Friday, August 28, 2020

"Impulses"--534-- "मृत्यु व् ध्यान स्थिति एक बराबर

 · "मृत्यु व् ध्यान स्थिति एक बराबर" 

"आम सांसारिक लोगों के मृत्यु-काल के दौरान और किसी जागृत साधक की ध्यान-स्थिति में लगभग एक से ही हालात उत्पन्न होते हैं।

दोनों ही उपरोक्त दशाओं में दोनों प्रकार के मानवों की चेतनाएं "ईश्वर" के समक्ष होती हैं। 

बस अंतर होता है केवल मनो दशा आत्म-भावों का।

मृत्यु के नजदीक होने पर संसार में लिप्त मानव की चेतना "उनसे" क्षमा याचना करती हुई अपने सभी नकारात्मक कार्यों के लिए दया की भीख मांग रही होती है।

और ध्यान का आनंद उठाने वाले साधक की चेतना "उनके" प्रेम,
वात्सल्य,सानिग्धय,आशीर्वाद  सौरक्षण के प्रति "उनसे" कृतज्ञता प्रगट कर रही होती है।"

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

May 13 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

"Impulses"--533--"What to Eat and Do to keep Ourselves away from all kinds of Viral/Bacterial/Parasitical Infections"

"What to Eat and Do to keep Ourselves away from all kinds of Viral/Bacterial/Parasitical Infections"

"Here,I am going to share with all of you some Formulas which I adopted since 30th March 2019 to be Cured from Viral/Bacterial problems as well as to maintain my Immunity in my day to day life.

Unfortunately, I felt some fever on 28th Jan 2019 and It reached to 104 within 2 days. So I thought that I was caught with some Flu Infection as seasons was changing.

Then I took some medicines under the supervision of a Medical Practitioner. But my fever did not be eliminated even in the next 6 days.

So the same Physician suggested me to go through 'Vidal Test' which found Positive and showed the existence of 'Salmona Typhy Bacteria' (Typhoid).

Then he again prescribed some medicines but my fever was still there at low Intensity even after 20 days with continuous physical weakness.

Then I kept on trying all kinds of Treatments and Pathies till the last week of March but the Obstinate Fever did not disappear.
In the mean time I went through lots of information related to this problem.

One day I heard a Very Old 'Vaidya', on you tube and decided to try his Idea for three four days. I was astonished that I had been feeling better since the very first Dose of what he prescribed for my problem.

And almost within Three Days my fever got neutralized completely was and I was feeling fit. There was no much weakness or lethargy left.Though I kept on taking that Formula for three more days.

You know what he suggested to eat:

Formula No 1 for Curing from any kind of Fever which may cause due to any Bacterial/Viral Infections:-

*1.Dehydrated Fig(सूखी अंजीर)-Two Pieces

2.Dehydrated Grapes(मनक्का)-6-8 Pieces

3.Hedge Mustard(
खूब कला)-2 Gram

(It's botanical name is 'Sisymbrium Irio Linn (ये सरसों जैसी दिखाई देती है) (It look like Mustard seeds)*

Make a pulp of all these three things on Grinding Stone and give this pulp two times a day to the Infected One.The patient mIght be alright if "He" Will.

*इन तीनों को पत्थर की सिल पर पीस कर चटनी बनाएं इसे दो बार इसे किसी भी प्रकार के बुखार के मरीज को दें यदि "ईश्वर" ने चाहा तो निश्चित रूप से किसी भी प्रकार का बुखार इससे संबंधित इन्फेक्शन समाप्त हो जाएगा।*

I have told this formula to several people who also got cured.

Even, just a four days back, the daughter of one of my friends got some Severe Cough High Fever then I suggested him the same, she too got cured within three days.

Fortunately, I did not get even Common Cold till now Since March 30 2019.

That's why I thought to share this Tested Formula with you all, it might save some one from such kinds of illness.

Formla No 2. for Remaining Healthy in our Routine Life:

Since when I got cured from Typhoid by using above Formula, I am regularly eating:

1.Two Raw Clove of Garlic

2.One Dehydrated Fig

3.Fifteen Raisins

4.Two Wal Nuts

5.Five Almonds

6.Five Cashew Nuts in the Morning.*

We must soak all these Dry Fruits in the water over night except Chahew Nuts In Combinations with:-

a)Fig with Resins

b)Almonds with Wall Nut

c) Garlic Separately

How to have:-

*First of all you should have Garlic with Warm water and then drink at least Three Full Glass of Warm Water like sipping Tea in few minutes.

And then affer half an hour you should drink the water of Fig and Resin and then you may have all the dry fruits one by one.*
Formula No.3:-

*Make one Big Cup Herbal Tea of:-

1.Take Two Big Mugs of Water and put in:-

2.some Crushed Ginger

3.10-15 Leaves of Basil

4.One Piece Green Cardamon

5.Half Large Cardamom (Crushed)

6.Half Bay Leaf

7.I/4 Tea Spoon of Celery(

8.Two piece Clove

9.5 Balls Of Crushed Black Pepper

10. 1/3 Tea Spoon of Cinnamon Powder.*

*Boil all the said things into water till the quantity of water becomes half. Then you may put some milk and sugar( if you want) and boil it again once.

Then you may put some Tea and leave it for 5 minutes(Don't Boil Tea now, And have it as per your convenience and schedule.It can be taken once in a day in normal healthy condition.

You may enhance the frequency if you suffer from some cold/bacterial/viral problems.*

Formula No.4:-

Bring some Eatable Lime from the Grocery Shop and grind it into a powder form and keep it in a Plastic/Glass Jar at your Dining Table.

And put a very minute quantity equal to a smallest Grain of Sugar Candy (मिश्री के छोटे दाने के बराबर मात्रा) of the Lime Powder into Curd/Curry/Juice/Water and have it, once in 24 hours).

*This Lime Powder is Prohibited For all kinds of Stone Problem Patients.*

Formula No.5:-(I have adopted it for last One Month)

Eat 400-500 Grams of Citrus Fruits like Orange, Sweet Lemon, Kinnu, Pineapple, Grapes before 12pm.

And Eat 250-300 Grams of Green Salad like Tomato, Cucumber, Carrot, Reddish, Lemon, Green Chilly etc half an Hour before Lunch to maintain the sufficient amount of Vitamin C and A.

Formula No.6:-

Prepare One Cup of Haldi Milk, by putting 1/4 Tea Spoon Turmeric Powder into One Cup of Milk and Boil it Once, you may add sugar if you want.

And drink it slowly like sipping just half an hour before going to bed in the Night. Apart from it you may regularly do Physical Exercises after a 5km walk.

Because when we do Exercises, our Body releases Endorphins which interacts with our Brain and reduces the feeling of Body Pain.

As well as it keeps our Mood High even in Adverse and Unfavourable Circumastances by eliminating depression and gloom.

Which too, boosts our Psycho-biological Stimulation which also helps our Biological Unit to maintain Immunity.

Most probably some of you would have been already following such kinds of formulas.

But still then my Heart says, that I must share my personal experience to keep our Immune System Intact with all my Sahaj Companions.You may try above steps if you feel so.

One more thing, you should avoid regular consumption of all Animal,Dairy, Bakery and Factory Products like all kinds of Non Veg, Junk Food, Biscuits, Rusks, Bread, Milk, Paneer, Butter, Butter Milk, Curd, Butter Oil etc as well as all kinds on Intoxicants.

All these things weakens your Immune System.(But if we put Haldi(Turmeric) in milk then it becomes medicines for us.)

*We must always remember that we may maintain our Good Health by all such things. But we can't stop our Biological Death, because it has been Pre-Fixed by "Him" before our Birth.

Because Health & Death are two different Aspects.*

Thank You."

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

April 25 2019

Friday, August 14, 2020



"तुम भी आये थे एक दिन,
तुम भी निकल जाओगे,

क्या साथ लाये थे तुम,
जो तुम अपने साथ ले जाओगे,

अपनो के घर भरते रहते हो तुम, लोगो की 'गिजा' छीन छीन कर,
बादशाह से बने फिरते रहते हो तुम इंसानियत का लहू पी पी कर,

बड़े बड़े वहशत गर्दों के जुल्मों-ओ-सितम को इस 'मुक्कदस' जमीं ने झेला है,
पर क्या किसी जालिम का यहाँ कभी कहीं एक पुतला तक लगा देखा है,

बड़े बड़े अहमकों और बेहरहमों को इस 'चमन' के बाशिंदों ने सहा है,
जिनकी 'दास्तां-ए-कारगुजारियों' से इस वतन का 'रोजनामचा' भरा पड़ा है,

झूठ की बुनियाद पर तुम अपना महल बनाना चाहते हो,
अपने नापाक इरादों से तुम इस 'पाक-जन्नत' को मिटाना चाहते हो,

शहीदों के इस 'गुलिस्तां' को तुम फिर से गुलाम बनाना चाहते हो,

वक्त आएगा तुम्हारा भी, जब जिस्म तुम्हारा, ताकत खो देगा,
बिना किसी सहारे के ये एक ये इंच भी नहीं हिलेगा,

बरसों तक टुकुर टुकर ताकती आंखों से तुम हरदम रहम की भीख मांगोगे,
अपने ही लोगों की आंखों से टपकती हुई हिकारत से तुम हर घड़ी कांपोगे,

भूख तुम्हारे जिस्म के जर्रे जर्रे से बया हो रही होगी,
पर तुम्हारी जुंबा अल्फाजों से भी पूरी तरह महरूम होगी,

एक निवाला भी तुम्हारे गले से चैन का तुम्हें मयस्सर न होगा,
बिलबिलाते कालेजों से निकली बदुआओं का जहर उसमें भरपूर होगा,

जब जुबां तुम्हारी पूरी तरह अकड़ कर ठूंठ हो जाएगी,
पुतली भी तुम्हारी बेदम होकर हिल डुल तक नहीं पाएंगी,

तब ही जाकर तुम्हें तुम्हारे किये सारे जुल्मों की खूब याद आएगी,

अपने अहम की हनक में तुमने क्या क्या किया है,
काफिर बन के सदा तुमने इंसानियत का ही तो कत्ल किया है,

क्यों अपने आप को हरदम 'फरिश्ता' सा दिखाते रहते हो,
पर काम तो तुम सदा 'खुदा' की मुखालफत के ही हरदम करते रहते हो,

सम्भल जाओ अब भी वक्त है इसे जाया न करो,
अपने किये गुनाहों से तुम अब हर रोज तौबा करो,

माँगलो माफी आवाम और 'अल्लाहताला' से,
दूरी बना लो साजिशन हांसिल की हुई इस सल्तनत से,

"उनका" 'रहम-ओ-करम' हुआ तो तुमको माफी मिल जाएगी,
वरना तुम्हारे जिस्म छोड़ने के बाद, तुम्हारी ही 'रूह' तुम्हे बहुत तड़पायेगी,

बबूल बनके खड़े मिलोगे किसी बियाबान मरुस्थल में,
सदियों तक छटपटाते रहोगे किसी भी इंसा के दीदार के इंतजार में।"


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Sunday, August 2, 2020

"Impulses'--532--'8th Workshop on Attention'

'8th Workshop on Attention'

“By the Grace of “Shree Maa” our pre-declared ‘8th Workshop on Attention’ was conducted at ‘Maheshwari Bhawan’ Varanasi from 03 t0 05-01-2020, which was hardly 3-4 km away from Ganga Ghats.

Around 14 Sahajis from Meerut, Kurukshetra,Patna and Varanasi had enjoyed this ‘Workshop’ in spite of several hurdles & problems like CAA Protest Violence, Severe Cold, Several last moment Cancellations.

We all convey our Heartiest Thanks and Good Wishes for her True Dedication, Unconditional Surrender and Sincere efforts to one of our Sahaj Companion Ms Jasleen Kaur of Varanasi, who organized everything for the whole collective ‘Alone’.

She ‘Left No stone Unturned’ to fulfill all kinds of It’s Needs and Requirements with full Zeal and Enthusiasm.

Even she left One of her B. Ed exams which was on 4th Jannuary 2020 to complete “Her” ‘Divine Will’ gracefully without any ‘If & But’.

It is evident that most of the Sahajis leave several kinds of Shahaj Collectives due to ‘Petty Worldly Things’ which has no Role in our Spiritual Journey.

We all again feel Obliged as well as Joyous over her Invite to all of us to this ‘Divine City’ which has several ‘Swyam Bhu Temples’,

like “Shree Kashi Vishwanath”, “Shree Sankat Mochan” “Shree Bada Ganesha”,”Shree Kooshmanda Durga”, Shree Kaal Bhairava”, “Shree Maha Mritunyaya” and The Sacred Place of “Shree Teg Bahadura”(Now that place has converted into a Gurudwara) who did ‘Penance’ for 20 Years to achieve Truth within.

In one of the Spell of this ‘Workshop’ all of us Put our Attention over such ‘Divine Territories’ to receive different kinds of ‘Subtle Information’ in the form of ‘Different Kinds’ of Frequencies & Intensities of Energy and Vibrations to ascertain Different Kinds of ‘Divine Powers’ ‘They’ have, on our Subtle System."

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"