Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---6 "During Driving"---Contemplation--81

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---6 "During Driving"

“After coming out from our house we may sit into our vehicle and turn the key on then we should keep our attention at our Sahastrara and keep on feeling sensation of the presence of ‘Maa’ Adi’ Shakti during driving our vehicle. It helps us improving our alertness and presence of our mind and we would be away from all types of preoccupation of thoughts of our mind which might cause any type of accident. By doing this our attention will not go anywhere and we would be able to drive our vehicle safely.

Sometimes we stuck in traffic Jam and start cursing the traffic system, our administration, our government and sometimes ourselves and become very irritated because generally we use to be in a hurry, if our family members are sitting along with us then it would be almost sure that we might become annoyed with them or sometimes we might scold them without their mistakes. So sometimes unintentionally we often create tension and become frustrated.  So if we enjoy the feelings of vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart at this moment then we would definitely not be angry but enjoy that situation instead of being angry.

At this particular time of Traffic Jam we may channelize Pure Love from our Central Heart through our Sahastrara to the Sahastrara and Central Heart of the people who are stuck in Traffic Jam which might be able to raise their Kundalini and would be able to give little stimulation into their Central Heart for opening.  If we do so, we might feel increasing flow of vibration and energy at our Sahastrara and into Our Central heart which is the clear indication of raising their Kundalini. It would be the greatest charity of this universe in my eyes. Thus, we may utilize our time and increase our energy and vibratory awareness during such types of adverse situation.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, February 27, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---5 (Beginning of the Day)---Contemplation---80

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7---5 "Beginning the of Day" 

"After fitness routine, we should maintain the feeling of vibration at our Sahastrara during the spell of getting ready for our daily work. And then we usually sit in front of ‘Shree Mata Ji’ at least for 10-15 minutes before having our meal or break-fast.

So during the 2nd spell of meditation we must take our attention into ‘Her’ Lotus Feet and feel the flow of ‘Her’ blessing and then ask ‘Mother’ internally, ”Shree Mata Ji” I surrender this day to ‘Your Lotus Feet’, this day which is going to begin, is ‘Your’s’, Whatever I will do, wherever I will go, whatever I will think, Kindly take care of everything because I am ‘Your’s’, Please ‘Mother’ give me inspiration into my heart for anything you want me to do. Everything belongs to ‘You’ only 'Maa'.

And then we should feel ‘Her’ in ‘Nirakar’ form around us and acknowledge 'Her' with our Sahastrara, as if we are wrapped completely with ‘Her’ Love and Compassion as we wrap Shawl or Sheet in winters at least for 5 minutes and then take ‘Her’ Compassion to our Central Heart through our Sahastrara and feel ‘Her’ Love into our Central Heart at least for another 5 minutes. Our Sahastrara is the only device which can sense 'Maa Adi'. So we should always feel anything with Sahastrara first so that we might acknowledge 'Her' in everything.

Then we may have our Morning Meal after offering ‘Her’ and to all the deities whom we love the most and we may come out with our bag in our hands for our office and works. If some of us are house hold ladies then they may start their routine works while keeping their attention at their Sahastrara with the feeling of the warmth of ‘Her’ Love. My awareness knows it would be a very exhilarating experience."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Friday, February 24, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7--4--"Fitness Hours"--Contemplation--79

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7--4--"Fitness Hours"

“When we walk anywhere while acknowledging Pure Energy (Vibration) at both the points  like Sahastrara and into Central Heart , all the particles, plants, trees and Sahastrara of the people on the way get energy and start giving reflexes at our Sahastrara in return which is capable to increase more energy at our Sahastrara and helps us improving our vibratory awareness.

After returning from the walk we usually do some physical exercises or some sort of Yoga Exercises so when we start some exercise then we should keep our attention at our Sahastrara and try to realize energy there. This will be very helpful and enjoyable because this process would keep us away from Boredom due to monotony of routine work out which sometimes feel difficult to maintain as well as gives strength to our muscles and respiration.  At this time while doing work out we may think about the day program with the feelings of vibration at our Sahastrara which will give us clarity of vision.

If we do some Yoga Exercise for our fitness like ‘Pranayaam’ or Kapal Bhati, Bhastrika, Anulom-Vilom then it would give Miraculous Results and we would feel very good vibration at our Sahastrara and Central heart. Yoga Exercises’ improves the flow of Energy and increases our depth and vitality.  So we can utilize our work-out hours being in meditative state.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---3--'Morning Walk'----Contemplation---78

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"---3--'Morning Walk'

"After Morning Tea we might go for Morning Walk or some fitness spree. If we go out for walking then we may keep our eyes on the ground and we may take our attention at our Sahastrara and realize the pure energy at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart while walking. 

At this time we should try to feel the flow of energy at our Sahastrara and then into our Central Heart continuously, this would be very helpful for improving our concentration as well as energy level. When we try to realize energy at Sahastrara or anywhere in any center then our attention become busy and we become ‘Nirvichar’ easily. On the contrary if our attention becomes free then it starts receiving several thoughts from our mind and creates problems in meditation so it is essential to make our attention busy in observing and feeling vibration all the time.

We may maintain this process at least for 10-15 minutes then we may take our attention for finding more and more aspects of meditation if we like. For example if we are willing to understand our internal anatomy by contemplation then first we must be assured about the flow of energy at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart which represents the presence of both the Deities likes ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ and ‘Maa Jagdamba’. Both are the source of every knowledge, ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ gives us whole universal knowledge while ‘Maa Jagdamba’ gives us all the knowledge related to our individual benevolence. That’s why both the Goddesses must be awakened within us if we want to grow more. 

Both the ‘Goddesses always help us in acknowledging several aspects of our life as well as other types of lives, so interaction with both the Powers are Necessary. Without their presence there can never be any type of Mediation as well as contemplation. Contemplation is must for our deep understanding, when and until we inclined to know anything, we cannot get any answer. In this state what ever we want to understand and to know, that would come before us spontaneously. So contemplation with the presence of Divine Flow is the key feature of knowing several things in a very natural way. 

It is not the process of thinking, it seems like thinking, it resembles with thinking. Actually we always tend to think only on the basis of the stored data of our mind whereas we do contemplate with the representation of both the powers at both the centers at a time which are capable to give new ideas, new dimension and motivation for our ascent as well as for our materialistic life. Thus, we can meditate during the Morning walk very happily and very comfortable. Have a nice time, try this if you like."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara--24x7---2-"Morning Tea"---Contemplation--77

"Sitting at Sahastrara--24x7"--2 (Morning Tea)

“After feeling Mother in Nirakar form at our Sahastrara in the first phase of the beginning of the day then we may get up and prepare some Tea/Coffee realizing the flow of energy at our Sahastrara, as the first beverage of the day and take News Paper along with prepared Tea.

i)  Now We may keep our attention into the prepared Tea and canalize the pure energy into the Tea from our Sahastrara and from our Central Heart and then acknowledge the increased vibration at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart and then we may Offer that Tea to ‘Shree Mata Ji’, Shree Ganesha and all the deities whom we adore.  If we do this, the Tea will become vibrated and act like Nectar for us, and then we may start sipping.

ii) While sipping we may start reading news paper keeping our attention at our Sahastrara, what ever we read, just try to feel the reflexes of reading at our Sahastrara in the form of increasing or decreasing vibration.   If vibration  at Sahastrara is increasing, it means whatever we are reading, is pro God or nature that will come true, if the vibration is decreasing, it means, that contents are not suitable to Nature or God and that is not going to happen. So we may come to know about the truth of the news.

iii) If we read some bad news about anything like Some sort of Natural Calamity, Terrorist Activities and what ever which is not Good for Mankind, then we may put our attention at that negative happening and supply Pure Love from our Central Heart through our Sahastrara for the rectification and pray to ‘Shree Maa’ to keep an eye on that situation.  If the flow of vibration increases by doing this, it means ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ is taking care of that happening. This should be our duty if we understand.

We can do so many good things while reading News Paper; it would be very helping for them who are suffering with so many negative things. We may uplift several people whom we come to know from news paper by putting our Loaded Attention of Pure Power on them. So try this if you like."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"(Good Morning)---1---Contemplation----76

"Sitting at Sahastrara 24x7"--"Good Morning"

 “Shree Mata Ji’ always advises us to remain at Sahastrara every moment; it seems very interesting to be at Sahastrara all the time. But the question rises, how we can achieve this state? Whereas we cannot sit before ‘Shree Maa’ all the time? ‘Shree Mata Ji’ says that we should do all the work whether materialistic or spiritual while realizing Sahastrara. So what we should do to attain such level? 

My little awareness is willing to share some easy tips to be in touch with our Sahastrara all the time. So we may start this practice since when we open our eyes in the morning. 

We may just get up into our bed and take a pillow and keep that in between bed and our back in a very comfortable position and then we may close our eyes and now we should take our attention at our Sahastrara and try to feel one situation out of few which is being given below :--

i)A divine flow coming continuously from the ‘Lotus Feet of Shree Mata ji’ who is sitting into the Sky whit a warm smile and touching our Sahastrara and going straight to our Central Heart through our Vishudhi . We should feel this flow at least for five minutes or as much as time we like. This may give us very refreshing and vibratory feeling. It seems that ‘Shree Maa’ is saying Good Morning to us.

ii) We may feel rising Sun into the Horizon and its beams are falling on our Sahastrara then take one beam to our Central Heart and feel the Light of Sun into our Heart.

iii) We may select Moon and its moon light to be felt at our Sahastrara and then to our Central Heart and into our whole instrument.

iv) We may feel a ‘Water Fall’ at our Sahastrara and realize its water into our Central Heart. 

v) We may choose the compassion and love of any our Deity in the form of stream which is coming from sky and flowing into our Central Heart through our Sahastrara. 

vi) We may also feel the true Love of any Human Being whom we like the most or he/she likes us very much irrespective of any relation and take that to our Sahastrara and then realize that Pure Love into our Central Heart. 

vii) We might feel the drop of morning dew at the Lotus of our Sahastrara for few minutes.

viii) We may visualize the most beautiful scene and then feel that through our Sahastrara for some time. 

ix) We may remember or visualize any program of Sahaj Yoga or Sakshat Pooja of ‘Shree Mata Ji’ and feel the ‘Anand’ of that event and take that to our Sahastrara and then realize the essence into our Central heart for few minutes. 

x) We may assume that our Sahastrara has become “Sacred Shivlingam” and there are some drops falling at the top of it means at our Sahastrara.

xi) We may also realize light drizzling of Pure Love of ‘Almighty ‘ at our Sahastrara for some time.

xii) And finally we may take anything, any memory, any event which was enlightening and joy giving to us to our Sahastrara and realize that into our Central Heart for few minutes. 

So these are very simple and easy practical tips, we may select one of them as per our liking and choice because the actual form of 'Maa Adi' is 'Nirakaara', it is the Flow of Pure Love, so it hardly matters what we choose for meditation, Just do some practice every day in the morning, you will find your energy level of Sahastrara is improving."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, February 6, 2012

"The Seeker--3" Contemplation (चिंतन)---75

"The Seeker--3" Contemplation (चिंतन)

“So we all are the seeker of ‘God’, trying to find ‘Him’ with the help of Meditation, Poojas, Hawans, Enchanting Mantras, or taking help from our Kundalini which helps us communicating with ‘Almighty’. This is all pre-seeking process, which are essential as per our gravity and depth of our instrument.

First we acknowledge ‘Him’ into our Central Heart and then ‘He’ manifests ‘Himself’ into our whole Subtle System.  After some more practice we might be able to identify ‘Him’ into each and every body’s Heart in the form of reflexes into our Central heart and then into each and every particle of this creation.

Thus, Seeking of ‘His’ existence ends and there starts a new era of living into the Kingdom of God.  In this situation we do not hate anyone, we cannot insult anyone, we cannot be discriminating, we do not seek faults in others, we never check other chakras for finding catches, we do not use hypocrisy, we become away from show-offs, we do not want to influence anyone neither any influence effect us except Real Feelings, we become aesthetic and always praise ‘God’s creation.

We do not want anything from anyone but always give support  to Genuine One if it is needed; we always try to lift people who are suffering from any type of psychosomatic disorder or diseases, we become fearless of loosing anything because we know, nothing is ours,  Our Heart flows pure compassion , we do not worry about any types of rules,protocalls because we know internally that we are moved by ‘Him’, we never think about any types of losses and gaining because we know, every situation is controlled by ‘Him’ only, we do not give any harm to others consciously, we respect every religion because we understand that every religion is incepted by ‘God’ ‘Himself’, we always tend to know about all the religions because we want to know, what procedure is practiced by the follower of other religion so that we might relate their practices with Sahaj Yoga.

So, these are few symptoms of a True Seeker whom ‘Shree Maa’ always does ‘Pranaam’ as per my little understanding and feelings."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Friday, February 3, 2012

"The Seeker"--2--Contemplation (चिंतन)----74

"The Seeker"--2--Contemplation (चिंतन)

"Our Soul is a very good teacher of our Awareness; she teaches our Awareness how to seek Almighty into ‘His’ Creation.  She gives strength to our awareness and makes it capable to perform the job of acknowledging ‘Him’ everywhere, into every particle. That’s why the process of awakening Kundalini is being tried from Ancient time as per the availability and level of ‘Bearers of Knowledge’ of that time.

Because our Kundalini is the only medium for establishing connection with Eternity. Several methods have been tested and tried by our Saints, Rishis, Yogies, Sadhakas, Gurus, Sad gurus and of course by Advents, since the Incarnation of  ‘Shree Rama.’ My awareness has realized, if we go deep into the roots of Any Religion or sect, we will finally find a method which was used for Kundalini Awakening.

The word Meditation, as per my little external knowledge, has come after ‘Sri Buddha’ and later on it was used and utilized by several Seekers and several inceptors of different types of Paths of Seeking God as per their experience and knowledge.  And now we see so many methods are being practiced by several devotees either with superficial purposes or Genuine Purposes.

All the religion and paths are good if they are having genuinity of purposes other than Sahaj Yoga which is activated by ‘Shree Mata Ji’ at Mass Level because ‘She’ in an Incarnation with completes powers as per ‘Her’ Saying. This had to be done only by ‘Her’ only.

Actually ‘Sahaj Yoga’ is the advance version of ancient and previous practices of finding God as per ‘His’ will. If we go through all the ancient methods, we will find, all the old methods used to be upgraded every after minimum 100 years, it means, in this too, there is some sort of evolution is evident according to the evolution into the awareness of Human.  Or we can say all the ancient and previous methods are liable to give evolution to the awareness of the Human being in this concern.  Or we would rather say the developing awareness of Human is liable to find new ways of making connectivity with ‘God’.

And my awareness is sure that we all will too, get the benefit from the more advance procedure of connectivity further with ‘Almighty’ by the Grace of ‘Shree Mata Ji."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"