Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shots of the Inauguration of Sahaj Yog Health & Research Center Noida by H.H. Shree Mata ji Shree Nirmala Devi on 30.11.10

Entrance of Sahaj Yog Health & Research Center just near to N.G.O
"Shree Maa" inaugurated the Hospital where the people will be treated by the "Divine Vibration"after being connected with "Eternal Powers" through Meditation. By this process of "Sahaj Yoga" people will get the benefit of awakened Elements and Deities. The first Hospital of India is already helping patients in this manner at Vashi, Maharashtra.

Gen. V.K. Kapoor is addressing the Sahajis

Welcoming Meditation is being done

Arrival of "Shree Maa"

Dr. Sandeep Rai from Vashi Hospital is explaining the working of "Param Chaitanya"

"Shree Mata Ji is going back"

Sri Mukhi Ram ji is singing and Sahajis are Dancing with Joy

The Presence of "Shree Maa" in newly built Halls of Hospital

"ये आंखे देख कर हम सारी दुनिया भूल जातें हैं"

"रे सहजी झूम-झूम के गाये, रा रा रा ..............रा"