"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---6 "During Driving"
“After coming out from our house we may sit into our vehicle and turn the key on then we should keep our attention at our Sahastrara and keep on feeling sensation of the presence of ‘Maa’ Adi’ Shakti during driving our vehicle. It helps us improving our alertness and presence of our mind and we would be away from all types of preoccupation of thoughts of our mind which might cause any type of accident. By doing this our attention will not go anywhere and we would be able to drive our vehicle safely.
Sometimes we stuck in traffic Jam and start cursing the traffic system, our administration, our government and sometimes ourselves and become very irritated because generally we use to be in a hurry, if our family members are sitting along with us then it would be almost sure that we might become annoyed with them or sometimes we might scold them without their mistakes. So sometimes unintentionally we often create tension and become frustrated. So if we enjoy the feelings of vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart at this moment then we would definitely not be angry but enjoy that situation instead of being angry.
At this particular time of Traffic Jam we may channelize Pure Love from our Central Heart through our Sahastrara to the Sahastrara and Central Heart of the people who are stuck in Traffic Jam which might be able to raise their Kundalini and would be able to give little stimulation into their Central Heart for opening. If we do so, we might feel increasing flow of vibration and energy at our Sahastrara and into Our Central heart which is the clear indication of raising their Kundalini. It would be the greatest charity of this universe in my eyes. Thus, we may utilize our time and increase our energy and vibratory awareness during such types of adverse situation.
"Jai Shree Mata Ji"