"Death and Disease are two Different Aspects"
"It is evident that most of the People of our Globe are
very scared of 'Corona Virus' e.i COVID-19.
It seems that the Natural Movement of whole world has stopped
out of the Severe Fear of Death.
As per my Awareness,
*When the time of the Extinction of our Biological Unite will
come, nothing would be able to stop it.
Vice versa, if the time of our Eternal Elimination has not come
then any kind of Dreaded Disease too, can't take our Lives.*
When we will die and when we will be caught by any disease, both
the situations are in the 'Hands of Divine'.
So we must not be Panicked at any cost by thinking any thing
negative or adverse.
Actually,Our Gross Being is not designed to Acknowledge any kind
of Negative Thinking/ Negative Notion other than "Him" or "His
Power" into our Consciousness & Awareness.
So, when we come into the Trap of any kind of Fear and be away
from "Divine" out of Ignorance.
Then our Brain start secreting Toxins and then such Poisonous
Secretion begins destroying our Natural Immune System which protects us from
Out Side Intruders.
That's why, we must always rely upon "His" Doings and
have full faith in the Discretion of "God" without any kind of If
& But.
As well as finding and looking for several kinds of External
Protecting Measures.
Now the question arises,
1.What to do to be away from such kinds of Viruses and Diseases
The only Answer is, to enhance our Immune System.
2.Now another question rises how ?
The Answer is, to Increase the production of W B C, White Blood
3.Then next questions comes, how can be enhance the production
of W B C ?
The Answer is, to Acknowledge and to Stimulate the Pure Energy
into Central Heart Chakra by establishing Good Connectivity with Sahastrara in
Meditative Mood.
4.After this, one more Query sprouts into One's Mind,
What to do if some one is not able to maintain connectivity in both
Central Heart and Sahastrara Chakras ?
Answer is, to keep on repeating this process👇:-
i) First Inhale Deeply,
ii) Then Stop your Breath at least for 20-30 Seconds,
iii) Then Release very slowly.
Kindly, do not stop, when and until you start feeling some Pressure at your Sahastrara and feeling of some Vacuum into your Central Heart.
5.Another Question, if any one is lacking faith in this process
then what to do ?
The Answer, just do not worry, you may adopt another method of
your Nadi Balancing,
i) First, move your Attention into your Ida Nadi from Left
Mooladhara to Left Agnya up and down at least for 20-25 times and acknowledge
some energy in it.
ii) Second, move your Attention into Pingala Nadi from Right
Swadhishthana to Right Agnya up and down for 20-25 times and acknowledge some
energy in it.
iii) Third, move your Attention into your Sushummna Nadi up and
Down from Mooladhara to Sahastrara at least for 20-25 times and acknowledge
some energy in it.
You may adopt some Sahaj Techniques of cleansing & balancing
of both Ida and Pingala Nadia and Chakra-Clearing.
6.Another question, is there any other way to Optimize the
Immune System other than Sahaj ?
The answer is, yes, we can strengthen our Immunity by providing
good amount of Vitamin C,E,A, Enzymes and Alkalines to our Biological Unite by
Having :-
i)All kinds of Fruits which should be 10% of your Body Weight
till 12pm.
ii) All kinds of Green Salad which should be 5% of your body
weight till 1pm.
iii) Then you may have Good lunch at least after 30 minutes of
Salad and you may have your Supper between 6-7pm.
But you must avoid all Animal Products like Milk, Curd, Paneer,
Egg, Meat and all Bakery Products like Bread, Biscuits, Cake, Pastry, Rusks and
Namkeen, Junk Food etc.
7.Next Question, if some one is caught by any Virus like Corona
then what to do ?
The Answer is, to follow three days Easy Food Course told by
●World Famous Dr. Biswaroop Rai Chaudhry●, you may watch his videos at youtube
over Corona and other Diseases.
Suppose our Body Weight is 60kgs :-
Day First:- Have 6 Glass of Coconut Water till 12pm.(Body Weight
divided by 10)
Have 6 Glass Juice of Citrus Fruits like
Orange/Mausumi/Kinnu/Narangi etc. till evening.
Day Second:- Have 3 Glass of Coconut Water till 12pm.(Body
Weight Divided by 20)
Have 3 Glass of Juice of Citrus Fruits and 300 grams of Green
Salad(Body Weight Divided by 5) like Tomato and Cucumber before Evening.
Day Third:-Have 2 Glass of Coconut Water and 2 Glass Juice of
Citrus Fruit(Body Weight divides by 30) and 300 grams of Salad(Body Weight
Divided by 5) of Tomato and Cucumber till 12pm.
And then have proper meal in the evening because your fever and
the influence of Virus must have been eliminated by this Food Course.
Apart from above following we must always Meditate and Perform
all the Pujas into our the Biggest Hall of our Central Heart to stimulate the
Production of Antibodies.
Now just get ready for,
We all will perform 'Birth Day Puja' around 10pm Collectively at
our Own Place as per your Country's Time Schedule.
Step One:-First of all, we will keep our attention at our
Sahastrara and we will Feel the Flow of Coming Energy from this Chakra to our
Central Heart at least for 5 minutes.
Step Two:-Just keep our Awareness into the Central Heart and
Acknowledge the Collective of Subtle Existences of all the Deities, Ganas,
Rudras, Sudgurus, Saints and all the Realized Souls here at least for another 5
Now some of us might be realizing some Pulling Sensation/Tingling/Cooling/Vibration
at our Sahastrara and Some feeling of Vaccum/Throbbing/Cooling/Joy into our
Central Heart.
It means, the Pure Energy of our 'Divine Mother' has begun
enriching our Sahastrara and Central Heart.
Step Third:-Just engage our Awareness in absorbing 'This Nectar'
at both the Energy Centers at least for 10 minutes.
Now we would be enjoying complete Thoughtlessness and Joyous
Feeling into our Heart.
And then we may prepare for Subtle Puja, Realizing "Shree
Maa" sitting on the 'Throne of our Heart' before the Whole Collective of
all the Subtle Existences and Entities of This Universe.
Step Fourth:-We all will bow our Heads into "Her Lotus
Feet" and ask "Her" to give permission for this Subtle Puja.
We all will feel some Instant but Strong Input of Energy at our
Sahastrara just after bowing our Head as "Her" permission and
Step Fifth:-Then we all will Focus our attention over
"Shree Ganesha" with our True Heart.
And we will realize "His" Nirakar Energy ,coming from
our Sahastrara to our Central Heart.
Now we will feel at least for 10 minutes that "He" has
covered our whole Gross & Subtle Being as if "He" has embodied
Step Sixth:-Now we will sit Peacefully and Calmly in thought
free state at least for one hour.
By keeping our Pious Attention into rhe Joyous Collective of our
Central Heart as if we are sitting in Sakshat Puja.
Step Seven:-During this Deep Meditative state we would keep on
absorbing the Frequency and Intensity of several kinds of Energy-Reflexes at
different places of our Subtle System in this Session of Subtle Puja.
We all will maintain acknowledging the same state when and until
we feel that the flow of Energy or Chain of Energy-Reflexes is getting down.
Step Eighth:-And then, we will feel, the Frequency of Energy or
Vibration has vanished finally after some times.
It means we are Heading towards 'Sahaj Smadhi', then we should
leave trying to acknowledge all kinds of Energy-Reflexes.
And then we will enjoy this Joyous State of Sahaj Samadhi as
much time as it will go on.
As soon as we will come back to Routine Normal State, it will be
determined as Puja has Completed.
my Heart wish you all to Relish this Excellent Subtle Birth Day Puja.
'May "Shree Maa" Enrich your Awareness and Consciousness
upto Redemption Level to take "Her" Work through your Instruments'.
It seems that "Shree Maa" wants all of us to attain
Higher State Vertically too as most of the Sahajis are spending too much time
in Horizontal Activities.
So "Shree Maha Maya" has created this situation not to
connect or collect at Gross Level with Each Other's even at this Most
Auspicious Occasion of 'Birth Day Puja'.
"She" has began sorting Sahajis by 'Coronization' into
Whole Globe."
"Jai Shree Mata Ji"
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