Thursday, December 17, 2015



1) "As per my Awareness Soul contains three things within,

i) Spirit, as the medium of infusing energy to the Soul in the form of a cell does for toys. 

ii) Kundalini, works as interacting or connecting cord between Spirit and Maa Adi Shakti.

iii) Human Awareness , works as Recurring Deposit to enhance human Consciousness related to all the three things including the knowledge of Almighty.

So souls is made for a cause like experiencing the joy of the Creation of "Almighty".

("मेरी चेतना के मुताबिक हमारी 'जीवात्मा' तीन चीजों से मिलकर कार्य करती है जो भीतर में ही स्थित होती हैं,
हमारी आत्मा, एक माध्यम की तरह हमारी जीवात्मा को ऊर्जा प्रदान करती है जैसे कि एक सैल खिलोने को चलाने के लिए ऊर्जा प्रदान करता है।

ii) हमारी कुण्डलिनी, हमारी आत्मा और "माँ आदि शक्ति" को आपस में जोड़ने वाली डोरी के रूप में कार्य करती है। 

हमारी चेतना, एक बैंक के 'रिकरिंग जमा खाते' तरह कार्य करती है जो इन तीनो चीजों व् "परमपिता" के प्रति हमारी 'जागृति' को बढाती जाती है। अतः हमारी 'जीवात्मा' "परमात्मा" के द्वारा रचित इस 'रचना' के अनुभव प्राप्त करने के लिए ही बनाई गई है।")

 2) "There is a great difference between Ego Oriented and Self Respect Oriented people as per my awareness, though they seem the same apparently;-.

i) Ego Oriented always try to show off what he/she possess but Self Respect Oriented always try to praise what others have and become modest about what he/she inherited.

ii) Ego Oriented always try to let others down by back biting while Self Respect Oriented try to high light others virtues and shows his/her own short comings honestly.

iii) Ego Oriented always have hidden desire to receive things from others but Self Respect Oriented try to give to others secretly without propagation.

iv) Ego Oriented always try to dominate others by hook or by crook but Self Respect Oriented usually serve for others humbly and compassionately.

v) Ego oriented often become jealous by seeing others progress even of his/her own near and dear and then try to give harm to them to let them down out of comparison but Self Respect Oriented always becomes happy with other's development and usually support them in their progress.

vi) Ego Oriented sits before 'God' and demands something out of his/her work but Self Respect Oriented surrenders everything into 'Lotus Feet' and never expect anything from 'Him' even in his worst time."

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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