Wednesday, December 12, 2012

“Nirvicharita”---A Gradual Process—1 (12.12.12)---Contemplation---127

“Nirvicharita”---A Gradual Process—1 

"Respected Nirmal souls, Jai Shree Mata Ji, on the occasion of a very special date e.i 12.12.12 which would come in next century after today, My awareness is willing to share some observation and contemplation regarding attaining ‘Complete Nirvicharita’, which can be established after going through several ‘Thoughts’ which usually come during the meditation and disturb us and hamper our ‘Growth’.

Though,  we usually start our meditation after taking Bandhan with all Chakras Clearing process and chant ‘Maha Mantra and then we even take ‘ Mantra of Nirvicharita’ and then we try to indulge our attention in Singing of Bhajan with full devotion, but our thoughts appear again and again and give us fear of being caught by some so called Negativity.

Now the question arises why so many different thoughts come especially during meditation? What are the origins of various thoughts? Why we cannot be freed from the flow of thoughts often?

As per my awareness, as soon as we sit for meditation our attention becomes free from our daily routine works and it starts finding our problems and needs and take them to the surface of our mind in the form of thoughts that’s why  we have to encounter some thoughts of very high intensity of various,"Necessary Needs" which are not being fulfilled by us like:---

A) Biological Needs:--Which maintains our Biological Body, have been divided into three main category. 

i) Thoughts of insufficient daily bread:--Sometimes our life use to pass through a very tough time that we could hardly earn sufficient money to fulfil the requirement of proper food for our family, in this case we might have several thoughts regarding this problem during the spell of meditation whereas we might feel the flow of Divine Energy at our Sahastrara and Central heart.

ii)  Thoughts of Health problems:--Our health is another issue which always count in second top priority of human necessities, if we are ill and having severe problems then in meditation too we might face several thoughts of our health problems and its cure.

iii) Thoughts of physical intimacy:--Physical need also a necessary natural need which should be fulfilled in a very positive manner otherwise it creates severe psychosomatic disorder and mental distortion which are evident in our day to day society. If someone is lacking a proper intimated companion then he/she might have several such types of thoughts during meditation, it is obvious, because it is a genuine requirement. be continued,


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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