Wednesday, February 11, 2015



1) “We often see, lots of people are infected with the dreaded disease of ‘Dominance’, almost everyone tend to dominate other one in our human society irrespective of places on our planet.

Even we see some Sahjis, try to dominate other Sahajis in the name of Seniority, Posts, Experiences, Protocols, Power, Money etc. Such kind of people always point out other’s mistakes and try to let them down publicly or individually as “Shree Maa” has given them authority not only to scold other Sahajis but also to spread their bad name among Sahajis out of Dominance.

Actually, this disease of dominance belongs to Wild Animals as most of us have been recycled for thousands times in our previous life cycles as different species of animals so our genes are carrying this trait of animal even in evolved form of human.

We usually observe in our day to day life that Animals specially like Dog, fight with other dog for unauthorised entry in their territory. Either that new dog has to surrender or that would be thrown out of the territory by the powerful one.

Complete surrender with Full devotion is badly needed in some of us to eradicate such kind of problem by maintaining connectivity at our Sahastrara and its acknowledgement into our Central Heart continuously, otherwise......?????

2) “Our Spirit is just like our Recurring Deposit Bank account where we can invest our attention and get the interest periodically in the form of increasing ‘Self Knowledge’. So it is always better to keep our attention at our Spirit to reap handsome returns.

While Giving Self Realization, Guiding New Comers for Meditation and helping Older Sahajis to resolve their technical problems related to meditation, are just like Earning which is gained out of some work so try to keep on spreading 'Her' Love to earn more and more. Both the things are essential to become Millionaire if we want.”

3) “Our Actual Being has come into this ‘Human Existence’ to experience its peculiarities either so called Demerits (Avgunas) or Merits (Gunas) which are changeable and unstable, they use to keep on changing as per the situations and circumstances. Both the things use to appear into our personality according to our bringing up.

Some times Gunas (Merits) convert into Avgunas (Demerit) and Avgunas convert into Gunas as per the need of the time. Basically these are virtues and traits of the best creation of ‘Almighty’ which is none other than Human.


So why to stick with any one of them internally and obstruct our journey of experience and feeling by being Guilty or by being Ego eccentric. Why to become happy with praise and why to become depress due to disgrace, nothing is useful for our ascent.

We have to go beyond both the emotions which usually manifests into our Consciousness due to Non-connectivity with the ‘Divine’ as some of us might feel ‘Isolated’ from the ‘Whole’ and due to separation from the Source we often feel the urge to be identified and recognised by others and such kinds of identification and recognition ignites comparison and comparison generates the sense of Merits and Demerits into our Mind and then mind rules our Consciousness and influenced consciousness decreases our Awareness.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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