This Blog is dedicated to the "Lotus Feet" of Her Holiness Shree Mata Ji Shree Nirmala Devi who incepted and activated "Sahaj Yoga", an entrance to the "Kingdom of God" since 5th May 1970
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
(Photos)A Journey to The "PILGRIM" Chhindwara March 2008
Father "AKASH" is showering energy in the form of Return Gift
A beautiful lake just near the camping ground
At" The Shrine"
Our Sahaji Sisters dancing with joy with overwhelming love of "Shree Maa"
Showing different emotions
"CHANDRA DEV" is also smiling on the Eve of our " BELOVED MOTHER,S"Birth Day
"SURYA DEV" came near to our "Mother" to Greet "HER"
nice photos