Friday, February 8, 2013

“Nirvicharita”---A Gradual Process-----6, Contemplation----133

“Nirvicharita”---A Gradual Process-----6

"Another thing we commonly do, out of internal need we try to seek that companion in others specially in our surroundings or in our circle but we cannot show our feelings to those out of Social boundaries, but at mind level we enjoy their company secretly in the form of several thoughts.

Sometimes we fall into the love of the company of filmy celebrities and the legendary personalities by watching their movies and reading their gossips in the magazines. These personalities give us the feeling of mental fulfillment and boost our emotional energy.

Very interestingly we use to spend some imaginary spells of times along with these tycoons and we feel solace in their imaginary company. Or sometimes we seek their traits into the personality of our Life-Partner and motivate them to adopt those traits.

If we see that our partner is not behaving as per our choices then we usually deviate from the truth and try to avoid his/her company, thus we spoil our intimated moments and make our life sourer.

Slowly, slowly disliking of each other’s company increases and finally we felt a stranger in the form of our partner. So, our relations become mechanical and artificial which causes inharmonious atmosphere in our homes and affects our siblings as well as our elders.

Thus, we always keep on thinking and thinking about our unsatisfied and unfulfilled life, when we sit for meditation and try to feel vibrations then the chain of over producing thoughts interrupts our concentrating and blocks the flow of vibrations and leaves us spiritually thirsty and dejected.

And when this situation repeats again and again and we become the victim of severe depression which causes catches in our Chakras and contaminated Chakras creates lots of mental disorders which manifests left side problems.

To overcome such types of problems, we must give our self some counseling to our self in meditative state right at the time of feeling vibration at Sahastrara and Central Heart that what ever we have got in this present life, is the consideration of the doings of our previous life cycles.

We should not blame our self or anyone for our pains and miseries for such types of situations but we must use the ‘Power of Pain’ for attaining ‘Higher Spiritual Goal’ and for making our connection more strong with ‘Almighty’. Because in adversities we feel more closeness with ‘God’, perhaps this is ‘His’ game which causes trouble for us and pulling us closer and closer to ‘Him’.

So we must leave every thought of our Life Partner or companion to ‘The Lotus Feet’ of ‘Shree Mata Ji’ at our Sahastrara and we should try to make our self busy in feeling the flow of ‘Pure Energy’ as ‘Her’ presence because ‘She’ is the care taker of all ‘Her’ Souls. ‘She’ is always there to take care of our Awareness and Consciousness.

If ‘She’ will, ‘She’ might give us a glimpse of our Desired Companion in this life cycle; this is ‘Her’ field. Or ‘She’ might develop all the desired traits in our present Life-Partner to make us satisfied and happy."

"Jai Shree Mata Ji" be continued,

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