Saturday, October 15, 2011

Contemplation(चिंतन)-----47----"The 'I-ness' "

"Contemplation (चिंतन)"------The 'I-Ness'

“Often we use ‘I’ for our self whenever we talk with someone in normal practice in our day to day life. But when we come into the ‘Lotus Feet’ of ‘Shree Mata ji’ we usually try to avoid I while talking because as per ‘Shree Mata ji’ this pronunciation should not be used because this exhibits “Ego”.

As per my awareness this ‘I’ manifests three types of stages of pronouncer:---

i)  In normal condition when we sit into the ‘Lotus Feet’ we usually say,” Shree Mata ji, ‘I’ am your child, kindly keep ‘Your’ merciful eyes upon me. I am very innocent ‘Shree Mata Ji, I do not know anything ‘Shree Mata Ji , kindly teach me what is right what is wrong. I ask you please come into my heart. So we usually use these types of ‘I’ then it is not called Ego and showing Singularity. So this state represents distance between us and ‘Shree Mata ji’.

ii) In second type of stage of ‘I’, you know in south in India, I have heard, that the pronunciation of ‘I’ =’AAEEE’ means The Mother. If we break this word in two parts then what does it means, AA=Come, in Hindi Language and EEE=Power, is the symbol of Divine energy. Means ‘I’ is the symbol of calling our Divine Mother. And in this stage we have established relation with Shree Mata ji but at the same  time ‘She’ is somewhere else.

iii) In third type of stage, “I” represents “Brahma”, The Originator, Almighty, God, Allah, Khuda, and Vahe Guru, what ever we call as God. As it was called at the time of Mahabharata by ‘Lord Krishna’, “AHAM BRAHMMASMI’, “means ‘I AM BRAHMMA”.

 So when we feel the Flow of Divine Energy (Vibration) directly at our Sahastrara(Maa Adi Shakti) and we acknowledge this flow into our Central heart(Maa Jagdamba)  and we feel this flow always then we may be in ‘THIRD STAGE’ WHICH REPRESENTS “ADI SHAKTI” , in this stage any Sahaji can use this “I” because in this state his/her instrument is being used by ‘Shree Mata ji.  if we are not in this state  then we should avoid using ‘I’ , for this only ‘She’ has advised us not to use this word in practice. 

And lastly, The stage of complete oneness,‘Shree Mata ji’ Dwells into our Heart and our whole Subtle System, our awareness and our all types of consciousness acknowledge ‘Her’ within. If someone is Enlightened then he/she would definitely realize this state of that person with the help of his/her attention because he/she would feel increased sensation at his/her Sahastrara and into his/her Central heart.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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