Tuesday, April 30, 2013



1) “Ego is the consideration of the evaluation of our mind while wisdom is the outcome of the acknowledgement of our Awareness."

2) ‎"Enlightenment of a person cannot be covered for a very long time despite of severe adversities."

3) “Our heart is just like a mirror which is made of compassion and love and our emotions which comes from our mythical mind, works like ripples, when they rises then it usually blur the reflection and we could not be able to see the correct vision.

4)Salvation is just like the completion of a time bound assignment which is given by 'God' to all of us for the maintenance and smooth running of our planet 'Earth', and It is 'His' house and we are 'His' children. So 'He' has sent all of us to experience his creation as well as to look after the same. 

That's why we have to finish our task and go back to 'Him' again, but out of inclination and greed we use to stick with something on earth and forget our return journey. The process of making one free from all types of inclination and greed is called Salvation.”

5) "Love & compassion are the only 'Cleaning Agent' which can penetrate into the deepest negative memory which causes darker side in anyone and take them out to bloom with an ease and confidence."

6) "We should behave like a shepherd who never stick to one place, always keep on moving towards new destinations every day, actually he is detached in true sense but perform his duty of taking care of every sheep and goat very sincerely as well as earning his daily bread with honesty."

7) "A properly Realized Sahaji is just like a 'Plant of Fruits' into the Desert which not only provides shade into the Scorching Sun but also gives sweet fruits to quench one's hunger & thirst."

8) "An Enlightened Soul is just like a tiny Bird who can never be a burden over any creation of God."

9) "If we realize emptiness of brain only then it converts into beauty and when we praise and relish that beauty only then it is called intelligence."

10) "Affectionate Care covers every aspect of our life, it is some sort of good 'Stabilizer'  which is capable to balances  all types of our emotions."

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, April 27, 2013



1) "Sun rise is nothing but a beginning of new life which come across to us every day to give us motivation to shine like 'The Sun'.

2) "Hurdles work like acid, as it works on gold, which purify and polish Our-Self and our personality and make it more refined."

3) “"Adventure adds the flavor in our life and makes us able to see the reality of the caliber of our self as well as of our co-walker, and it enhances the acceptance of all types of adversities which use to come before us in our day today life."

4) "Hardships and difficulties hardly bother children to enjoy their game anywhere they go, so we should too take this life as a game and behave with this life like children.”

5) "Acceptance of Death, in true sense, enhances the pleasure and charm of our Life."

6) "Life is a journey, and moving is essential, so we should not mind the surface of the path if it does not match with our expectations."

7) "Today's life has become so mechanical if we do not break the chain of its mechanism then it might break our nervous system."

8) "The real joy is totally based on spontaneity; it cannot be generated by our mind's planning."

9) "Seeking' is the nature of our Soul while exploration is the temperament of our 'Awareness'.

10) “When the process Salvation take place then our physical body converts into all five elements again and our Mind surrenders before our Awareness and our Awareness dissolves into our Soul and our Soul become One with our Spirit and our Spirit merges into ‘Almighty’.”


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, April 22, 2013



1) ‎"Budham sharnam gachhami"=("Those who become properly aware, surrender themselves completely") Half-Opened eyes with stable pupil is the symbol of connectivity, stability of eyes develops due to feeling of continuous flow of Pure Energy and opening of eye shows witness state."

2) ‎"Surrender=Merging into each other, to look like each other as Sun merges into The Water and Water absorbs The Sun."

3) “There might be ‎"Same path, same terrain and same region but purpose of walking might differ according to the awareness of the walker."

4) ‎"When 'The Sun of Knowledge" rises then this 'Sun' never gives burns to anybody but nurtures everyone with 'The Warmth' of pure Love and Compassion."-

5) ‎"Where we are supposed to go, where we will go and where we actually go,it is all predestined."

6) ‎"Clouds of 'His' Love use to shower 'Chaitanya' upon those who have gained an optimum height in meditation."

7) "innocence is not aware about fear, it is the problem of mind.

8) ‎"A house is needed for us everywhere we live as our Soul needs our body."

9) Gratitude sprouts after maintaining the connectivity with ‘Almighty’; actually Gratitude is the synonym of Acknowledgment of 'Him'.

10) "All the things which belongs to this materialistic world belongs to 'Mother Nature' who repays as per our 'Karmas' and all the 'Spiritual Acts' belongs to 'God' and 'He' is just like mirror in which we see our reflection. So what ever we get, we get after adjusting our 'Negative and Positive' Karmas."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, April 13, 2013

"Impulses"------------Contemplation (चिंतन)------138


1) ‎"Will Power is the key to conquer the unconquered while faith of 'Almighty' is the key of producing Will Power."

(इच्छा शक्ति किसी भी असंभव स्तिथि को जीतने की चाबी है जबकि 'इश्वर' के प्रति विश्वास इस इच्छा शक्ति को उत्पन्न करने की कुंजी है।)

2) "Pure Knowledge does not burn anyone but soothes everyone with welcoming warmth and smile."

(सद-ज्ञानं किसी को भी जलाता नहीं है बल्कि यह सभी को गर्माहट व् मुस्कराहट के साथ आराम पहुंचता है।)

3) "Almighty expresses 'His' happiness and joy through Nature, which is just like a big screen on which 'His' expressions manifests."
(प्रकृति 'परमपिता' की एक बड़ी 'स्क्रीन' के सामान हैं जिस के द्वारा  'वे' अपनी ख़ुशी व् आनंद प्रदर्शित करते है।)

4) "Maa Adi" has granted almost everything for our convenience and entertainment, so it is up to us, how much benefit we may get out of our efforts."

('माँ अदि' ने हमें खुश रकने के लिए हर प्रकार के आराम व् साधन उपलब्ध कराये हुए हैं, अत: ये हमारे पर निर्भर करता है की हम उन सब को अपने प्रयासों के द्वारा प्राप्त कर सकते है।"

5) ‎"According to Scientists, mountains have come out from the Deep Oceans in Millions and millions of years, so same with our "Awareness" which is being developed slowly and finally it has touched 'Almighty' and it is being evident before our consciousness. Our awareness was too immersed into "Bavsagara"(the ocean of different types of emotions of attachments) for several births."

(वैज्ञानिको के अनुसार 'पर्वत' गहरे समुंदर से करोड़ों सालों में बहार आयें हैं, तो इसी  प्रकार से हमारी 'चेतना' भी धीरे -धीरे विकसित हुई है जिसने अंत:त 'परमात्मा' को छुआ हैं व् यह घटनाक्रम हमारी जाग्रति के समक्ष घटित हुआ है। हमारी चेतना 'भवसागर' में कई जन्मों से डूबी रही है।"

6) ‎"Our Awareness must be freed from all types of bonding and conditioning only then we might enjoy the Real Freedom and we would be able to get what we actually like."

(हमारी चेतना समस्त प्रकार की जड़ताओं व् बन्धनों से मुक्त रहनी चाहिए, केवल तभी हम वास्तविक स्वतंत्रता का आनंद उठा सकते हैं व् वो सभी पा सकते हैं जो हम वास्तव ंएईभ्ण पाना चाहते है।)

7) ‎"Though 'God' seems far from us due to unawareness but 'He' always keeps an eye on us and takes care all of us."

( हालाँकि, 'परमात्मा' हमें अपनी अज्ञानता के कारण दूर प्रतीत होते हैं, लेकिन 'वे' सदा हमें देकते रहते हैं व्  हमारा ध्यान रखते हैं)

8)  ‎"The perspiration of Sahastrara increases the Joy of meditation as little drizzle enhances the beauty of mountains."

(सहस्त्रार में होने वाली ऊर्जा की शीतलता हमारे ध्यान के आनंद को बढ़ाती हैं जैसे हल्की-हल्की फुहार 'पर्वत' के सौन्दर्य को बढ़ाती है।)

9) ‎"When the heat increases then evaporation starts which forms clouds and clouds covers the whole area and then rain begins, the same happens when we encounters severe problems and the fume of our negative thoughts starts covering our awareness and we find ourselves entangled badly then the prayers starts sprouting from our heart spontaneously and we often receive 'His' mercy in some forms upon us."

(जब तपस बढ़ जाती है तो वाष्पिकरण प्रारंभ हो जाता है जो बादलों को उत्पन्न करता है और बादल सारे क्षेत्र को ढक लेते हैं व् तब बारिश प्रारंभ हो जाती है, यही घटना घटित होती है, जब हम किसी परेशानी का सामना करते हैं और हमारी चेतना हमारे नाकारात्मक विचारों से घिर जाती है और हम स्वम् को बुरी तरह फंसा हुआ पाते हैं, और तब स्वत: ही हमारे हृदय से प्रार्थना प्रारंभ हो जाती है और हम अक्सर परमात्मा की 'अनुकम्पा' प्राप्त कर पाते हैं।)

10) "We have been recycled for several times in several forms on this planet Earth during the process of evolution, so our Collective Sub-conscious inspire us to go to such places where we had been earlier in any previous life cycles, though, it might be new place of us in present life. That's why some times we feel that this place is not new to us."

(उत्क्रांति की प्रक्रिया के दौरान हमें अनेकों रूपों में इस धरती पर जन्म दिया जा चूका है, इसी लिए हमारा अव-चेतन मन हमें उन सभी स्थानों पर जाने के लिए प्रेरित करता है जिन स्थानों पर हम अपने पिछले जीवनों में जा चुके होते हैं, हालाँकि इस जन्म के लिए  वे सभी स्थान नए होते हैं। इसीलिए कभी-कभी हमें ऐसा लगता है कि हम पहले भी वंहा जा चुके हैं।)


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Friday, April 5, 2013

'Nirvicharita'----A Gradual Process-----7, Contemplation----137

“Nirvicharita”---A Gradual Process---7

Actually, Self Realization is Another ‘Deemed’ Birth’ according to ‘Shree Mata Ji’, and we have been given several chances of taking birth after births by ‘Almighty’ to hit our actual target of Salvation of our Soul by achieving ‘Higher Level’ of Understanding related to our Existence. So, by the grace of ‘God’ when we get our Self Realization (Another Birth) then ‘He’ tries to make finish all our desires and liking so that we might be able to get redemption from all our mental conditioning and barriers. And we could work seriously for our Salvation and then we might be useful for ‘His’ creation without any types of grudges.

In One biological Birth ‘He’ gives us a chance of re-birth in the form of Self Realization when the consideration of our Good Previous Karmas comes and we use to be at the verge of the beginning of the process of internal transformation.  ‘He’ wants us not to spoil our precious time only in attaining materialistic necessities for our Biological Body and Mind.

That’s why sometimes ‘He’ arranges so many incidences with the help of ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ ‘Who’ usually set the principle of ‘Permutation & Combination’. ‘She’ generates pleasant co-incidences and eliminates painful and trouble situations. ‘She’ has got independent charge of ‘Her’ creation.

Now, some questions may arise why we need a companion in the form of male or female in our life?  Why ‘Adi Shakti’ has created both the character in ‘Her’ entire creation like male and female?  Why there are two existences in us like Spirit and Soul ? Why ‘God’ has two forms like ‘Ardh-Naarishwara’? Why every Atom has two forms in it like Molecule and Nucleolus? Why a day has got two forms like Light and Darkness? Why electricity has got two charges like hot and cold?  Why we have got two brains in the form of two hemispheres? Why ‘Almighty’ has created male or female deities like Devi or Devta ?

As per my awareness, the whole creation is based on the principal of its ‘Creator’ which ‘Has’ two aspects. One is ‘The Power’ which represents feminine side and another one is ‘The Bearer of Power’ which represents Masculine side. So our ‘Creator’ has designed everything as per ‘His’ internal mechanism though ‘He’ is not visible because ‘He’ is not made by all the five Elements, but He’ is the creator of all Elements, ‘He’ is away from all the matters which are known by human till now.

But ‘He’ manifests ‘Himself’ in several forms in ‘His’ creation whenever ‘He’ wants. ‘He’ expresses ‘Himself’ in twin forms of human emotion like Compassion & Love, compassion represents feminine form while Love represents masculine form. Our Soul being our actual mother releases compassion while our Spirit being our well wisher expresses Love. Both are the Divine Invisible companion represents ‘Ardh-Naarishwara’ in our being. So our emotional set-up is based on the set-up of Spirit & Soul.

That’s why we human, who have got visible Elementary-Biological Body, need some companion of opposite electric charge like male or female to balance the flow of life when and until we ignite our Spirit & Soul through Deep Meditation.  Yes, it is true, if some could awake his ‘Spirit & Soul’ in a proper manner and become completely One with ‘Almighty’, only then he/she might not feel the urge of being together with his/her companion in External form. Because in this case ‘Ardh-Naarishwara’ would be awakened in his/her being and he/she would feel Eternal Companionship. In this beautiful state he/she would not be having any types of thoughts.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Impulses"-----(चिंतन) Contemplation------136


1) "Though our destination use to be before us and the route is visible but very often we loose the courage to cover this distance due to useless calculation of our mind, and we feel defeated without any attempt."

(हांलाकि  मंजिल हमारे सामने होती है, और रास्ता भी दिखाई दे रहा होता है पर अक्सर हम अपने मन की गड़ना के कारण बिना कोशिश के ही हिम्मत हार बैठते है और मंजिल पर नहीं पंहुच पाते. )

2) ‎"Life is just like flowing stream which can not decide its own surface."

(जीवन एक बहती नदी के सामान है जो अपने बहने के तल को सुनिश्चित नहीं कर सकती।)

3) ‎"Nature has made everything so compatible to each other that everything highlights the beauty of each other whereas humans spoil the beauty and grace of each other because of great unawareness."

(प्रकृति ने सभी चीजो को एक दूसरे का इतना पूरक बनाया है कि सभी चीजे एक दुसरे के सौन्दर्य को दर्शाती हैं जबकि मनुष्य अपनी अज्ञानतावश एक-दुसरे के सौन्दर्य और सौम्यता नष्ट कर देता है।)

4) ‎"As soon as we move higher and higher, the route becomes more difficult but the feeling of achievement enhances and gives more satisfaction."-

(जैसे-जैसे हम ऊंचे उठते जाते हैं वैसे-वैसे रास्ता कठिन से कठिन होता जाता है लेकिन प्राप्ति का भाव बढ़ता है और हमें संतुष्टि प्रदान करता है।)

5) ‎"When we start absorbing 'Nature' into our internal system then it use to be a preparation for meditation."

(जब हम प्रकृति को अपने भीतर आत्मसात करना प्रारंभ कर देते हैं तब यह ध्यान में उतरने की ही तैय्यारी होती है।)

6) "Clouds highlight the need of Sun while Sun shows the significance of Clouds to be the medium of Eternal Love."

(बादल सूर्ये की आवश्यकता को प्रदर्शित करते हैं और सूर्ये बादलों के महत्व को दर्शाता है जो  परमात्मा के प्रेम के माध्यम बनते है।)

7) ‎"Depth reflects the 'The Truth' while superficiality leads to myth."

(गहनता सत्य को प्रगट करती है और उथलापन भ्रम की ओर ले जाता है।)

8) ‎"Splendid beauty of Himalaya is beckoning us to be there means to be at our Sahastrara, because Sahastrara is The Himalaya."

(हिमालय का अप्रितम सौन्दर्य हमें अपनी ओर बुलाता है और प्रेरित करता है की हम वहां पर आयें यानी सहस्त्रार पर बने रहें क्योंकि सहस्त्रार ही हिमालय है।)

9) "Though we are just a tiny tots of 'His' creation but having the potential to be come 'One' with 'Him' and can shoulder some responsibilities for maintaining 'His' creation."

(हांलाकि हम इस रचना के कण के बराबर भी नहीं हैं पर फिर भी रचना-कार से एकाकार हो कर इस रचना के  सञ्चालन के लिए कुछ जिम्मेदारी निभा सकते है।)

10) "Darkness always plays an important role in high lightening the brightness."

(अँधेरा सदा उजाले के महत्व को ही दर्शाता है। )


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"