Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---30 " Solution of Planetary Problems----Contemplation---106

" Solution of Planetary Problems"

“We often hear talking people about their Astrological and planetary problems and they usually want to rectify them by taking some help and advice from Astrologers, Palmists, Numerologists who usually suggest some Stones like Diamond, Sapphire, Coral, Pearl etc to wear into their fingers and necks. Even few of us too seek some help from them in spite of following Sahaj Yoga.

Actually, these stones have different colors and our chakras too have different colors so when these stones are worn into our fingers of different chakras and neck then they replenish the need of some particular chakras with some existing cosmic flow. We know our hands and neck is the part and parcel of our Vishudhi chakras which is The Natural receiver and releaser of the energy of Virata. So when we receive the energy through our hands and neck then this energy touches some particular stone and goes into our subtle system and rectifies the problem of our Chakras.

One more thing these stones are used almost in three metals e.i. Gold, Silver and copper which are again the good conductor of energy. All the three metals are used as per our Nadies on which we have taken birth. If we read our ‘Birth Chart’ then we may come to know our Nadis or we may realize it as per our temperament.

If we are born on Ida Nadi then we may be the victim of routine cold and lethargic vital flow into our body so we are advised to wear Gold which radiates heat to counter balance our problem. 

On the contrary if we are born on Pingla Nadi then we were advised to wear silver to balance our hot temperament. And if we are born on Sushummana Nadi then we are told to wear Copper to increase the flow of pure energy in establishing connectivity. So this is the science behind all types of wearing of stones and metals.

It is totally based on our Birth chart which is prepared by Astrologers on the ground of Grid-Reference of all the planets right at the time of our External Birth in this world. Actually ‘Birth chart’ is a kind of result of our ‘Karmas’ (Acts) of our previous life cycles.

‘Maa Adi shakti’ has created all the planets and all the five elements to give support to ‘Mother Nature’. ‘She’ has authorized ‘Mother Nature’ to give consideration to all the creature of this planet Earth according to their acts. So all the planets and all the five elements have been destined to punish or to give reward to all the creatures’ especially to human being under the instruction of ‘Mother Nature. So all these stones and metals give a little help to neutralize the negative effects of planets as well as elements. These stones represent all the planets bearing their traits and qualities.

Basically stones and metals are more useful for those who are not Self-Realized and they even do not have desire to be,  but they only want to enjoy this materialistic world and always want to indulge into mythical life style.

If we always stay at our Sahastrara and acknowledge ‘Her’ Love into our Central Heart then there is no need to wear all these above articles for our benefits because ‘Maa Adi shakti’ flows into our subtle System and rectifies all our chakras automatically with the help of ‘Maa Jagdamba’ and balance all the planets and elements which resides at our chakras.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7--29 "The Immortality"-----Contemplation----105

"The Immortality"

“Remaining at Sahastrara and realizing the flow of ‘Her’ Love into Central Heart continuously is capable to infuse the feeling of being immortal. Though, our External body which is made of five elements will definitely die one day but our awareness as a Soul will remain the same without any fear and anxiety. ‘Maa Adi Shakti’, in the form of the flow of energy enhances our deep understanding related to External Birth as well as External Death. That’s why we would not hesitate to accept the external elimination of our being but we would welcome this precious moment with open heart. 

Actually "meditation is the process of the preparation for the celebration of ‘The Festival of Death’"; we have been given by 'Almighty' approximately60- 70-80-90 or 100 or more years to prepare our self for commencing our next journey of Life after Life, so meditation makes us able to become detached from all the things, persons, places and even our physical body which we have been using for this journey. ‘Almighty’ has provided so many things which were essential and comfort giving to our Soul in the form of human being during the exploration. So, such types of understanding usually avert our attention from materialistic world and push us towards the kingdom of ‘God’.

Feeling of Sahastrara is nothing but calling of ‘Shree Adi Maa’ who wants our company because our soul had been separated from ‘Her’ for a very long time and now ‘She’ wants us to be with ‘Her’ again. So by giving indication in the form of sensation at Sahastrara ‘She’ attracts our attention to give ‘Her’ unconditional Love so that we might get powers to cut down our own created bonding and conditioning. 

And the feeling of Central Heart is the demonstration of the happiness of ‘Maa Jagdamba’ because when we feel our Sahastrara then ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ sends ‘Her’ regards and some gifts of powers for ‘Maa Jagdamba’ to get ‘Her’ up from a deep sleep so that ‘She’ could awake all the other deities to enjoy their company. So feeling of both the Chakras is very important for all of us to acknowledge. 

Although, it is possible that we might be having some qualities of deities without self realization but these qualities usually create problems for us. For instance, if someone is a very good singer or writer so he/she would stick with his/her singing and writing only and he/she would sale his/her trait and earn money, which is again a myth, this situation leads us to stagnation. In Sahaj Yoga too, some of us have been stuck with some of our traits, and by mistake some of us are deteriorating day by day. Thus the qualities and traits of the deities often create so many obstacles which usually hamper our proper growth. 

When our deities get awake due to remaining at Sahastrara and into Central Heart then they help us in our ascent. These deities work like Capsules of fuel (Thrashing power) of the Rocket (Attention) to push the rocket into the space (Complete Freedom) where any types of gravitation force (inclination towards materialistic world) do not work. That’s why the awakening of all the deities is necessary for our depth and salvation. When we would be dyeing then no body of this world would be with us but these Deities would be there to give farewell and to give their company for the next journey. Whatever, which is visible with our eyes, won’t go with us and which is invisible, would always go along with us. All of us must think what is visible and what is invisible.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, August 11, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---28 "The Time Travelling"--Contemplation---104

"The Time Travelling"

Being at Sahastrara and Central Heart all the time take us away beyond the limitation of time, we can enjoy all the segments of time. When we acknowledge our Sahastrara and Central Heart then we touch the truth and truth has divided into three forms like Present, Past and Future, so we may enter any form of truth and find out the things which were covered under the layers of either of Past or future. If we go into the past or into future with some query related to our life as well as others life maintaining the feelings of vibrations at both the chakras then we might unveil the truth either by increased flow of vibration or spontaneous impulses of thoughts. We would automatically realize what is right and what is wrong.

i) Roaming into Past :--Sometimes we may enjoy Previous ‘Sakaar Pujas’ just being in meditative state at our place looking at ‘Shree Mata Ji’ sitting on ‘Her’ throne and get vibrations from there, because ‘Shree Maa’ is beyond time, ‘She’ exists into every segment of time so when our attention reachs there then we receive energy of ‘Shree Mata Ji’, ‘She’ resides into our all the consciousnesses like Sub-Conscious, Supra Conscious and Super Conscious. So time does not matter for the person who always remains at his/her Sahastrara and acknowledge the flow of ‘Adi Shakti’ into his/her Central Heart. This state makes us capable to Live with ‘Shree Maa’ all the time irrespective of any situation and circumstances.

ii) Enjoying Present:--In another situation, few of us often could not go for any Puja or Seminar due to some reasons and we usually feel dejected and depressed. For them, my awareness just want to say that we should not be worried about but we must keep our attention at the place of collectivity all the time till the end of that program then we might get the same advantage of collectivity at our place only at vibratory level. Because, through our attention ‘Maa Kundalini’ works like transmitter, ‘She’ is capable to receive and relay all types of frequencies of Pure Energy which releases from all the Kundalinies of Sadhakas/Sadhikas during the spell of meditation and all types of spiritual activities. So we should not be worried about missing any types of Sahaj Programs and Collectivity.

iii) Wandering into Future:--One day, we come to know that some event of meditation is going to take place after 15 or 20 days so we often become anxious about that particular program, we sometimes visualize so many good things including the would be presence of our Sahaj companions, if we maintain acknowledging vibrations at both the chakras then we may enjoy the vibrations of  future collectivity with the help of our attention, we might receive Param Chaitnya into our subtle system  because all such types of events are already fixed by ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ and then thoughts of organizing such types of Sahaj programs are sent to the Hearts of organizers by ‘Shree Maa’ ‘Herself’  just before fixing the dates of programs externally that’s why ‘Her’ energy always  works on future spiritual collectivity either of Self Realization or meditation.  If future program does not take place then our Right Agnya would definitely tell us by giving some pain at this place. Means if we go into future along with a thought then we may either get good sensation in the form of ‘Her’ consent or we might feel some pain in the form of ‘Her’ denial.

If we maintain connectivity all the time at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart then our subtle body becomes the indicator of truth and false, the flow of energy at the place of chakras reveals the truth while pain at these places indicates the false and myths. Thus we may come to know so many things as well as enjoy vibrations into by going into all the three forms of time. We become time traveler by the grace of ‘Maa Adi Shakti’.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji

Monday, August 6, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7--27--"Whispering of God"---Contemplation----103

"Whispering of 'God''

27) “We normally get different types of indications of the various state of our chakras either positive or negative on our instrument after being connected with ‘Adi Shakti’ which manifests usually at four places as ‘Shree Maa’ has told us, i) at our Sole and its fingers of our feet, ii) at our palm and its tips of the fingers, iii) at our Chakras on our spine and iv) at our scalp on our upper side of our head.  Why at four places? They could be manifested at one place rather than at four places. Perhaps, through these indications we may understand the situation of our mental disposition. Usually, these indications expose the state of our attention. My awareness would like to share some experience along with you all.

i) Indications at our Sole and at its finger tips:--When we feel some sort of catches like, griping, heat, prickling at our Sole of our feet and at its finger tips, means, our attention is lying at materialistic requirements and worldly things, and we are demanding worldly articles from ‘Almighty’ which are not going to be fulfilled by the powers of different deities who are sitting at different chakras. All the catches shows their denial of the powers of deities, actually these powers  are not liking our demands that’s why they are showing their annoyance in the form of catches. Our lower portion below Central Heart Chakra is meant for only materialistic world.

On the contrary if we feel cooling, throbbing and palpitation then it means our demand is going to be fulfilled by the powers of particular chakras. For instance, if we demand for money and fortunately we are going to get that then the finger of right Vishudhi at our foot would let us feel positive sign.  Means what traits and qualities all the deities possess in regard for materialistic things, would be granted or not granted, are going to be shown through these types of indications.

ii) Indications at our Palm and its finger tips:-- Our hands and palms are connected with Vishudhi Chakras which is the feeder of thousands of energy tubes of Virata, so the different types of indications are telling us the opening and obstruction in  our Energy Tubes (Nadies) of Virata. When we feel different types of sensation at our palm and its finger tips which expose the connectivity and involvement of attention with Virata. If we feel catches, it means our attention is stuck with our mind which deviate our attention from truth. So due to myth, the flow of energy of Virata which reveals the truth, is not going into or energy tubes of that particular Chakra.

 If we feel positive sign, it means our attention is moving along with truth and the Nadies of Virata are being nourished by ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ properly. That’s why hot and cool vibrations manifests truth and false of our thinking with the help of our attention.

iii) Indications at our Chakras:---Sometimes we feel pain and throbbing into our chakras directly which is the sign of awakening of the deities. Before this state their powers were working but now they are awakened and showing their consents or non acceptance over our thinking. If we think and behave in a natural and positive manner then they become very happy and give their consent by letting us feel palpitation, throbbing and pulling into particular chakras as per our attention. If they are unhappy then they let us feel pain into some particular chakra as per our thinking and doing. Means if we go against Nature and ‘God’ then they cry and we feel pain, if we walk with ‘truth’ they show their happiness in the form of Pulling, throbbing and palpitation.

iv) Indications at our Scalp:-When we feel different types of sensation either pain, heat, prickling or cooling, palpitation, throbbing at the upper part of our head which are the abode of all chakras, it shows our attention is touching ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ who are telling and guiding us by giving above said indications. If we feel negative indication, it means our know how related to the procedure of meditation and spiritual world is not correct, The same we feel if we are keeping our attention on others and he/she is also in the same situation.  Or we are misusing our knowledge of meditation for earning money and influencing people.  It may lead us to ‘Yog Bhrasht Sthiti’.

On the contrary if we feel good signs, it means we are being blessed by ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ and all the deities are also being nourished by ‘Her’. This state usually leads to the Salvation of our Soul as well as freedom of all the deities who have been appointed by ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ for our ascent. Every Deity is the step of the Ladder of ‘Nirvana’ that’s why they have to be awakened properly after awakening of ‘Mother Kundalini.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"