Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Impulses"----"चिंतन"(contemplation) -----38------09.08.11


1)."सामूहिक ध्यान एक पानी के जहाज के समानं है और ध्यान से पूर्व के समस्त कर्म-काण्ड यानी अपने को संतुलित व् साफ़ रखने की प्रक्रियाएं इस जहाज पर सवार  होने से पूर्व के उपक्रम मात्र हैं, जिस पर सवार  होकर संसार रुपी सागर को पार करके अपने परम-पिता के पास पहुंचा जा सकता है, और जब हम  'उनके' पास पहुँच कर  'उनके' साथ ही  रहने लगते हैं तो जहाज में फिर सवार होने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं रहती, फिर तो बस 'उनके' सानिग्ध्य का लाभ उठाते है और आनंद से रहते हैं और 'वो' जो भी हमसे चाहते हैं इस संसार के लिए करा लेते हैं."
(" Collective meditation is just like boarding a Ship and pre-meditational activities like balancing and cleansing are just like pre efforts to board this ship.By boarding this ship we usually cross the ocean of materialistic world and reach to the another shore to stay with  Almighty for ever. Then there is no need to use this ship again. We just enjoy 'His' company and work according to 'Him' for his whole creation.")

2)‎"As soon as we proceed higher, the beauty and purity enhances automatically, we are not supposed to do anything to make us pure because this purity is capable to make us pure."

(जैसे-जैसे हम  ध्यान में ऊंचे  उठते जाते हैं भीतर का सौन्दर्य और पवित्रता अपने आप ही बढती  जाती  है, इसके लिए हमें कोई भी बहार से कुछ भी करने की आवश्यकता नहीं रहती. पवित्रता ही हमें  पवित्र करने के लिए समर्थ है.")

‎3)"We all are already a channel of blessing, and this life of ours is now a bliss, just try to know this fact by staying inside our Central heart."

(हम सभी 'श्री माँ'' के पहले से ही चैनल हैं और हमारा ये जीवन अब एक परमात्मा की अनुकम्पा बन चुका है, हमें यही सत्य समझने की कोशिश अपने ही हृदय में रहकर करनी चाहिए.")

 4) ‎"'Fear is nothing but a sacredness related to unknown or unawareness, we must understand that whatever has happened is, 'His' will. so what is the meaning of being fearful.' And one more thing 'Fear is the consideration of the calculation of the limited knowledge of the brain, and brain could contain only what has come before it earlier, but it is unable to assess the truth of present."

5) "Life is just like a film, our soul has come here to get a unique experience by watching this film called 'Life' to make able to understand the creativity of it's Origin. When our soul understands it's purpose then our personality reflects all these positive traits like affection, compassion, acceptance, gratitude and surrender."

6) "The Life of human being is very strange and having contradiction, one side we enjoy what "He' has given to us and on the other side we have to do very hard work to get this opportunity."-

7) ‎"Heart always float on the surface of the water of compassion, affection and love."

‎8) "A sensitive and gullible child of 'Shree Maa' is more than of all the fruits,all the flowers, all the plants, all the trees, all the creatures, all the planets, all the elements and even all the deities because all these things are going to serve that Innocent and affectionate Child for whole life."

9) "it's a responsibility if we get something out of meditation, it is must to share, because your little experience can give everything to some one who is waiting for that only to understand."

10) "When a human suffers a lot then he runs away from this world and try to go towards 'God' and does everything to find 'Him' out and when he finds 'God' then turns back to this world again, because now he may be able to feel 'Him' in this world, then there is no deed to go anywhere."

11) "God is not a destination but a journey, if we board a train and train take us to several places, means we are dynamic though we are not doing anything. Same with 'God' when we got connection with him then everything has been done by 'Him' for us according to 'His' desire."-

12) "Some times Sahajis have different notions related to the procedure and methods of meditation, it is obvious. Every Sahaji listens the lecture of 'Shree Mata ji', but understands according to their awareness and depth. There must not be any quarrel but we must think that 'Shree Maa' resides in each and every Sahaji's Heart, this is comman phenomenon. Uniformity in meditation, no way, is not possible."

(13) "To give self realization is equal to breath, as soon as you start giving you will get the power of all the Kundalinies of those whom you have given self realization, and you will get the Royalty of power whole life, that's why you grow fast, so giving is receiving and receiving is giving."

14) "Innocence is just like blowing air which carries the seeds of different flowers and take them to several gardens to bloom."

15) "spontaneity always comes from truth which is beyond our stored data in our left Agnya, that is why it is called spontaneity."

‎16) "We all are the little flowers of 'Shree Maa', if we want to do something for our 'Great Mother', we have to do very little thing, which is only to spread the fragrance of 'Her' love."

17) "When we connect with 'God', "He' not only change us internally but  change ourselves externally too."

18) "when you feel Eternal Energy at your Sahastrara and Central Heart,  it means your both the deities are awakened then you are not supposed to recite any type of Mantras because  Mantras are just like wake up call for 'Them'."

19) "Time is made only for  this visible and external creation, for subtle world there is no need of time. If you are at Sahastrara means you are with 'Adi Shakti' and 'She' is beyond time."

20) "Question is nothing but an application to 'God' to make us understand what 'He' is showing before us."

21) "It is better to tell every one regarding Sahaj Yoga and meditation from our experience only what we have gained in meditation because we can prove those experiences easily, Instead of debating over the lectures of 'Shree Mata ji. Because, when and until we feel 'Her' saying, It is advisable not to open our mouth."

22) "If we feel some trouble in our life or we feel some sort of suffering then we should  try to understand this fact that now our life is not our's, so we  should not be so conscious about our life, because, when we bow our head into the "Lotus Feet" of 'Shree Mata ji' with complete surrender and dedication then the responsibility of our life goes to 'Shree Maa' and we have to fulfill only one responsibility e.i giving Self realization and helping novices in meditation continuously without thinking any type of profit-loss. Then everything will be -alright."

‎23) "Who is the Actual Mother ?  who express utmost care and flows Compassion, Affection and True love without any type of discrimination."


"Jai Shree Mata ji"


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