Friday, January 31, 2014

"अनुभूति"--22--"परिवर्तन" (Transformation)

"अनुभूति"--22 --26.09.07


"न मैं बुरा हूँ, न मैं अच्छा हूँ ,
मैं बस 'श्री माँ' आपका बच्चा हूँ। 

आपकी प्रीती से पल बढ़ रहा हूँ ,
आप ही की देखरेख में तो मैं चल रहा हूँ। 

अक्सर गिरता रहता था मैं बहुत पहले,
ऐसा लगता है कि मैं अब संभल रहा हूँ। 

थामा है आपने मेरा हाथ, 
यूं कलेजे से  लगाके,
करता हूँ मैं आज ये इकरार, 
आपको हृदय में बसा के। 

न खोने  की फ़िक्र करता हूँ, 
न पाने की दरकार रखता हूँ। 

मैं तो बस हर पल हर घडी,
 नमन: आपको बारम्बार करता हूँ। 

सोचता रहता हूँ अक्सर,
मैं और क्या पाऊँ 'माँ। 

कितना दिया है आपने मुझ नाचीज को ,
कैसे उसका दिले इजहार कर पाऊ 'माँ। 

अब क्या है मेरा यहाँ,
जो मुझको खींच रहा है,
अब ताओ बस 'परम चैतन्य' ही, 
मेरे अंत:करण को सींच रहा है। 

क्या चाहता था मैं पहले, 
अब सब कुछ भूल गया हूँ।

ऐसा लगता है 'माँ',
मैं आपके 'श्री चरणो' की धूल बन गया हूँ। 

"इति श्री " 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



1) "The thought of Death is frightening for those who are mind oriented only because our mind has no data of it in it's memory, on the contrary the feeling of Death is beautiful because our Enlightened Awareness knows this is the beginning of another journey."

2) “All of us must earn our own knowledge by contemplation, intro-analysis, intro-inspection and by witnessing everything in deep meditative state when we would be receiving the ‘Divine Flow’ from Sahastrara to Central Heart.

This Flow of ‘Pure Love’ makes us able to read and understand ‘The Book of Divine Knowledge’ which exi
sts into the Library of our Heart to expand our Awareness related to Subtle Truth which is around us as well as which has yet to come into our Consciousness.

Otherwise, we would be consuming the ‘Hard Earned wealth’ of our Parents (‘Shree Maa’) only who had spent their whole life independently with great Dignity and Respect. We will definitely feel ashamed before our children when they will ask what we have earned for them.”

3) “The word discussion is the synonym of sheer evaluation of our mind on the basis of what we have saved earlier into its memory. Or Discussion is some sort of a debate over our stored data of information of our mind which might yet to be realized by our consciousness.

Most of the times it converts into imposition of one’s noti
ons which usually hurt the feelings and emotions of others. And if the topic of discussion uses to be Individual ‘Spirituality’ and ‘Divine Entity which is ‘Infinite’ to Explore and Experience then it seems absurd. 

Because no one can challenge other’s spiritual and meditational experiences on any basis because of time factor as well as different grasping capacity & perception. It seems like a QUARREL AMONG FLOWERS OVER THE PECULIARITIES OF THEIR FRAGRANCES AND SHAPE.

Realization of Truth usually enlightens our mind and enlightened mind diminishes the urge of Discussion.”

4) “While checking some one’s vibration, we must be very alert, because our attention goes to our Mind first unconsciously, where we have some old or wrong information given by someone which has no authenticity, then we usually get hot vibration and come to the wrong conclusion.

Another thing, If someone is bias or jealous wi
th some person and when he/she tries to check the vibration of the same person then his/her own Swadhishthana and Back Agnya might catch because of his/her wrong notion about that person, but out of ignorance he/she would tell others that he/she is having catches in Swadhishtnana and Back Agnya of that person.

If we really want to know the truth then we must keep our attention first to our Sahastrara then to our Central heart and finally to our Palms with clarity of our heart & mind and then to the question very clearly otherwise we will miss the correct information.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Friday, January 24, 2014



1) “Our already existing internal negativity attracts the external negativity as a magnet attracts another magnet or iron." so if we increase the input of Divine Energy into our system only then our own negativity could be dissolved and external negativity cannot enter into our subtle system.”

2) “A rotten fruit can never be fresh again, if we keep ‘That’ with fresh fruits then it will spoil all the fruits so same with ‘Distorted Relation’ if we try again to restore them then they will destroy all the other relations. 

So it is always better to take a side from such types of relations for peaceful and happy life.

This fact is understood by our consciousness only after being ‘One’ with ‘Divine’.”

3) “Spiritual Life is some sort of a road which is infested with the shrubs of thorns at both the side and we have to keep on walking on this road. So during our walk, some thorns prick into our skin and give us pain but some thorns break down due to friction of walking. 

Though, we have to tolerate some pain and problems but we would be clearing the path for the next walkers. And this is our ‘Earnest Duty’ being a ‘True Yogi’.”

4) “ we must maintain an optimum distance among all types of worldly or spiritual relations for proper growth as we put two trees at an ideal distance so that their branches could not get entangled with each other to restrict their development.

On the contrary we must reduce the distance day by day between us and all the ‘Divine Powers’, we must let them work through our instrument to expand the magnetic field of ‘Pure Energy.”

5) “Four things belongs to human being like, Mind, Attention, Consciousness and Awareness which are used to understand another four things like Human Body, Soul, Spirit and God."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, January 20, 2014



1) “In meditative state we usually go through almost three phases of ‘Vicharita’ (Thoughtfulness):--

i) Vicharita— V=Vishudhi + Achran (Thinking) means we receive the things from Vishudhi and acknowledge them into our consciousness in the form of thoughts and thoughts are the counter reaction of our mind.

ii) Nir-Vicharita—Ni=Melody of Sahastrara which sprouts after the union of Kundalini and Sahastrara, R=Power, this union produces power ; Nir=Power of Sahastrara +Vishudhi.

Means we acknowledge things in the presence of Sahastrara and Vishudhi at a time= thinking about the Power of Sahastrara = Deity of Sahastrara = thinking about ‘Shree Mata Ji’.

iii) A-Vicharita—A=Adrashya (Invisible)=Nirakaar means thinking about the Creator ‘Who’ is omnipresent, ‘Who’ resides into each and every particle of ‘His’ Creation as well into our cells of our biological and subtle body. 

In all these three phases our Vishudhi is used to make us understand everything. Actually Vishudhi is the only medium which usually updates our mind with new information related to materialistic world as well as spiritual world.”

2) “Most of us are tend to check catches in our Chakras & other’s Chakras as well as at every place all the time, that’s why we always catch, if we little change our perception and try to check the existence of ‘The Power of Adi Shakti’ in all the Chakras as well as at all the places then we would always get good vibrations because ‘This Power’ exists everywhere.”

3) “Usually we human live with the influence of three existences like:-

i) Mind- is provided by ‘Almighty to give a shoulder to our Soul for the Journey of ‘His’ creation, meant for storing, evaluating and analyzing the data of materialistic life.

ii) Consciousness-- the reflection of our Spirit, which receives & understands all the information either materialistic or spiritual world and guides us and helps us in maintaining proper balance in our life.

iii) Awareness- meant for Spiritual Growth, is the ‘Transmission’ of ‘Almighty’, takes us to the ultimate Source of ‘Life’ (The Origin) or we can say, it is a‘Walking God’, makes us capable to witness everything."

4) 'True Love can not be inclined nor declined that's why 'It' is completely detached and detachment preserves 'It's innocence and innocence makes it Pure and Purity generates Wisdom and wisdom emits Peace & Satisfaction."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mountain & Meditation(Pics)-----15-----"Trek to Har Ki Doon" in Sep. 1985

This is a very beautiful Area, known for the Salvation of 'Pandawas', it is said that all the Pandawas got their Salvation at this place by Climbing the 'Peak of 'Swarg-Rohini'.  Duryodhna  is worshiped in this region, since 'Mahabharata'..


 On the way to John Dhar Glacier

 At the Last Camp of Har Ki Doon

Near Village Taluka

   At Sankri

Friday, January 10, 2014

Anubhuti---25---"मिश्री की डली"

'अनुभूति'--25 (04.04.08)

"मिश्री की डली,.... .... पानी में पड़ी ,....... फिर भी वो क्यों न घुली "

एक थी मिश्री (मानवीय अस्तित्व) की डली, इक दिन उसकी किस्मत खुली, 
सुकर्मो के प्रताप से परम चैतन्य के पानी में पड़ी। 

पहले वो थोडा सा सकुचाई, घुलने से पहले थोडा हिचकिचाई,
नहीं होना चाहती थी वो गीला, रूप था उसका बड़ा सजीला।

बड़ी मेहनत  व् हिफाजत से उसने, अपने को संवारा था,
हर पल हर घडी उसने , हृदय में, अपने साथी(आत्मा) को पुकारा था। 

साथी को देखने के लिए उसकी अँखियाँ तरसती थीं,
अपने साथी के साथ हर पल रहने की, उसके अंतर्मन में प्यास बसती थी।  

बड़ी कातर द्रष्टी से वो चारो तरफ देखती थी ,
साथी को न खोज पाने के कारण, नित्य उसकी अँखियाँ बरसती थीं। 

सोचती रहती थी अक्सर, ऐसे कैसे मैं जीवन बिताउंगी,
साथी के साथ के बिना, क्या मैं अधूरी ही रह  जाउंगी।। 

उसके अंत:करण की पीड़ा को इक दिन 'माँ आदि' ने सुन लिया ,
सदा सुहागन रहने का इक दिन, "माँ निर्मला" के रूप में उसे वर दिया। 

"श्री माँ" के "श्री चरणो" से उसके सहस्त्रार पर इक फुहार पड़ी,
इसके बाद अनंत धाराओं की लग गई, उसके हृदय में झड़ी। 

नहाकर धाराओं में 'परमचैतन्य' की, मिश्री की डली थोडा सा घुली, 
घुलकर प्रेम धाराओं में "श्री माँ" की, वो अपने प्रियतम 'मिठास' से  (आत्मा ) पहली बार मिली। 

मिलकर अपनी प्रिय मिठास से, उसने अपनी वास्तविकता को है जाना,

जो था उसकी जन्म जन्मान्तर की तपस्या का मेहनताना। 

डूबकर प्रेम में अपनी मिठास के, खो  बैठी अपनी सुध-बुध ,

पाकर अपनी ही मिठास को अपने हृदय में, हो गया उसका अंतरमन शुद्ध। 

बड़े प्रेम के साथ वो अपनी मिठास के साथ रहने लगी,

जुड़कर अपनी मिठास के साथ, अब उसे कुछ करने की लगी।।

दोनों मिलकर "श्री माँ" का प्रेम, दुनिया पर बरसाने लगे,

जा जा कर दोनों, लोगों की कुंडलनियो को हर रोज उठाने लगे। 

देख देख कर दोनो के कार्यों को, 

देवगण भी अपना-अपना मृदंग बजाने लगे। 

चहुँ ऒर प्रेम ही प्रेम का वातावरण, छा गया,

ऐसा लगने लगा कि अब वक्त पूर्ण परिवर्तन का, निकट आ गया। 

दोनों के दिव्य प्रेम की चर्चा चारों ऒर होने लगी,

डूब कर प्रेम सागर में अपनी  मिठास के, वो नित्य और घुलने लगी। 

धीरे धीरे उसकी मिठास का असर चारो ऒर फैलने लगा,

उसके मीठे पानी का सुरूर लोगों पर चढ़ने लगा।।

पर अब घडी एक और परीक्षा की थोडा निकट आने लगी,

कुछ लोभी लोगों की झूठी प्रशंसा, अब मिश्री को भाने लगी। 

वो लोगों की चापलूसी  में, मन्त्र-मुग्ध सी होने लगी ,

धीरे धीरे अपनी ही मिठास को, अपने से दूर करने लगी। 

भूल गई भ्रमित होकर वो घुलना, अपने ही अस्तित्व में वो खोने लगी,

चाटुकारिता, लालच, झूठ, फरेब, व् छलना से, उसकी मित्रता बढ़ने लगी। 

अपने प्राणो से भी प्रिय मिठास से उसके दूरी बढ़ने लगी,

औरो के झूठे लोभ में पड़कर, वो अपनी ही मिठास को खोने लगी। 

अपने स्वरुप की प्रशंसा का अहंकार, उसके अस्तित्व पर छाने लगा,

बनकर आवरण अहंकार उसका, उसका मित्र कहलाने लगा।। 

अब तो परमचैतन्य भी उससे, कुछ दूर दूर रहने लगे। 

झूठे, लालची, मक्कार  लोगो का दायरा, उसके चारों ऒर हर दिन बढ़ने लगा। 

ऐसे ही लोगों के चक्कर में पड़कर, वो अपनी ही मिठास को जलील करने लगी। 

उसकी इस फितरत को देख कर, मिठास का हृदय टूटने लगा। 

प्रेम के इस सुन्दर से घरौंदे में, दीमक का कीड़ा पलने लगा,

सुबह से लेकर शाम तक, मिठास का हृदय दर्द से तड़पने लगा। 

कई बार उसने अपनी मिश्री को, तड़प कर है समझाया,

पर हर बार मिश्री के दुष्ट साथियों ने, उसको हर बार भरमाया। 

टूटकर मिश्री की बेबफाई से, मिठास पलट कर चल दी। 

फिर भी भ्रमित मिश्री ने, इस पर गौर न किया,

अपने ज्ञान व् रूप के अहम में, उस पर वार पर वार किया।।

अब तो अपनी मिठास से मिश्री की, विदाई की घडी ही आ गई,

अहंकार के  प्लास्टिक में जकड़कर, मिश्री पूरी तरह भरमा गई। 

इसीलिए भइया ये  कहना है हमें, मिश्री की डली पानी में पड़ी,

इसीलिए भइया वो फिर भी न घुली।।


मिश्री की डली= मानवीय अस्तित्व (चेतना) , मिठास=आत्मा

Thursday, January 9, 2014



1) “ We have got only one religion to follow after coming into ‘ Lotus Feet’ as an Instrument of ‘Sree Adi Shakti’ is, only to receive & acknowledge ‘Her’ powers into our being and relay the same power to the entire globe for the benevolence of the whole creation without discrimination through our attention in meditative state.

If we fail to do this then we might loose the very purpose of getting Self Realization and we would not be able to enjoy the journey of life any more."

2) “ The Cells of our External Biological Body as well as internal subtle body are designed to perceive ‘The Truth’ only for their nourishment, if they receive Lies then they start dying themselves and we might get several kinds of infections easily which convert into severe diseases after some times.. That’s why, today almost every person is ill due to unholy surrounding.

So we must be very couscous about our reflexes and speaking related to anything in spite of being a ‘Realized Soul’, because after getting realization ‘Untruth’ directly gives harm not only to our biological body but also it hits badly to our ‘Awareness & Soul’ which might be liable to hinder our Spiritual Ascent.”

3) “Most of us are habitual to say that ‘Shree Mata Ji’ speaks from them while giving Self-Realization and during the spell of Guided Meditation. As per my internal understanding, our Awareness makes us speak when it gets connected with ‘The Flow of Adi Shakti’ during deep meditative state.

We could speak only about the things which have come into our consciousness after being connected with the Sahastrara, Vishudhi & Central Heart of the people who use to be there before us or who are into our attention.

When this flow sprouts spontaneously from our instrument, we feel intense sensation into our Central Heart and at Sahastrara. And the words which come in this state from us, usually new and fresh. 

On the contrary, when we speak from our mind, we hardly feel any sensation of the vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart but we might feel some sort of Heat at our Left Agnya which releases from our right Ear. And our words and sentences would be old which we have been repeating in our previous briefings. We may imitate other’s statements while giving Self Realization and Guiding Meditation.

4) “All types of Sahaj Techniques are just like crutches which usually being used for giving support to our legs for walking in case of weakness or fracture so that they could temporarily bear the body weight until we get healed properly.

Out of habit, if we carry them along with us holding in our hands during walking in spite of being alright then there may be hundred chances of our stumbling down on the ground and suffer from injury as well as hitting of others unknowingly with the same crutches.

So it is always better to avoid Sahaj Techniques if we are enjoying vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart otherwise we might develop bad Agnya which would cause deficiency of vibration and loss of proper thoughtlessness.”.


"Jai Shree Mata JI"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014



1) “Some of us sit for meditation and by mistake we repeat the same pattern, same method , with same aim, with same prayer, with same notion and with same emotion to start the process of meditation, which we have been doing for the last few years.

It is just like walking on the same road again and again for different de
stinations, how can we enjoy different places ? So same with meditation, it is just like an exploration of our internal world, and we are supposed to acknowledge all the places to enhance our consciousness up to some extent so that our awareness could touch the ultimate truth.”

2) “It is quite strange, that few of us listen something negative, about a Sahaji from other Sahajis and immediately forward that hearing to another Sahajis and they too, forward that news ahead without testing those information at our/their instruments.

we immediately start gossiping among new Sahajis blaming that inno
cent Sahaji to have so much negativity around him/her, and such types of gossips hits our Agnya Chakra very badly because we are literally committing Sin against all the Rudras who protect innocent Souls. So they might give us serious disease if we do not stop. 

In most of the cases, the information use to be quite wrong, so it gives a very bad effect to our subtle system and we get catches in our Chakras, because the Deity of our Vishudhi Chakra who receives and relays only truth, becomes annoyed and seizes the flow of Pure Energy for conveying of false statement by us.

Out of utter ignorance we give severe harm to our Chakras by coming to wrong conclusion. So it is always better to listen anything by keeping our attention at our Sahastrara so that we could get correct notion. And it would we far better if we do not convey such types of messages to others because ‘She’ is there to handle all the Sahajis.”

3) “In meditative state we usually check the vibrations in palm and at finger tips to see the position of Chakras, this is some sort of an indication just like ‘Knocking at Door’ from the deities of Chakras for communication with us. They are telling us through vibration that they want to say something to us.

if they respond either negatively or positively in the form of hot or cool vibrations then we should immediately keep one end of our attention to that particular Chakra directly and another end to our Central Heart & Sahastrara thoughtlessly for at least one minute, then we might get some spontaneous thoughts from our Heart as the saying of particular Deity about what we are thinking.

If we practice this process then we may come to know several things automatically about some problems as well as some good things about us.Try this if you like."

4) “There are two types of Creation comes into our Consciousness, one is ‘Universal’ which has several Galaxies, Solar Systems, unlimited Planets and Stars and another One is Individual, in the form of ‘Human’ which has the same traits.

The Universal Creation is governed by ‘Almighty’ and The Individual Creation is looked after by our ‘Spirit’, an Individual ‘God’. 

So, if we want to approach ‘Universal Almighty’ then we have to acknowledge our ‘Individual God’ into our being first but this acknowledgement cannot take place when and until we acknowledge the ‘Power of Universal God’ into our Central Heart through our Sahastrara."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"