Tuesday, January 7, 2014



1) “Some of us sit for meditation and by mistake we repeat the same pattern, same method , with same aim, with same prayer, with same notion and with same emotion to start the process of meditation, which we have been doing for the last few years.

It is just like walking on the same road again and again for different de
stinations, how can we enjoy different places ? So same with meditation, it is just like an exploration of our internal world, and we are supposed to acknowledge all the places to enhance our consciousness up to some extent so that our awareness could touch the ultimate truth.”

2) “It is quite strange, that few of us listen something negative, about a Sahaji from other Sahajis and immediately forward that hearing to another Sahajis and they too, forward that news ahead without testing those information at our/their instruments.

we immediately start gossiping among new Sahajis blaming that inno
cent Sahaji to have so much negativity around him/her, and such types of gossips hits our Agnya Chakra very badly because we are literally committing Sin against all the Rudras who protect innocent Souls. So they might give us serious disease if we do not stop. 

In most of the cases, the information use to be quite wrong, so it gives a very bad effect to our subtle system and we get catches in our Chakras, because the Deity of our Vishudhi Chakra who receives and relays only truth, becomes annoyed and seizes the flow of Pure Energy for conveying of false statement by us.

Out of utter ignorance we give severe harm to our Chakras by coming to wrong conclusion. So it is always better to listen anything by keeping our attention at our Sahastrara so that we could get correct notion. And it would we far better if we do not convey such types of messages to others because ‘She’ is there to handle all the Sahajis.”

3) “In meditative state we usually check the vibrations in palm and at finger tips to see the position of Chakras, this is some sort of an indication just like ‘Knocking at Door’ from the deities of Chakras for communication with us. They are telling us through vibration that they want to say something to us.

if they respond either negatively or positively in the form of hot or cool vibrations then we should immediately keep one end of our attention to that particular Chakra directly and another end to our Central Heart & Sahastrara thoughtlessly for at least one minute, then we might get some spontaneous thoughts from our Heart as the saying of particular Deity about what we are thinking.

If we practice this process then we may come to know several things automatically about some problems as well as some good things about us.Try this if you like."

4) “There are two types of Creation comes into our Consciousness, one is ‘Universal’ which has several Galaxies, Solar Systems, unlimited Planets and Stars and another One is Individual, in the form of ‘Human’ which has the same traits.

The Universal Creation is governed by ‘Almighty’ and The Individual Creation is looked after by our ‘Spirit’, an Individual ‘God’. 

So, if we want to approach ‘Universal Almighty’ then we have to acknowledge our ‘Individual God’ into our being first but this acknowledgement cannot take place when and until we acknowledge the ‘Power of Universal God’ into our Central Heart through our Sahastrara."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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