Thursday, December 25, 2014

"Merry Christmas" ----Impulses---216

 'Merry Christmas' to all our Souls,.........))))))))))

"Forgiving is not mere words but it is a happening within our Consciousness in the presence of the Flowing Divine Energy into our whole Being.

Because such an Affectionate Mother Energy erases the the scars and stains of our 'Manah' (Mind) which were stagnated into our consciousness long time back out of several kinds of Hurts.

When we surrender into our own existence before such a Compassionate Eternal Entity into our Heart, only then we could be able to forgive others.

So it is far and far better to bathe into this Divine Shower in meditative state and feel like forgiving every one.

"Merry =Presence of Mother Energy and Christmas= Elimination Process of Bad Stains and Scars of our Heart and Mind". So Merry Christmas to all the Souls in real sense."

("क्षमा करना मात्र शब्द नहीं हैं, बल्कि ये हमारे भीतर बहने वाली 'ऊर्जा की दिव्य धारा' की उपस्थिति में हमारी चेतना में घटित होने वाली एक घटना है। क्योंकि यह 'वात्सल्यमई' ऊर्जा हमारे मन मस्तिष्क में लगी हुई चोटों व् उनके निशानों को मिटा देती है जो काफी अरसा पहले हमारे भीतर जड़ हो गए थे।

जब हम अपने ही भीतर में उस प्रेम-मई 'अलोकिक अस्तित्व के आगे नत -मस्तक हो जाते हैं केवल तब ही हम किसी को भी क्षमा कर पाते हैं। इसीलिए गहन ध्यान की अवस्था में क्षमा करने के भावों के साथ इस 'दिव्य वर्षा' में स्नान करना बेहद सुगम है।

'मैरी = मातृत्व से युक्त ऊर्जा की उपस्थिति और क्रिसमस = हृदय एवं मन-मस्तिष्क पर लगे हुए चोट व् उनके निशानों के मिटाने की प्रक्रिया। अत: सभी जीवात्माओं को मेरी चेतना की ओर से वास्तविक 'मैरी क्रिसमस' "


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Friday, December 12, 2014



1) “Realization of Truth is nothing but it is a realization of Acceptance of our own being, as we often keep us away from true-self by being involve in our own mythical, imaginary, unrealistic, self imposed and superficial image which is always created by our own mind due to unreasonable comparison with others.

When we come close to the ‘Divine’ through meditation then ‘He’ provides us ‘His’ Love & Compassion which makes us worthy in ‘His’ eyes as well as in our own eyes, which evaporates the feeling of inferiority and incompetence in our consciousness and we become quite and calm inside.”

2) “True knowledge always comes about anything right at the time of ‘Connectivity with the Divine’ in meditative state only. When we would be keeping our Empty attention over something about which we want to know and then we spontaneously receive some responses about the same thing which use to be true.

Because in this state our mind cannot interfere to contaminate our consciousness with its reactive thoughts which use to be based on old data of the memory of our mind. Thus, we are benefited with the True knowledge of the desired things.

But this procedure will take place only when our heart would not be Infected or Bias with Anti-Nature emotions of any kinds like Jealousy, Ego, Hatred and comparison."

3) “A worrier of Truth’ is destined to fight against ‘Untruth’ for his/her whole life externally, so there is no use of thinking to find out ‘Comfort Zone’ in this materialistic life by such fighters.

But they might retain peace n happiness internally by being connected with ‘Almighty’ and serving and helping Rejected n Dejected people who are suffering by injustice and undue suppression in this world, this is their only recreation and entertainment which provide them real satisfaction.”

4) “Most of us become the victim of adverse circumstances and situations some times, then we often increase the time of meditation and clearing, thinking that we might come out of those problem by doing meditation and all clearing processes.

And when we do not get relief then we become confused and frightened. Actually whatever has come before us, is the consideration of our previous acts, so that has to pass through our consciousness at any cost.

Because, this is the Law of Nature which is putting all the reactions of our previous actions before us to make us realize and understand the hard fact of ‘His’ Creation.

Yes, the gradual growth in Meditation makes us able to accept and understand all the fact of our Materialistic Life as well as of our Spiritual Life so that we might feel and get ease during difficult time, and clearing process gives us a chance to meditate properly.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, December 6, 2014



1) “In this present time almost every ‘Child of Shree Mata Ji’ has to fight against all kinds of Negative existences like Untruth, Greed, Jealousy, Ego, Dominance etc. which have griped the mind of Over-Ambitious peoples who are going against Nature and ‘God’ out of utter ignorance.

But we must not be worried or scared about all these things but we should have full faith in “Shree Mata Ji” and in our practice of Meditation and Giving Self Realization to new people so that we might get more powers from the Kundalinis of New Comers as well as from 'Maa Adi Shakti'.

“She” has made all of us Solders to conquer all types of Anti-God Elements, so we just have to fulfil our duties of fighting and struggling with such kinds of Negative Influences without being involved internally with them. We have to face them in a Detached State by being at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart.

When “Shree Mata Ji” were in Human Form then these existences were eliminated by “Shree Maa” ‘Herself’ but now these things will be erased by 'Her' through all of us. So, just get ready and roll up your sleeves and be alert with all your weapons of all the powers of Central Hearts and Sahastrara.

2) “No matter if someone is hatching a plan to give harm to you, do not worry if some one is trying to hurt you, be relax if some one is trying to seize anything or money, just do not bother if some one is trying to cheat you or extort money from you, just have patience if you feel that some one is going to kill you.

Because everything belongs to “Almighty” which is given by him to all of us, this is “His” problem how to maintain the equilibrium in worldly transaction among all of us. But we have to perform our responsibility to fight and take stand against all kinds of ‘Adharma’ and injustice for our protection because this is our Birth Right given by “Almighty” ‘Himself’. 

But we must not take any offensive and attacking step first against those who are trying to let us down in all manners out of greed and jealousy, their own Negative Actions are going to becomes weapons against themselves itself. This is the Law of Nature and 'God' which always protects innocents. We all are looked after by the ‘Divine’ so that all the powers of Divine always take care of us.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Tuesday, December 2, 2014



1) “Meditation is nothing but a medium of ‘Expression of our Love’ for “Almighty” and 'Almighty’s' Love for us, so there is no space left to raise any demand and complain before ‘Him’. If demand and complain is there then Heart is nowhere. Actually, this is the Joy of companion ship of ‘Almighty’ which is inexplicable but amusing.

Because, if we Love someone truly then we try only to give him/her whatever we can, without keeping any expectation for reciprocation from them. Otherwise it will become a business and if there is a business then there is no Love and if love is absent then Joy evaporates and  we feel dry inside.

When we are in true love then we always like to be with the refreshing thoughts of his/her company which always gives us peace, satisfaction and love and boost our moral to lead our life beautifully."

2) “God has provided Mind as a facility for us but it works as the punisher when we cross the limit of Nature as well as we do Anti-God deeds and create several problems for others out of our Ego, Super Ego, Jealousy, Greed, Hatred.

Then it produces so many negative thoughts before our consciousness which leads us towards our own destruction. It usually give so much pain, anguish, anxiety to us as we are caught by some neurological imbalances which finally converts into dreaded diseases and they become a threat of our Life.

Means our own mind can activate several dynamites which are capable to demolish our whole Biological Unit to maintain Spiritual & Materialistic Equilibrium if we misuse our mind.

That’s why we should always try to keep our attention into our Central Heart and acknowledge ‘Divine Energy’ there while being connected with our Sahastrara so that our mind could not dominate us.”

3) “Our external-Materialistic Being is just like a small boat which is rolling on uncontrolled waves (Circumstances) of the ocean (Life) and our Spiritual-Being is just like the Engine of the same boat which is running at its own pace unaffected with High and Low level waves. So boat is struggling but Engine is not in trouble.

In the same manner we must not be effected with all our materialistic affairs whether they are favourable or unfavourable for us but we must always be connected with our own Spirit by keeping our attention at our Sahastrara and Central Heart."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"