Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---3--'Morning Walk'----Contemplation---78

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---3--'Morning Walk'

"After Morning Tea we might go for Morning Walk or some fitness spree. If we go out for walking then we may keep our eyes on the ground and we may take our attention at our Sahastrara and realize the pure energy at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart while walking. 

At this time we should try to feel the flow of energy at our Sahastrara and then into our Central Heart continuously, this would be very helpful for improving our concentration as well as energy level. When we try to realize energy at Sahastrara or anywhere in any center then our attention become busy and we become ‘Nirvichar’ easily. On the contrary if our attention becomes free then it starts receiving several thoughts from our mind and creates problems in meditation so it is essential to make our attention busy in observing and feeling vibration all the time.

We may maintain this process at least for 10-15 minutes then we may take our attention for finding more and more aspects of meditation if we like. For example if we are willing to understand our internal anatomy by contemplation then first we must be assured about the flow of energy at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart which represents the presence of both the Deities likes ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ and ‘Maa Jagdamba’. Both are the source of every knowledge, ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ gives us whole universal knowledge while ‘Maa Jagdamba’ gives us all the knowledge related to our individual benevolence. That’s why both the Goddesses must be awakened within us if we want to grow more. 

Both the ‘Goddesses always help us in acknowledging several aspects of our life as well as other types of lives, so interaction with both the Powers are Necessary. Without their presence there can never be any type of Mediation as well as contemplation. Contemplation is must for our deep understanding, when and until we inclined to know anything, we cannot get any answer. In this state what ever we want to understand and to know, that would come before us spontaneously. So contemplation with the presence of Divine Flow is the key feature of knowing several things in a very natural way. 

It is not the process of thinking, it seems like thinking, it resembles with thinking. Actually we always tend to think only on the basis of the stored data of our mind whereas we do contemplate with the representation of both the powers at both the centers at a time which are capable to give new ideas, new dimension and motivation for our ascent as well as for our materialistic life. Thus, we can meditate during the Morning walk very happily and very comfortable. Have a nice time, try this if you like."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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