Monday, June 16, 2014



1) “When we grow in the field of ‘Meditation’ properly then we feel that, our interest in all kinds of materialistic chorus, is decreasing day by day. Even some of us could not enjoy any types of functions & family gathering which used to be good for us before coming into ‘The Lotus Feet’. 

Sometimes few of us become bewildered, and bound to think, ‘Is there anything wrong with us ?......... Are we goin
g in the right direction in meditation? …………Why we are losing interest almost in every walks of our materialistic life? …………Why we are trying to avoid our relations who are not surrendered to ‘Shree Mata Ji’ ?

But we use to be very much willing to attend all types of ‘Spiritual Programs’ like Meditation, Seminars, Pujas, Giving Self Realization and Guiding the new comers for meditation . Some of us often try to seek some chances to spend some days in the company of ‘Properly Realized Souls’ because their ‘Energy Field’ boosts our energy level which gives comfort & joy to our Soul. 

Actually our priorities are transforming because of the change in command to our being, before Self Realization our Mind used to rule over our consciousness but now our ‘Enlightened Awareness’ is guiding our consciousness and our mid is following instructions of our Spirit’.”

2) ."We are surrounded with peace all the time but the problem is, that, we are tend to seek chaos all the time around us rather than peace, and we often say , “Oh……..there is no peace anywhere.”

3) “All of us have to go through different phases of meditation as per the need of our Soul, it is not fixed, it is not a matter of time, but it is a matter of internal need which can not be assessed by our mind or by our conditioned behaviour.

So, we must not be worried but we should meditate without worrying as per our convenience, the ‘Power of Adi Shakti’ is always at our service at Sahastrara, that’s why, we should absorb the ‘Divine’ power from our Sahastrara as much as we can irrespective of time factor. 

Though 'Brahm Mahurat' (Before Sun Rise) is the best time for beginners as well as for practitioners because of the deficiency of 'Negative Mental Flow' in the atmosphere which usually disturbs our Vishudhi Chakra, if we enjoy Energy at our Sahastrara all the time then ‘Time Factor hardly matters because at Sahastrara, ‘Time’ dissolves into Surrender to ‘Shree Lotus Feet’.”

4) "Love" is 'The Breath' of 'Almighty' which works like' Oxygen' which is capable to Re-Generate the dead cells of 'Crushed & Suppressed Emotion' as well as hidden Aesthetic 'Feelings' which are very essential to let all of us live with Gratitude every moment."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji

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