement"

 "Peace" is The Greatest Achievement"

"Peace" is The Most precious Achievement of our Life which provide us Ever Existing Tranquility into our Soul.

And Never Lasting Satisfaction into our whole Being which always keep us Joyous and Contented.

If we are Inclined towards Peace, it means we are connected with our Spirit some how.

Peace is the Representation as well as Outcome of our Own Spirit, 'Who' is manifesting 'His' desire to be Awakened.

Though we might not be aware of this phenomenon due to Un-Acknowledgment of 'It's' presence into our Awareness because of too much Involvement in Worldly Affairs."


Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Saturday, September 10, 2022

"Impulses"--629--"How to Realize "God" Within"

 "How to Realize "God" Within"

"If we want to Realize "God" into 'The Temple of our Own Heart' then,

Just shed down all kinds of Conditioning/Rituals/Do's n Don'ts/Spiritual Practice/Religious Customs,

As well as Bookish/Heard/Seen/Mental/Intellectual Knowledge just before the 'Threshold' of this Temple as we remove shoes out Side before Entering into the Shrine.

Because "He" appears into a Complete Absence or Empty or Zero State of our Mind."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Thursday, September 1, 2022

"Impulses"--628-- "Twin Flames Union"

"Twin Flames Union"

"These 'Title Words' are quite Popular and Appealing among the people who are moving on different kinds of Spiritual Paths in Western Countries.

They are very much keen and Anxiously Conscious to meet their 'Twin Flames' in their present Birth.

Lots of Realized/Enlightening Souls use to look forward to seek their Soul Companions to lead a Meaningful as well as successful Human Life in all manners.

As per prefixed destiny, when the time comes, they often get their Companions.

Who very often feel some sort of Un- Fulfillment and different kinds of Incompatibility in their being in spite of being together.

That's why they are bound to compromise at several Aspects as well as at several levels of their Awareness and feel Unhappy.

That's why, the matter of Incompatibility keeps on hitting their Temperament and Mood adversely which causes Nonacceptance and Indifferentness in their behavior for each other's.

Actually, almost all the Humans have been finding their Companions of 'First Human Birth' Subconsciously since ages.

By the Grace of "God" Whenever Humans get their First Birth Companion.

They not only feel Joy and Fulfillment in each other's Company even in entirely Adverse Circumstances and Situation but also they realize the state of 'Redemption'.

It's a Fact that "Shree Adi Shakti" has put The Same Intensity in every Two Souls of the Humans of Opposite Genders to maintain The Best Compatibility between these 'Two' Souls.

These are called 'Twin Flames', who keep on taking Birth again and again in search of their 'Other Flame' when and until they meet in this World.

Thus their attempt of seeking another Flames help "Maa Adi Shakti" to run "Her" Creation.

If they meet after several Births then they often refrain from taking another Birth as Human, because of fulfilling of Purpose.

Apart from above fact another aspect of Twin Flames is also there, which may manifests in Subtle Form in any Enlightening Being.

We all are created Individually on the principal of "Shree Ardh Nairshwara", A 'Combo of "Shree Shiva" and "Shree Adi Shakti".

That's why we have both the Traits proportionately of "Ardhnarishwara" in our Existence as 'Twin Flames'.

Which, time to time keep on appearing in us in the Form of Love as "Masculine Power" and Compassion as "Feminine Power".

During our Evolving Process, both 'The Powers' meet each other's and then 'Twin Flame Union' takes place within our Being in the State of '14th Dimension',the Highest Level of Human Awareness.

At this Level, we realize Redemption (Moksha) within our Soul then the Seeking of Other Half of our Twin Flames gets ended Externally."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"



Thursday, August 25, 2022

"Impulses"--627-"Waves of Emotions"

 "Waves of Emotions"

"Our Mind is the 'Surface' of the Ocean of our Central Heart.

The 'Waves of Emotions' keep on Rising and Falling on this Surface as per the 'Weather of Circumstances' and create several kinds of Mental Traumas for us.

If we want to be away from such a Negative Mental Disposition.

Then we should Dive Deep into It's Water and Stay in Bottom of this Ocean to Enjoy this Life in Real Sense."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"



Tuesday, August 16, 2022

"Impulses"--626--"Mind Contaminates Awareness"

 "Mind Contaminates Awareness"

"As soon as we keep on loading our Mind with several kinds of External Information.

Then, It begins contaminating our Awareness with its Data.

And then 'The Sensitivity' of our Consciousnesses towards Truth start diminishing gradually."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Friday, August 12, 2022

"Impulses"--625--"Truth Walks Alone"















      "Jai Shree Mata Ji" 



Saturday, August 6, 2022

"Impulses"--623-- "कर्तव्य परायणता"

 "कर्तव्य परायणता" 

"वर्तमान काल भी कितना विचित्र है,यदि आप हृदयगत संवेदनाओं से परिपूर्ण होकर किसी अपने प्रिय के हित के प्रति चिंतित होते हुए उसे किसी विपदा में फंसने से बचाने के लिए कोई सूचना/शोध/अनुभव साझा करते हैं।

तो वह अपने मन में संचित सूचनाओं को ही सत्य मानते हुए बहुत ही बुरा मान जाता है।

अपने उक्त सूचनाओं के ज्ञान के अहंकार से आच्छादित होकर अक्सर अत्यंत नकारात्मक रूप में प्रतिक्रिया करते हुए या तो आपको मूर्ख समझता है या फिर आपको अपना शत्रु मान बैठता है।

ऐसी अवस्था में आपके सामने धर्म संकट खड़ा हो जाता है कि आप अपने उस प्रिय को चुपचाप रहकर ऐसे ही पीड़ाओं/विपत्तियों में फंस कर नष्ट होता देखते रहें।

या फिर उसे उसके आने वाले कष्टों के प्रति आगाह करते हुए उसके बुरे बनने को तैयार रहें।

हमारी चेतना के अनुसार यदि आप उस व्यक्ति को वास्तव में हृदय से प्रेम करते हैं तो आपको उसकी नजरों में बुरा बनने में कोई गुरेज नहीं होनी चाहिए।

क्योंकि जिस पल भी उसे आपकी बातों के सत्य का एहसास होगा तो उसकी चेतना आपके प्रति कृतज्ञता अनुभव करते हुए आपके प्रति हृदय से सम्मान का अनुभव करेगी।

यानि एक सत्यनिष्ट मानव को बिना किसी बात की चिंता करते हुए मानवता की रक्षा के लिए अन्य लोगों को सचेत करने का कर्तव्य पालन अवश्य करना चाहिए क्योंकि ऐसे अच्छे हृदय के मानवों को केवल "ईश्वर" के प्रति ही जवाब देह होना चाहिए।"


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"
