Friday, May 30, 2014



1) ”As soon as we keep on relishing the flavour of 'Actual Freedom' by acknowledging 'His' existence within us then our old habits and behaviour changes itself. 

So, we must emphasize over feeling 'Him' within our own being irrespective of any types of doing and worrying for attaining anything. 

Change is spontaneous and natural, it is like a cube of ice, turns into water itself when it is exposed to higher temperature (True Compassion and Love).”

2) “To Enjoy Hard and Difficult time, is just like the payment for Good and favorable days as we get things out of purchase and pay some money as payment for those articles. 

Means, we have to pay something if we want to get anything, so same with Happy Time, we have to accept unfavourable circumstances as the payment for spending and enjoying the Nice time.

In meditation too, we have to go through several kinds of adversities and oppositions willingly to attain an optimum level of awareness to enjoy ‘Divinity’ in true sense.”

3) "Life is just like a boat which is being sailed by our own unfulfilled desires 'Sub-Consciously' and our own being is the rider of this boat, so that our consciousness could acknowledge the experience of this journey."

4) “Our ‘Being’ is a Combo of two existences within one Unit, the First One, belongs to our Gross Body, expresses two types of needs like Emotional and Biological. Emotional need is fulfilled by different kinds of relations which are bonded with the thread of attachment and Biological needs are quenched by physical intimacy and by eating food. 

This Existence is looked after by our mind which alwa
ys tries to find several options out of its memory to provide maximum comfort and ease to us. Actually our mind is the greatest convenience for our Materialistic Being.

And the Second One Belongs to our Subtle Body, manifests itself after ‘Self Realization’ in two forms like our Kundalini and our Spirit. 

Our Kundalini demands for ‘The Power of Adi Shakti’ for being Healthy, from several Sahastrara as well as from all the Atoms of every particle of this creation which used to be activated with the help of our attention while our Spirit depends on ‘Pure Love’ to be fully Enlightened, which comes to our Spirit through our Kundalini and ‘Maa Jagdamba’ in meditative state.

The Second Existence is taken care by our Awareness which always provides us several spontaneous inspirational ideas to move towards ‘Divinity’. Actually our Awareness is the ‘Ultimate Guide’ of our Spiritual Being which shows us the right path to sooth our Soul.

That's why we should not use our mind for our Spiritual Growth and we must never use our Awareness for materialistic gaining."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Friday, May 23, 2014

Mountain & Meditation (Pics)--19-----"Quari Pass" Trek--- May..1990

This was a very treacherous trek because of its route and hight  temperature, almost every day we had to climb more than 3000 ft and climb down the same height which used to give a feeling of exertion but it was quite enjoying. We covered the whole distance of the trek in 3 days. And we trekked more than 45 Km in our Last day which took around 14 hours continuously.
 Small village of 'Tapovan' near Joshi Math, Uttranchal

 On 'Quari Pass'

 Snout of Wild Pig, as it was killed by villagers for their food.

 Regional Grains, "Chua" is very good for winters 

    Route was very steep and tiring, 

Sunday, May 18, 2014



1) “ Very often, few of us become so scared of other’s catches and diseases, as some of us usually avoid to meet such a people who are suffering from some problems, sometimes we become so frightened that we do not want even to think about those people, we feel that the arrow of their catches would definitely hit us. 

As per my awareness, “She’ uses our instrument as ‘A Broom’ to clean all the filt
h and dirt from other’s instrument, or even, ‘She’ uses us as the ‘Blotting Paper’ to absorb all the contamination from the surface of the ‘Mind’ of the people who were sent to interact with our ‘Energy Field’ by “Shree Maa” ‘Herself’. 

So what is the use of a Broom or a Blotting Paper if they become scared of dirt and filth, they are meant only for cleaning.” 

2) "After self-realization, when our Kundalini starts staying at our Sahastrara then ‘It’ becomes the vehicle of our attention and our attention becomes the guide of our Kundalini, so they help each other’s to contribute their little shoulder to ‘Shree Adi Shakti’ to maintain the equilibrium in ‘Her’ Creation with our Pure Desire.

Wherever Our Attention goes, our Kundalini supplies the Powers of ‘Sri Adi Sh
akti’ to that place and where ever our Kundalini goes then our attention reaches there and works out as per our will for the benevolence of Mankind and Nature. 

But both of them would never work for Anti-Nature & Anti-God tasks even if we keep will for ages out of Ego, greed and jealousy.”

3) As per my awareness 'Understanding is nothing but a compensatory reaction of our Emotional (Psycho-Physical) requirements , when it is matched with some one's acceptance in the forms of habits, nature, behaviour, tendency, treatment etc.. then we feel satisfied and happy, we say, "Oh.... you understand me". 

So understanding is some sort of an advocacy related to above mentioned traits by each other’
s. Every individual releases different types of emotional flow which bears his/her traits and when this flow is accepted and absorbed by others then Good Understanding appears and people come close to each other. It is so natural that it can not be generated by our mind.

On the contrary when two people (Connected+Awakened) stay at heart level all the time then they realize that there is no contradiction between them. Because Heart is an Ocean where all the streams and rivers of different ideas and emotions fall into it and merge into each other."

4) “When we keep on realizing ‘Him’ everywhere all the time into our consciousness then the work of our Kundalini finishes because our Kundalini works like a ‘Lift’ only for our Awareness to make It reach up to the level of Its ‘Source’. Then we could hardly notice the feeling of our Kundalini but we acknowledge an intense flow of 'Pure Energy into our whole being through our Sahastrara.

And when it
 happens then we often feel ‘Him’ working through our instrument where as we acknowledge this fact or not. At this stage, our own existence evaporates and we feel nothingness in our day today life.

Though. we live our life apparently but we feel internally that we are just fulfilling a responsibility as per ‘His’ will. The influence of our own liking and disliking disappears but a Pure Desire appears to work as ‘His’ instrument only."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Saturday, May 10, 2014



1) we should not go on visualization too long during meditation because it may be distracting and aching at ‘Agnya Chakra; 'God is invisible, but can be felt in the form of 'Energy' so it is better to go on feelings only. Anything can be seen but it is useless for our Growth. If we could see the air then what we would get out of sight. 

So it is better to realize ‘Him’ in the form of the flow of ‘Pure Energy’ into our own being rather than trying to see ‘Him’ in some forms. Though, we may visualize ‘Him’ right before the beginning of meditation for few seconds as we ‘Kick’ our scooter or motorcycle for starting, but we never kick that again during the driving.”

2) “All the Emotions originates from our mind only out of visible Existences and we often feel the urge of attachment with them and due to attachment we usually cry with extreme pain when those things disappears. So whatever we could see is mortal which has some certain age. And after some time that thing would vanish from our sight and convert into another form. 

On the contrary, all the feelings sprout 
from our Heart due to invisible Beings around our awareness which always remains intact into our heart like ever fresh flower to give a feeling of selfless love and compassion into our consciousness. That’s why, all the feelings are immortal and they would never change their forms. So it is always better to rely on feelings rather than emotions.”

3) ‘Shree Maha Maya’ is a strict teacher as per my awareness who teaches us so many things when we become influenced with our mind and go against ‘Nature or God’ intentionally or unintentionally. Then ‘She’ taught us some good lesions which might felt painful for us by twisting our ears. 


“She” is just like a good surgeon who operates t
he wounded and infected part to give permanent relief to the patient so that the infection could not move ahead. So when ‘She’ operates then we have to suffer some from some pain or ache temporarily for few days. 

‘She’ awakens ‘Herself’ when we keep some materialistic demands or even spiritual demands which we think to en cash for materialistic purposes before ‘Shree Mata Ji’. And if we ask ‘Mother’ for our spiritual Growth in true manner with the depth of our heart then ‘Maa Adi’ take full charge of our ascent tells ‘Maa Jagdamba’ to take care for our Materialistic Genuine Requirements.”

4) “With overwhelming feelings of ‘love & Compassion’ of all our Sahaj Companions, my awareness wants me to express my humble thanks to you all for your warm feelings and wishes which converted my ‘Birth Day’ into a joyous festival which is still giving me a feeling of being worthy for the expectation and hope of ‘Shree Maa’ to put our true effort to spread ‘Her’ Love to the entire Globe.

Every ‘Birth Day’ is the ‘Count Down’ for us to take care of our Actual Earnings which is going to be used in our ‘Next journey’, so we must be quite sincere about the growth which will make us able to enjoy the ‘Next Ride’.

5) "Too much thinking about unfulfilled needs generates desire and desires create anxiety into our nervous system and anxiety ignites our mind and our mind provides options which lies into its memory and options make us inclined and this inclination leads to slavery of our mind. 

Thus our mind dominates over our consciousness and this domination gives us suffocation and this suffocations manifests in the fo
rm of distortion and distorted thoughts kills our peace and inner tranquillity and we often feel lonely and lonely heart seeks for Divine Help and then Divine takes full care and makes us comfortable and peaceful again. 

So we must not be so much worried about our being in this world but we should always be connected through our Sahastrara."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

Monday, May 5, 2014



1)“My awareness wish you all a very fruitful and enjoying ‘Sahastrara Day’, it should not be celebrated as a Day only but it must be utilized as a Way of our life by making connected, all our Near and Dear, Critics, Jealous and so called Enemies with our Sahastrara so that they too could get the Love of ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ to get an instinct to reform their own Life, though some of them may not be Realised Souls, it hardly matters.

And we should raise the Kundalini of at least 10 New people in this ‘Supreme Day’, this process can be done after our Routine or Special Meditation at least for 15-30 minutes or as per our own convenience. 

Only then it will be called a real celebration, actually through this process we use to interact the Spirit & Kundalini of the people for their redemption, this is deemed, the greatest Charity on Earth." (05.05.14)

2) “ We sing Bhajans before ‘Shri Mata Ji’ (Altar) to please ‘Her’ and we often listen Cassettes of ‘Divine Speech’ during the process of meditation to enhance the memory of our Data Bank (Mind).

Do we listen ‘Her’ latest ‘Soundless’ lectures which are delivered into the ‘Auditorium of Our Heart’ right at the time of ‘Deep Meditat

These are inaudible speeches which are very useful for our present time for the benevolence of our Gross Life as well as for our spiritual growth.”

3) “All the seven Chakras work like the ‘Power Capsules’ for the ‘Rocket’ (Kundilini)’ to thrush the ‘Shuttle’ (Attention) into Space (Kingdom of God) so that this ‘Shuttle’ could explore the infinite existences (Levels of Consciousness) to reach ‘The Source’ of Creation.”

4) “Our ‘Being’ is just like an Eagle who has two wings one belongs to Spiritual Life and another belongs to Materialistic Life, to fly (Effort) and float (Enjoy) into the infinite sky (Kingdom of God), hovering (Witnessing) over both the Lives."

5) When all the controls of our Chakras at our Sahastrara get fully enlightened then we become Mobile Centre, we carry collectivity along with us all the time because ‘Shree Maa’ always let us feel ‘Her’ presence every moment and take work from our instrument continuously, actually we become ‘Her’ instrument in this state and such instrument always give a shoulder to the ‘Kundalini, Chakras and Spirit of everyone who comes into our attention, automatically.

At this beautiful level of our consciousness, we enjoy our complete freedom from all types of merits or demerits of all our Chakras, means we hardly get stick with our so called qualities of our Chakras like singing, dancing, speaking, writing, guiding, leading, organizing etc.

We go beyond and enjoy the company of ‘Maa Adi Shakti’, Deities and all the Elements as per our desire, we often communicate with them by using our attention and they give responses in the form of fluctuation into the rhythmic flow of circulating ‘Divine Energy’ into our Subtle System. 

This rhythmic flow of ‘Pure Energy’ becomes the language of truth, in this state we are not tend to check vibration because these vibration converts into the Stream of Energy, and this stream carries everything for us which is needed for our Spiritual Growth as stream of ‘Ganges’ carries vital minerals for our biological units.

So we are supposed to let this stream circulate into our whole subtle system without any type of checking because such types of checking becomes the greatest hurdle in circulation as our blood circulates into our veins and arteries to give nourishment to each and every cell of our gross body."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"