Monday, July 1, 2013



1)  "The Height gives us more intellect and wisdom to cope up all difficult and adverse situation."
"As soon as we climb high, the cautiousness increases automatically"

2)   "Almighty shows 'His' love and affection in the form of snow, the same we feel at our Sahastrara because our Sahastrara is Himalaya, during Deep Meditation which gives us 'Anand' and 'Thoughtlessness'.

3)  "When some one has reached the maximum height then one has become down to earth because one knows everything about joy, experience, route and the troubles which was laid in one's way, those who are on the way of that climb can not understand the feeling of the highest point, and it quite difficult to make others feel the feeling of that maximum height in the middle of the path for him. But that person is able to guide them all with his own experience."

4)  "While climbing any Peak we usually follow only one route which was already used earlier but when we stay on the Top then we may see and realize several feasibility and possibility of other new and easy routes and we can tell another climber to follow the easiest one." "When we stand on the highest point we can see everything more clearly."

5)  "Moving is very essential whether we are going higher of we are going down,thus, we fulfill the universal principal of dynamism, we all are destined to move ahead, whether the circumstances and situation seems adverse according to our expectations because 'He' wants us to be there."-

6)  "We may be guided by several books,Shastras,Vedas, Upnishads, several masters, several experience holders, but when we start, it use to be a new journey because of the time factor, we have to find our own way always, that's why there is always a new experience and that should be counted for a sensible person."

7)  "Although we may be collective but Meditation is an individual Journey."

8)  "Who can walk together, those who have the same pace, same desire, same destination, same feelings, same zeal, compensatory know-how, care of each other and the feeling of uplifting of each other, otherwise it is like dragging, it is better not to walk together. 

     Those who try to walk together in spite of non-compensatory disposition, they always find faults of each other and makes their journey bitter.""Togetherness is a bliss while the desire of it, is blessings."

9)  "We may adopt any medium and method of travelling towards our destination, there are several researches are going on to discover or to invent the latest and most convenience medium to make our journey more comfortable, the point is, how fast we can cover our journey, now it is up to us what we want to adopt as per our internal need and situation."

10) "Wherever we sit, we live, we walk, we talk, we enjoy, we weep, we cry, we think, we meditate, what ever we do, we do everything into the Lap of "Adi Shakti", 'She' is everywhere, 'She' is omnipresent." 


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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