Monday, August 28, 2023

"Impulses"--653--"Very Purpose of our Being"

 "Very Purpose of our Being"

"If we fail to understand the Very Purpose of our Being in this present life.

Then we can not be redeemed because our Awareness will stuck at the same level as it would be at our Last Breath.

And we may keep on moving here and there without having our Biological Shell when and until we get another chance to take birth in Human Form again to enrich our Awareness which might take Centuries.

So we must be serious and sincere enough to this most Precious Privilege of being into "Her" "Lotus Feet".

To understand our own Being we must try to maintain Connectivity with our Sahastrara and Central Heart first.

And then we should keep on Acknowledging "Her" Presence in the form of flowing 'Energy' into all our Nerves,Veins,Arteries,Cells Breath and of course into Subtle System in complete Thought Free State.

Right at the same time we must stick our Awareness with our Spirit as well as to keep our Attention over our Gross Existence for more than 5-10 minutes with Blank Mind.

You will be surprised to realize that some Revelation would begin to sprout into your Heart about Your 'Inner Self' spontaneously.

You may keep continue this process as long as you would like to have a complete Idea about your Entity including the reason of your Presence on our Planet Earth."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji" 


Saturday, August 19, 2023



"विद्वान के लिए 'नाम' इज्जत है,

कलाकार के लिए 'पहचान' इज्जत है,

राजा के लिए 'न्याय' इज्जत है,

राजनीतिज्ञ के लिए 'सत्ता' इज्जत है,

कर्मशील के लिए 'काम' इज्जत है,

धनिक के लिए 'धन' इज्जत है,

निर्धन के लिए 'रोटी' इज्जत है,

मध्यम-वर्गीय के लिए 'स्वभिमान' इज्जत है,

जागृत के लिए 'आत्म-सम्मान' इज्जत है,

और ज्ञानी के लिए 'सत्य का साथ' इज्जत है।"


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Monday, August 14, 2023

"Impulses"--651--"Sahaj Yoga is meant for Spiritual Growth Only"

 "Sahaj Yoga is meant for Spiritual Growth Only"

"If you have come in Sahaj Yoga Meditation just to cure your Diseases as well as to resolve all your Worldly Problems only instead of Attaining Depth to Spread 'The Light' by your own 'Self Knowledge'.

Then,it is sure, you are entering into a very severe 'Psycho-Spiritual' Problem which will never let you become a True Instrument of "Shree Maa" and Achieve the state of Redemption.

Though, Every problems might be Solved and all kinds of Health Issues can be corrected by "Her" if "She" will."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"



Tuesday, August 8, 2023

"Impulses"--650--"Practicality hardly belong to Enlightened Ones"

 "Practicality hardly belong to Enlightened Ones"

"An Enlightened 'One' can never be Practical according to the Today's Trend of Society.

Because 'That One' is not after any kind of Greed,Ambition,Goal,Motive,Money,Power,

Position,Name,Fame,Recognition,Identity,Social Security,Fear and External Protection.

Which offten push and pressurize a Common Person to support Immorality,Inhumanity,

Insanity, Egoism, Fanatism,Idiotism, Eccentrism,

Racism, Castism, Religionism and Fasism of  Demonic/Devilish/Sadist/Barbaric  and Brutal Ones.

Most of the Unaware People maintain relations and stand with such kind of Negative Persons just to follow Social Obligations.

Which destroy their Dignity,Self Esteem,Self Respect, Self Confidence, Peace,Tranquility,

Harmony and Emotional Equilibrium.

Even they close their eyes when such a Dirty Ones use to be doing Wrong and Immoral Deeds with some other Ones,thinking this is not their problem.

But the time comes and they and their family members too suffer badly time to time due to Illicit Motives,Dominance and Interference of such a Immoral Ones in their Lives.

Whereas,That Awakened One always Condemn and Discard the Acts of such a Bad Ones and Instantly Cut all kinds of relation without uttering even a single word with them.

Because all the Innocent and Good People belong to him, whether they maintain Relations with him or they don't.

Usually Fully Aware persons walk alone very often because most of the people don't have courage to follow Truth and Righteousness in their whole life.

As a Matter of Fact, they are never alone,several Powers of Deities,Rudras,Ganas and Higher Souls are moving along with them in Invisible Form."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"
