Thursday, October 25, 2012

Seven Stages Above Sahastrara---Eleventh Stage--"Aikadashi"---Contemplation----117

 “Aikadashi”/ Eleventh Stage

 4) ‘AikaDashi (Eleventh day) from the beginning of Navratra. And this day may represent our Eleventh Chakra e. i. “Pradakshina” Chakra ’. The Meaning of ‘Pradakshina’ in Hindi- Sanskrit Language is, “Orbital Movement” just like the Earth which rotates around the Sun. 

It has some more meanings if we break this word into two words, Pra=Paar Brahmm (beyond universe) and Dakshina=Dena(Giving) , means Giving of something which is coming Beyond Universe. First we come to the first meaning of ‘Pradakshina, which express Orbital Movement. 

 This Chakra shows the state of the existence of ‘The Source’ (God) and ‘The Power of Source’ (Adi Shakti). When our Awareness touches this level and our Attention reaches this point and rotates around ‘The Source of Power’, thus, generates ‘Orbital Movement’ of our attention and our attention receives unlimited powers every moment and supply to our Awareness to grow more and more. Then we feel complete oneness with Almighty, at this stage our attention always remain there with this Eleventh Chakra in spite of performing all types of worldly duties and responsibilities. 

 A true Sadhak does not deviate from Meditation and maintain the flow of energy into his/her subtle system every moment. Now we come to the second meaning of this word Pradakshina as it is already stated in first paragraph that, something is being received Beyond Universe and giving to others. 

 When the awareness of a Sadhak remains at this point then his/her attention connects with the Almighty and supply ‘His’ power to his/her Sahastrara and Central Heart first and then this energy uses to be transferred to the Sahastrara and Central Heart of the others with the help of attention of that Sadhak. So at this stage, a Sadhak becomes capable to raise the Kundalini of others with the help of his/her attention, he/she also can give relaxation to others by supplying Pure Energy into the Central Heart of others. 

 One more thing is very interesting, By this method while remaining at ‘Pradakshina Chakra’ we may sow the ‘Seed of Knowledge’ what we have gained during meditation, into others Subtle System easily as ‘Guru Vashishtha’ had done with Lov & Kush during their studies, he raised their Kundalini first and then transferred all his know-how into the subtle system of Lov & Kush with the help of his attention. 

 So we can also do this if we practice meditation in a proper manner. Actually this was being done by ‘Shree Mata ji’ ‘Herself’ with all of us. Those who were at the verge of going deep into proper meditation, ‘Shree Maa’ supplied ‘Her’ knowledge into them which is being sprouted step by step into their awareness. 

As per my awareness, this is the process of fulfilling of the dream of ‘Shree Mata ji’ by letting sit on Sahastrara every moment. Those who practice with their attention to absorb the powers of ‘Adi Shakti’ from Sahastrara to Central Heart and supply these powers to others with the help of their attention, they would definitely attain this stage and receive the blessings of this Chakra and they will work for the transformation of the Entire Human Being. 

 Actually if I am not wrong, this is nothing but sitting into the Lap of ‘Shree Mata ji’ in true sense. In the last on the Eleventh Day from the beginning of Navratra, I pray to ‘Shree Maa’ to grant this beautiful and enjoyable state of the attention to all of us which enable us to live a life with complete freedom from all types of doing and thinking.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

1 comment:

  1. Brother Narayan,

    Pradakshina chakra is fourth chakra above Sahasrara. In other words, it can be called as ' Four Stages above Sahasrara ( which are collectively called as ' transpersonaal chakras ). If that is correct, the tile of you blog should have been " Four stages above Sahasrara ", is n't it ?

    Second Point -- whether you tried to feel " Emission of Invisibls Divine Energy / Vibrations " at your Pradakshina Chakra , straight away from Sahasrara ( i.e, bypassing / ignoring the three intermediate points, (Ardha Bindu, Bindu and Valaya), that too, with eyes open.

    It is possible, you know.
