"Contemplation---(चिंतन)''---Sources of Thoughts
Why they come? What is the source of our thoughts? Why they disturb us? When they would stop ? All these questions are still unsolved, we usually assume when we get proper depth then they would stop. When ‘Shree Maa’ would bless us then they would stop. In spite of making us satisfied by assuming these types of notions, we may be still in doubt and tend to think again and again though we do not want to think. It seems, this thinking habit is uncontrollable, so some times we fall in severe guilt and curse ourselves.
As per my internal inspiration usually thoughts come from three channels’:-
a) “From our Mind:- In most of the cases, we get thoughts from our mind, when it is filled by the memory of some happenings, hearing, watching, understanding, reading, meetings, seeing, listening, judging, comparing and so many things which comes under the Acknowledgement of our Mind then our Brain starts releasing its filled memory in the form of thoughts to release its stress otherwise our brain might have damaged due to over storage.
This work of brain is so automatic that we could not notice our coming thoughts properly. Because our Brain has a small pocket to contain Mind in it. One thing is very surprising that our thoughts usually come of our Actual, Emotional and Psychological Needs which may have very high intensity which is capable to attract our attention. Sometimes these types of needs are fulfilled in our Dreams. Dreams are also an out let of our Mental Stress. So in first situation the basis of our thoughts are previous memories.
b) From our Brain:- When our mind fails then our brain helps us in taking decisions with the help of both the Hemispheres. Our right hemisphere ignites the memories and observes the desire of our mind and our left hemisphere first, analyze every contained information and intensity of mind and then give options as per our Psyche and Emotions so that we could feel relaxation. So from second stage our thoughts come on the basis of comparison.
c) From our Central heart :- Sometimes we get thoughts from Spontaneity which has come from the truth, the beauty of Spontaneity is, that it has no previous history or memory nor has comparison, it usually give one thought , which may not feel appropriate as per our mind and brain but has energy in it. When the thought comes from our Central heart then we may feel some sort of cooling, throbbing, palpitation, sensation and some sort of pulling into our Central Heart which convince us as a truth. So there are almost three sources of our thoughts."
“God Communicates in ‘Sushupti Avastha’ (Complete thoughtless state)…………H.H. Shree Mata Ji
"Jai Shree Mata ji
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