Tuesday, February 4, 2014



1) “When we keep on receiving the ‘Pure Love’ from Sahastrara and acknowledge ‘It’ into our Central Heart then this Love displays the reality of all the relations which are around us on the screen of our Heart so that we can choose them as per our temperament and make our life more satisfied, tranquil and peaceful.”

2) "Human awareness swings in between Emotions and Feelings just like pendulum of a clock in normal life when and until we feel the Realization of our Spirit.

Usually, Emotions comes from the existences which is known by our mind, are the part and parcel of our mental consciousness while feelings may sprouts from un-know entity which are going to become our consciousness which is the part and parcel of Truth.”

3) “Some of us usually talk about the four Chakras which are above our Sahastrara as ‘Shree Mata Ji’, has told about them but the problem is how can we feel them, as we use to feel our seven Chakras at our ‘Spinal Cord’. 

Some says, just keep your attention 12’’ above your Sahastrara to feel ‘Ardh Bindu’, some says, keep your attenti
on two feet higher from Sahastrara to feel ‘Bindu Chakra’ and some says, keep your attention more higher to feel ‘Valay’ and ‘Pradakshina’. But there is no set theory even to identify these Chakras.

As per my consciousness, these are different stages of awareness, we use to touch them during meditation eventually, and sometimes, the quality of all above Chakras used to be manifested through our own awareness time to time.”

4) “If we are Old Sahajis who have come into Sahaj Yoga, say about 20-25 years earlier or more, should avoid to pressurize New Comers to follow the same old Sahaj techniques which we have been following since when we came into ‘Her Lotus Feet’, because those things were needed at that time when the flow of ‘Divine Energy’ used to b
e very less or negligible due to lesser number of realized souls.

These days, we are not supposed to use our hands for raising other’s Kundalini, because of the abundance of ‘Divine Power’ into the atmosphere which is sprouting from our Kundalinies from our Sahastrara, just let them sit before ‘Shree Mata Ji’ and let them have their pure will into their heart for ‘Self Realization’, Kundalini will rise automatically without doing anything.

Or we may put our attention to their Sahastrara having the will of raising their Kundalini in meditative state, then we will find their Kundalini at their Sahastrara. So we must upgrade our procedure for the convenience of ‘New Comers who already have more depth then us.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji

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