Tuesday, October 1, 2013



1) “The Flow of ‘Adi Shakti’, we receive at our Sahastrara and acknowledge into our Central Heart, works as ‘Attachment Remover’. ‘It’ is capable to cleanse all the Glue which contaminates all types of relations and let the ‘Warmth’ of true relations radiate the whole atmosphere.”

2) “Continuous ‘Connectivity’ at Sahastrara make us bloom into a Beautiful Flower but the ‘Fragrance’ sprouts from this flower only when we enjoy this connectivity into our Central Heart.”

 3) “Sadness which represent 'Hell', is the consideration of the attachment with the evaluation of our pre--conditioned mind, though it is a boon, which leads us towards our inner--self, while ‘Joy’ is the outcome of being with our ‘Spirit’ makes us able to ‘Witness’ the whole drama of our 'Mental Disposition'."

4) “If we still consider about ‘Negativity’ 0r ‘Positivity’ into our consciousness, it means we are dangling into the analytical level of our mind means we are dwelling into myth. 

Because, the influence of both the situations keeping us away from ‘The Truth’ which teaches us acceptance and finally leads us towards ‘Unconditional Surrender’.”

5) “The feeling of ‘Imperfection’ (Non-Connectivity) takes us towards ‘Perfection’ (Feeling of Oneness with ‘Almighty’) and the feeling of Perfection let us enjoy the several forms of Imperfection.”

6) “Meditation plays an important role by being the medium of acknowledging ‘Truth’ into our ‘Consciousness’ day by day from ‘The Ultimate Awareness’(The Source). Actually ‘Truth’ exists into a Book, which is written by ‘God’ and published by ‘Adi Shakti’. So our ‘Consciousness’ works as our vocabulary and our ‘Awareness’ acts as the ‘Dictionary’ for making us full of Knowledge.”

7) “Vibration is the ‘Rhythm’ of this creation which makes us connected with the Dynamic Force i.e. ‘Adi Shakti’, it is just like invisible rope. if we hold ‘This Rope’ and climb up with our attention then ‘It’ takes us to ‘The End of this Rope’ i. e ‘God’ ‘Himself’."


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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