1)"If we want to tell some one about Sahaj Yoga then,
first of all we should raise one's Kundilini secretly with the help of our
Attention while being connected with our Sahastrara and Central Heart and
feeling Energy at both the Centers.
Because Our Kundalini has got full knowledge about Sahaj Yoga
and "She" makes us able to understand all the things related to Sahaj
Yoga internally.
On the contrary if we tell about Sahaj Yoga without raising
other's Kundalini then the Agnya of some people get hyper active and they often
start discarding and cross examining our know how and even some of they become
argumentative.Because the mind of Unrealized Souls has no data of Sahaj Yoga
stored in its memory usually.
That's why some people come into the Realization Programs by
the Grace of "Mother" but leave the program in the middle and do
not turn back after listening about Sahaj Yoga and even some times they do not
agree with what we say."
2)"All kinds of Sahaj-Techniques are just a help
for Our Kundalini to let 'Her' reach at our Sahastrara only. When our Kundalini is setteled at our Sahastrara then all
such Sahaj-Techniques will no longer be needed by us. As a Rocket is used to thrust the 'Space Shuttle' into the
Space only ."
प्रकार की सहज-तकनीक सहज योग
को घटित कराने
यानि कुण्डलिनी को
सहस्त्रार पर पहुचाने
की मदद मात्र
हैं। कुण्डलिनी
के सहस्त्रार पर
स्थापित होने के
बाद इनकी कोई
उपयोगिता नहीं रहती। जैसे कि रॉकेट
का प्रयोग केवल
अन्तरिक्ष यान को
अन्तरिक्ष में पहुचाने
के लिए ही
किया जाता है।"
"Jai Shree Mata Ji"
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