Wednesday, January 25, 2023

"Impulses"--641--"Adversity Polishes Enlightened Ones"

 "Adversity Polishes Enlightened Ones"

"All kinds of Pains,Anguish,Melancholy, Suffering and Grief are counted as Boon for 'Enlightened Ones'.

As they begin heading towards actual 'Detachment', Desirelessness and 'Surrender' to "Shree Lotus Feet".

Which makes them to achieve 'Nirvikalp-State'(Optionlessness) to avail 'Redemption' and then to attain 'Salvation'.

On the Contrary, all the above problems push the 'Sleeping Ones' towards several kinds of 'Vikalpas'(Options).

To fulfill all their Unfulfilled and Suppressed Desires which enhances the tendency of Severe Attachment which convert their lives into a 'Hell' genuinely.."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"



Wednesday, January 18, 2023

"Impulses"--640--"Who is Perfect"

 "Who is Perfect"

"Who is Perfect in this World ?

Who does not have the tendency to compare himself with others."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

"Impulses"--639--' Judgement is Useless'

'Judgement is Useless'

"Some of us are tend to find out some 'Short Comings' in some people on the basis of our own Temperament, Understanding,Liking, Disliking, Notions,Emotions and Thinking.

Is it right way to Judge others ?


Because, what we find in others as Demerits are none other than our own Conditioning which have set due to different 'Bringing Up',Surrounding and Family Atmosphere from others."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

"Impulses"--638--"Enlightenment of Spirit makes us Spiritual"

 "Enlightenment of Spirit makes us Spiritual

"When and Until our Own Spirit gets Awake, we can never become Spiritual in True Sense.

Whether we keep on following some sort of Spiritualism whole life which use to be based on Reading,Hearing,Watching and Mental Understanding.

When such a Blissful Occurrence of Internal Awakening take place within our Consciousness then we become Spontaneous and Sensitive towards 'Ultimate Truth'.

In such a state, nobody can dominate us or force us to follow as well as to do anything against Humanity, 'Nature' and "God".

Actually, we become the Warrior of Truth, against all kinds of Satanic and Demonic Forces."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"
