Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Sitting at Sahastrara" 24x7--21 "The Source"---Contemplation---96

"Sitting at Sahastrara" 24x7--21 "The Source"

21) “ It is always said that children always originate from parents but in some peculiar cases it is just opposite in a way, “Children have given birth to their parents” , so astonishing this statement is. Is not it?  Yes, it is true as per my awareness, when it is concerned with the magnet.

A piece of magnet has an independent energy field,  when all the pieces of magnet come closer up to some extent then they stick together and their individual magnetic power  become a collective power and their collective energy field enhances automatically which is capable to convert iron into magnet.  

We must have heard about the magnetic zone in the North at our planet and it always pulls all the magnets towards itself through its magnetic field.  We may take the example of the needle of compass which always indicates North side though it is quite far from the magnetic zone.

That’s why we may say the several pieces of magnet has created a huge mass of magnet which looks like  a mountain So we assume that piece of magnet is like a child and a huge mass of magnet is like its father and the magnetic power of that huge mass is like mother. The power of magnets always keeps all the magnets bonded together. Thus the children have created their parents. When they remain united for thousands and thousands years then their outlines vanishes and they seems one piece.

The same thing happens with the particles of the Soil which take millions of years to convert into stone, through the process of metamorphism. And when we break that stone and crush that into power then it will convert into soil again but with some peculiarities in the comparison with the prior stage.  Now this power would be having the capacity of joining two stone together if it is mixed with water. It would work just like the Cement. 

So same happens with our Souls, our souls are too, an independent enlightened particles, having individual energy field up to some extent, when they join together then the energy field multiplies and it become one, converts into the Power of ‘Mother Adi Shakti’ and the collective form of the souls becomes the bearer of  “Adi Shakti” means, “God”. 

And when a soul is kept away from the ‘Whole Mass of Souls’ (God) then Its inclination would always be towards ‘God’ because of the Energy Field.  That’s why all of us have a natural inclination towards ‘God’. That is the only reason as per my awareness, ‘Shree Maa’ always has instructed us to be collective.  

The actual collectivity is the collectivities of Souls (Kundalini) , when they stay at Sahastrara only then they could become collective.  The energy of several Kundalini interacts with our Kundalini at our Sahastrara automatically because of the existing power of “Maa Adi Shakti “and make our Kundalini more powerful and connected with all the Kundalini of the people who are sitting at their Sahastrara in this Cosmos. 

So if we always remain at our Sahastrara and into our Central Heart then every moment we would be getting more and more power from awakened Kundalini of others.  And we may easily communicate with ‘Almighty’ with the help of the infinitive energy field of several awakened Kundalini.

If a Sadhak/Sadhika always maintain energy field at his/her Sahastrara and his/her Central Heart then the power of his/her Kundalini expands and he/she would be able to channelize the power of ‘Maa Adi Shakti’ with the help of his/her attention easily as well as he/she would gain more and more knowledge of Subtle World because of the uninterrupted supply of the power of ‘Almighty’.  That person would work as the medium of ‘God’ and always try to help people in establishing connectivity with ‘Almighty’ always. 


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"