Thursday, October 20, 2022

"Impulses"--631--'Refinement through Detachment"

 "Refinement through Detachment"

"If we are moving on a 'True Spiritual Path' in True Sense then we realize that, we are being Detached and Fearless gradually.

But such kind of Detachment and Fearlessness makes us more refined and sincere to perform all kinds of duties and fulfill all the Responsibilities towards Materialistic as well as Spiritual World very Gracefully and Happily."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Saturday, October 15, 2022

"Impulses"-630-"Peace" is The Greatest Achievement"

 "Peace" is The Greatest Achievement"

"Peace" is The Most precious Achievement of our Life which provide us Ever Existing Tranquility into our Soul.

And Never Lasting Satisfaction into our whole Being which always keep us Joyous and Contented.

If we are Inclined towards Peace, it means we are connected with our Spirit some how.

Peace is the Representation as well as Outcome of our Own Spirit, 'Who' is manifesting 'His' desire to be Awakened.

Though we might not be aware of this phenomenon due to Un-Acknowledgment of 'It's' presence into our Awareness because of too much Involvement in Worldly Affairs."


Jai Shree Mata Ji"
