Tuesday, March 19, 2019



"Innocence Generates Innocence,

Innocence Spreads like Fragrance,

Innocence Flows Love, Love and only Love,

Innocence can never be Discriminating,

Innocence never Expresses Hatred,

Innocence Infuses Gravity,

Innocence never Gets Advantage,

Innocence Makes a person Giver,

Innocence never Promote Hypocrisy,

Innocence can't be Artificial,

Innocence is the Synonym of Forgiveness,

Innocence is the Ultimate Cure of Psychosomatic Disorder,

Innocence can never be Cheating,

Innocence can never Convert into Cunning-ness,

Innocence hardy Look Upon Profit & Loss in Relations,

Innocence can never Provoke Lies,

Innocence never Hurt Genuine Ones,

Innocence can't be Manipulating,

Innocence Leads to Genuineity,

Innocence Sprouts Originality,

Innocence Works on Hearts,

Innocence hardly Has any Fear,

Innocence is away from any kind of Guilt,

Innocence can't be Dominating,

Innocence can't be Jealous,

Innocence can't be Bias,

Innocence can't work on Comparison,

Innocence never wants Division,

Innocence Ties the Knot between Two Hearts,

Innocence is actually Compassion in Disguise,

Innocence has the Quality of the Protection and Care,

Innocence Inspires Dishearten, Depressed and Incompetents,

Innocence always Condemns Bondage and Conditioning,

Innocence is Spontaneous,

Innocence can't be Created,

Innocence can never Imitates,

Innocence Advocates Uniqueness,

Innocence Gives Respect to Truth,

Innocence is the Symbols of Real Love,

Innocence Nurtures every Broken Heart,

Innocence make It's Own Path,

Innocence Feeds Actual Needy,

Innocence is Literally away from all kinds of Show Offs,

Innocence always Fights for Righteousness,

Innocence establishes Truth by Destroying Injustice,

Innocence Eliminates all kinds of 'Anti Nature' & "Anti God" Elements,

Innocence is the Greatest Enemy of Devils & Monsters,

Innocence is the Only Supporter of Honesty,

Innocence is capable to Burn all kinds of Evils,

Innocence is the Each & Every Stair of Ascension,

Innocence is 'The Anti Dote' for Mind,

Innocence is the Representative of our Enlightened Spirit,

Innocence is the First & Foremost Need of Spiritual Path,

Innocence is the 'Actual Dharma' Within,

Innocence is The Greatest Soother of Grieved Hearts,

Innocence is the Magnetic Power of 'Divine',

Innocence is Actual Purity,

Innocence is Rationality in True Sense,

Innocence is the Embodiment of Wisdom,

Innocence is The Greatest Power of 'God',

Innocence is the Bliss and Blessings,

Innocence Invokes Seeking,

Innocence is 'Self Knowledge',

Innocence is the Synonym of Detachment,

Innocence is Redemption,

Innocence is Salvation,

Innocence is the Main Cause of Creation."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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