Monday, November 6, 2017

"Impulses"--412--"Pure Love"

"Pure Love"

"Most of us usually run after our Needs, Requirement and unfulfilled Desires under the Name and Banner of Love. If we could not attain that So Called Love then we begin reacting as if people are deceiving and misusing our feelings desperately.

Actually 'Pure Love' is so stable and vast like 'Infinite' Sky which is visible(Felt) from each and every Corner of the Earth(Heart). 'It', always Hold and Cover the whole Earth with Endless Love and Utmost Care, if we have got such an Eyes( Awareness) to observe 'It's' Tender Glance.

We are not supposed to chase it out of Fear of Loosing 'It'.

We are not supposed to fight for 'It' out of Competition.

We are not supposed to curse our self for not being able to avail 'It' because of our Hard Luck.

We are not supposed to weep with broken heart for not relishing 'It'.

We are not supposed to show our Possession over 'It' by considering such a precious Bliss like a materialistic article.

We are not supposed to Let other's Down if we were given a chance to live with 'It' for sometimes by the Grace of "God".

We are not supposed to imprison 'It' for the sake of Mythical Wordily Relations.

We are not supposed to Disgrace 'It' by having Jealousy into our Heart against It's Generosity.

We are not supposed to Degrade 'It', if 'It' gives life to others.

We are not supposed to Show our Right to block 'It's' Flow out of Greed and Lust.

We are not supposed to Abuse 'It' if 'It' remains as per 'It's' temperament of Nourishing everyone who come into the contact of 'It'.

We are not supposed to feel defeated if 'It' try to help others to stand on their own feet out of Compassion.

We are not supposed to make 'It' your own enemy out of utter ignorance if 'It' try to show your faults and shortcomings which are going to push you into Blind Well of Unawareness.

We are not supposed to question on 'It's sincerity and care if 'It' becomes non-responsive over your Stupidity like Ego, Arrogance, Show-off, Hypocrisy, Diplomacy, Discrimination, Dominance and Vengeance.

We are not supposed to think that 'Love' has gone away from us because of your Stumbling Down as 'Sky' seems far in lying state on the ground but it feels close in standing position.

We are not supposed to be Prejudice if 'It' maintain External Distance to provide you some space and time to Contemplate over your own Negative Deeds which are leading you towards a Sure Down Fall and generating Inharmonious Atmosphere.

We must understand 'It's' working as 'It'(Sky) always keep on Sucking Stale and Harmful Gasses(Distorted Emotions) to keep this 'Earth'(Heart) Clean and Tranquil.

We must always have a Humble Gratitude towards 'God' for letting 'It's' Existence into our Life to make our Life Fragrant and Fruitful."

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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