Friday, February 27, 2015

"Impulses"----225--Responsibility of 'A Realised Soul'

Responsibility of  'A Realised Soul' 

“We often see in our day to day life that innocent people are being murdered, burnt, exploded, tortured by the terrorists or so called extremists in the name of race or religion, almost everywhere on our Planet.

Humanity is being crushed and hatred is being ignited by such demons and atheists to spread the kingdom of Anti Nature and Anti God Elements. Mother Nature is crying and weeping and showing ‘Her’ anger & annoyance in the form of Natural Calamities against all these brutal acts of Animalised and Devilish, so called Human. It seems that Barbarian Age has come back again but with some more deadly, sophisticated and advanced means of destruction.

So being a Realized Souls, what we should do to stop such kinds of Brutalities and limitless killings as well as to protect the innocents? Though, our heart cry with extreme pain and our consciousness weeps to see all such Evils.

Should we close our eyes enjoying Meditation by checking our own coming or going vibrations into our palms only, Or, we should be busy in clearing process all the time to make us more and more capable to perceive more Love of “Shree Maa”, Or, we should forget everything and indulge in ‘Divine Music’ to gain more depth in meditation by being ‘Thoughtless’ for a long time, thinking “Shree Maa” will take care of them ‘Herself’ as being the Creator, Caretaker and Destroyer ? 

Or we should feel little responsible for ‘Her’ creation by being an Inseparable Particles of the Whole as being “Her” successor to help ‘Her’ in taking care of ‘Her’ whole creation speciality for Humanity and for ‘Her’ best creation Human. 

How can we save them or stop such incidents? How can we help them ? How can we stop bad people ? .......We are not Leaders,.......... we are not officers ............we are not warriors,......... we are not so rich.........we are not so powerful............we are not capable to go there............such kinds of thoughts generally runs into our mind by witnessing cruelties.

But we must always remember that we have been gifted and privileged ‘Immense Powers’ by “Maa Adi Shakti” into our Being, we are just to avert our attention from petty things of our day to day life and use our ‘Most Precious Attention’ to channelize ’Infinite Powers & Love’ of our “Beloved Mother” in meditative state right at the time of feeling intense vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart at least for 5-10 minutes daily to neutralize all Anti Human Activities. We may fix a time just before the time of our sleep, say at 10 pm or as per our convenience and as per our schedule, it will work, just believe in you.

In this process of our ‘Loaded Attention’(Energy) would work more effectively than a very high speed sophisticated Nuclear Missile, just put full faith in any such kinds of doings. As per my awareness, we must keep our ‘Pious attention’ to such problems of the whole globe as well as we should pray to “Maa Adi Shakti” to grant another human life for the Souls of the victims whose lives were eliminated by such slaves of Satanic Forces. So that they might get a chance to redeem their Souls by coming into ‘Her’ Lotus feet in their next human life cycle. Can we add this ‘Divine Responsibility into our routine life ?”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015



“Few of us have to go through some phases, in which we often realizes that our life have become neutral by the grace of ‘Her’ Love, because some of us have gone beyond worldly Aims, Ambitions, Targets of achieving or gaining something which used to pull and drag our attention and consciousness towards all such things.

So now, we hardly have topics to discuss among our friends, relatives, neighbours, colleagues and even with our family members. That’s why we feel misfit and odd in their circle and company. And most of the time we feel isolated externally though we hardly show them our internal state because they feel happy in our company.

We actually enjoy the company of all the Sahaakas/Sadhikas who are sincere and serious about their Spiritual Growth, we often share our internal feelings and experiences with them because of their deep understanding happily. But we might be little away from typical kinds of Sahajis who are quite rigid and orthodox about Sahaj Rituals and customs, this is quite natural and obvious because of the difference in depth and understanding.

Such kind of variation is evident among few of us, sometimes it is taken in a wrong way by some ignorant Sahajis, they often think that some of us are going against Sahaj Yoga and even they blame some of us that we are possessed and following some Negative Path out of unawareness. Even they warn other Sahajis to maintain a distance from us otherwise they might be caught by some so called Negativity. 

Actually, when and until, the Central Heart Chakra of all the Sahajis would not open , this kind of difference will always be here. And if we want to open our Central Heart Chakra then we have to maintain continuous connectivity between Sahastrara and Central Heart without any doubt and rituals.

Because doubts and rituals come from our mind and our mind always obstructs the ‘Divine Flow’ by making both the Agnya hyper active, and hyper activity of both the Agnya inflate them and cover the thinnest passage of Sushumna.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Wednesday, February 11, 2015



1) “We often see, lots of people are infected with the dreaded disease of ‘Dominance’, almost everyone tend to dominate other one in our human society irrespective of places on our planet.

Even we see some Sahjis, try to dominate other Sahajis in the name of Seniority, Posts, Experiences, Protocols, Power, Money etc. Such kind of people always point out other’s mistakes and try to let them down publicly or individually as “Shree Maa” has given them authority not only to scold other Sahajis but also to spread their bad name among Sahajis out of Dominance.

Actually, this disease of dominance belongs to Wild Animals as most of us have been recycled for thousands times in our previous life cycles as different species of animals so our genes are carrying this trait of animal even in evolved form of human.

We usually observe in our day to day life that Animals specially like Dog, fight with other dog for unauthorised entry in their territory. Either that new dog has to surrender or that would be thrown out of the territory by the powerful one.

Complete surrender with Full devotion is badly needed in some of us to eradicate such kind of problem by maintaining connectivity at our Sahastrara and its acknowledgement into our Central Heart continuously, otherwise......?????

2) “Our Spirit is just like our Recurring Deposit Bank account where we can invest our attention and get the interest periodically in the form of increasing ‘Self Knowledge’. So it is always better to keep our attention at our Spirit to reap handsome returns.

While Giving Self Realization, Guiding New Comers for Meditation and helping Older Sahajis to resolve their technical problems related to meditation, are just like Earning which is gained out of some work so try to keep on spreading 'Her' Love to earn more and more. Both the things are essential to become Millionaire if we want.”

3) “Our Actual Being has come into this ‘Human Existence’ to experience its peculiarities either so called Demerits (Avgunas) or Merits (Gunas) which are changeable and unstable, they use to keep on changing as per the situations and circumstances. Both the things use to appear into our personality according to our bringing up.

Some times Gunas (Merits) convert into Avgunas (Demerit) and Avgunas convert into Gunas as per the need of the time. Basically these are virtues and traits of the best creation of ‘Almighty’ which is none other than Human.


So why to stick with any one of them internally and obstruct our journey of experience and feeling by being Guilty or by being Ego eccentric. Why to become happy with praise and why to become depress due to disgrace, nothing is useful for our ascent.

We have to go beyond both the emotions which usually manifests into our Consciousness due to Non-connectivity with the ‘Divine’ as some of us might feel ‘Isolated’ from the ‘Whole’ and due to separation from the Source we often feel the urge to be identified and recognised by others and such kinds of identification and recognition ignites comparison and comparison generates the sense of Merits and Demerits into our Mind and then mind rules our Consciousness and influenced consciousness decreases our Awareness.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, February 7, 2015



1) “Vertical Growth take place when we keep our attention at our own ‘Spirit’ and our ‘Spirit’ represents It’s ‘Source’ to enrich our Awareness with ‘Pure Knowledge’ and our Awareness enhances our Consciousness and our consciousness Enlightens our Attention and our Enlightened Attention Grasps Pro-God and Pro-Nature Elements which are capable to boost the flow of ‘Divine Energy’ which Nourishes our Mind and our Nourished Mind steers our Thought Process towards Positivity and Thinking of Positive things Soothes & Correct our Nervous System and Correct nervous System Increases our Internal Joy & Happiness and Joy keeps our Health Intact and Good Health makes us Capable to grow Horizontally in Meditation as well as in every sphere of our Life.

While Horizontal Growth takes place when we help New Persons by giving Self-Realization from our Sahastrara either externally by telling & guiding them to follow some awakening procedure or by raising their Kundalinis with the help of our Attention in Deep Meditative State by sitting at our own place. 

Because Awakened Kundalinis feel overwhelmed and thankful to those who make them Raised up to Sahastrara Level then they Supplies the Pure Energy to the same Sahaji first which gives a Quick Boost to the Energy Field of the Giver. And this Enhanced Energy helps the same Sahaji to keep his/her attention to his/her ‘Spirit’ as well as at ‘Maa Adi Shakti.

So both kind of Growth are essential for a True Child of Maa to ascend in his/her Depth to become a Genuine Instrument of ‘Divine Powers & Love’ to make a Beautiful Garland of ‘Enlightened Flowers’ for our “Beloved Mother” to fulfil ‘Her’ desire.”

2) “It is very common among some of us that we have to encounter with the most common questions of new people who are completely indulge in their materialistic life which is related with the benefit of meditation in our day to day life.

They usually ask, ‘What we will get out of meditation?, Why we should do meditation, whereas we are already happy in our life ? 

Then we often tell them that, “Your health will improve, your diseases will be vanished, you will gain mental peace & satisfaction, you will grow in spiritual field, you will rise in financial aspects and so on.

But these sayings hardly works on them then they usually question us, ‘how you are living,
are you people happy in your materialistic life ? Are you leading a disease free life? Don’t you have any problem?

Then we become bewildered to answer them internally because we too, use to be suffering from different kinds of problem in our human life, if we tell the truth then we might feel ashamed before them and they might lose their interest for adopting Meditation.

But somehow we try to convince them so that they could meditate but internally we use to be thinking about our routine genuine problems which are engulfing our happiness.

So it is better to tell them that, ‘ Through Meditation we perceive ‘Divine Energy’ (which look afters the whole universe) to improve our understanding related to Materialistic World so that we could make our life more peaceful and happier as well as it enhances our faith in ‘Divinity’ so that we might have a rapport with ‘Almighty’.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Sunday, February 1, 2015



1) “Reluctance and in-differentness in our materialistic life are the sign of progress in Spiritual Affairs but these symptoms must not be seen for Meditation and Sahaj Work otherwise it might leads us to downfall in all the spheres of our Life. 

Some of us might caught up by Left Sided Influences which could grip our consciousness and attention, such kinds of negative effects usually comes in our materialistic life due to failure, un-fulfilment, un-satisfaction, incompetence , infe
riority and of course due to depression.

If all these un-progressive symptoms and not being noticed for ‘Divine Work’ then it means, few of us have gained something in Spiritual World and understood the reality of Materialistic Life properly that’s why we are being more inclined towards ‘Enlightening Work’ more than our routine External Life of Gaining & Losing.”

2) “Some of us use to become stagnated with the ‘Divine Blessings’, which appear in the form of Materialistic Gaining, Achievements, Prosperity, Family peace n Satisfaction and always feel thankful to “Almighty” to provide all worldly happiness. 

But we hardly think to go beyond from such a superficial surface level, though we strictly follow all the Sahaj Rituals, Daily Meditation, Weekly Local Collectivity, Bimonthly Regional Collectivity, Pujas and Sahaj Seminars.

By doing all these things we mentally feel satisfied that we have performed all our duty well in Sahaj Yoga to maintain a harmonious life. So we end our desire to proceed further in meditation with all such emotions. And we often discuss about our blessings with the groups of Sahajis, especially in Seminars and Collectivity with great pride as “Shree Maa” is taking special care of us than others.

Actually, as per my awareness such kind of thinking and feeling are nothing but an alarm for all of us to take care of our Progress in spreading “Her” Love and Realizing our own Spirit within very seriously otherwise we are definitely going to fall down from Spiritual Platform and lose our Ascent.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"