Friday, April 5, 2013

'Nirvicharita'----A Gradual Process-----7, Contemplation----137

“Nirvicharita”---A Gradual Process---7

Actually, Self Realization is Another ‘Deemed’ Birth’ according to ‘Shree Mata Ji’, and we have been given several chances of taking birth after births by ‘Almighty’ to hit our actual target of Salvation of our Soul by achieving ‘Higher Level’ of Understanding related to our Existence. So, by the grace of ‘God’ when we get our Self Realization (Another Birth) then ‘He’ tries to make finish all our desires and liking so that we might be able to get redemption from all our mental conditioning and barriers. And we could work seriously for our Salvation and then we might be useful for ‘His’ creation without any types of grudges.

In One biological Birth ‘He’ gives us a chance of re-birth in the form of Self Realization when the consideration of our Good Previous Karmas comes and we use to be at the verge of the beginning of the process of internal transformation.  ‘He’ wants us not to spoil our precious time only in attaining materialistic necessities for our Biological Body and Mind.

That’s why sometimes ‘He’ arranges so many incidences with the help of ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ ‘Who’ usually set the principle of ‘Permutation & Combination’. ‘She’ generates pleasant co-incidences and eliminates painful and trouble situations. ‘She’ has got independent charge of ‘Her’ creation.

Now, some questions may arise why we need a companion in the form of male or female in our life?  Why ‘Adi Shakti’ has created both the character in ‘Her’ entire creation like male and female?  Why there are two existences in us like Spirit and Soul ? Why ‘God’ has two forms like ‘Ardh-Naarishwara’? Why every Atom has two forms in it like Molecule and Nucleolus? Why a day has got two forms like Light and Darkness? Why electricity has got two charges like hot and cold?  Why we have got two brains in the form of two hemispheres? Why ‘Almighty’ has created male or female deities like Devi or Devta ?

As per my awareness, the whole creation is based on the principal of its ‘Creator’ which ‘Has’ two aspects. One is ‘The Power’ which represents feminine side and another one is ‘The Bearer of Power’ which represents Masculine side. So our ‘Creator’ has designed everything as per ‘His’ internal mechanism though ‘He’ is not visible because ‘He’ is not made by all the five Elements, but He’ is the creator of all Elements, ‘He’ is away from all the matters which are known by human till now.

But ‘He’ manifests ‘Himself’ in several forms in ‘His’ creation whenever ‘He’ wants. ‘He’ expresses ‘Himself’ in twin forms of human emotion like Compassion & Love, compassion represents feminine form while Love represents masculine form. Our Soul being our actual mother releases compassion while our Spirit being our well wisher expresses Love. Both are the Divine Invisible companion represents ‘Ardh-Naarishwara’ in our being. So our emotional set-up is based on the set-up of Spirit & Soul.

That’s why we human, who have got visible Elementary-Biological Body, need some companion of opposite electric charge like male or female to balance the flow of life when and until we ignite our Spirit & Soul through Deep Meditation.  Yes, it is true, if some could awake his ‘Spirit & Soul’ in a proper manner and become completely One with ‘Almighty’, only then he/she might not feel the urge of being together with his/her companion in External form. Because in this case ‘Ardh-Naarishwara’ would be awakened in his/her being and he/she would feel Eternal Companionship. In this beautiful state he/she would not be having any types of thoughts.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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