Thursday, January 10, 2019

"Impulses--477--“Hurdles in the Growth of the Level of Collective Meditation”

“Hurdles in the Growth of the Level of Collective Meditation”

It is evident that the Collective Growth of Sahaj Yoga Meditation at Sahaj Organizations is not up to the mark.

The Same Methods of Meditation is being practiced in almost all the Centers in our Country which was introduced and Taught by “Shree Mata Ji” in the very beginning of Sahaj Yoga.

Whereas, Today’s New Comers are having more Depth than our Old Sahajis, they can easily understand all kinds of Subtleties very easily.

No Doubt the Number of Sahaj Yogis has been increased by the thousands of Self Realization Programs done by Sahajis all over India drastically.

But the Quality and Level of of Collective Meditation has not been enhanced as it must be in 48 years.

All of us must contemplate very seriously in meditative state with full honesty that Why the Level of Collective Meditation is not improved till now.

Why our Most of the Coordinators of Sahaj Centers are not Updated or Upgraded?

Why Most Basic Methods are still practiced without considering the Demand of the Present Time and the Level of New Comers?

Why most of us are ‘Monkey Copying’ each other’s in Meditation in Centers whereas we all have different level of Awareness?

Why most of us are still Stick with Balancing of Nadis and Chakras Clearing only in the name of Meditation?

Why Sahaj Treatments have been High Lightened only in Sahaj Centers instead of Inducing Deep Meditation Spells till now?

Why the Centers Coordinators does not change the Meditation Procedure as per the Need and Requirement of Sahaj Yoga Meditation Practitioners?

As per my Awareness If we go through the reasons minutely then we will find that Main Reason of Hindrance in the Growth of Collective Meditation is the only and only Leadership which is Governed by the Trusts unfortunately.

Actually all the Respected Trustees were appointed by “Shree Mata JI” to run the Organization Smoothly because they were Intellectuals and Highly Educated and having the skills of running Big Institutions which a Normal Person Lacks.

And their whole Energy and Time used to be consumed in Organizing “Shree Mata JI’s” Programs in India as well as in Abroad and Looking after Organizational Technicalities.

That’s why most of Them were not able to spare their time in Attaining Depth in Deep Meditation but they were supposed to Promote Deep Sahajis to Lead Sahaj Collative which might be away from Organizational Activities.

Unfortunately the Actual Phenomenon of Maneuvering Collective Sahaj Meditation was made reversed due to Unawareness.

The Skilled and Trained Institution Organizers had started Leading Collective Meditation with what they know mentally by Reading, Hearing and Studying the Lectures of “Shree Mata Ji”.

And the Deeper and Experienced Sahajis were taken aside because they were not interested in the Activities of Sahaj Organization.

Then such ‘Big Organizers’ has made several kinds of Rules, Regulations and Protocols as per their Intellectual Levels for Sahaj Centers and Circulated the Orders to all the Sahaj Centers to maintain Uniformity in Collective Meditation.

And Center Coordinators too were instructed to follow the so called Rules and Regulations strictly. That’s why all Sahaj Centers are restricted with the Guide Line of Sahaj Yoga Trust only for Meditation.

Which is none but more or less a only Body of Organization to look after Organizational Tasks only.

It is not meant for the Promotion and Deepening of Sahaj Yoga; it is only for the Completion of “Shree M ata JI’s Projects and other Arrangements.

It is realized that the Level of Collective Meditation of has been stagnated completely because of the Improper Leadership in all kinds of Meditation Pursuits.

Now a Days, at several other places, It is felt that most of the ‘Designated Sahajis’ have lost ‘Sahaj’ in their Attitude and Aptitude.

As most of them have become Rulers and they have right to use Undignified and Rude Words for other Sahajis who are not agree with their views under the name and banner of Leadership.

Such kinds of so called ‘Big Ones’ are Discouraging and Demoralize Genuine Sahajis who are doing well for the the Growth of Meditation and Self Realization by several ways.

Whereas they were selected to serve for Sahaj Yoga and Sahajis with loving Approach unconditionally.

It’s a Fact that most of the ‘Higher Designated Ones’ of Sahaj Organization’ hardly can ‘Induce’ Proper ‘Thoughtlessness’ individually and Collectively due to their keen Organizational Interests and the Temperament of Dominance.

That’s why it is very difficult To Enhance their Spiritual Depth with the help of Sincere Contemplation and Intro Analysis in ‘Deep Meditative State’.

That’s why they all are stick with the most Basic Methods of Self Realization and Meditation and they hardly absorb the Inherent Energy and Contents into their Subtle System of the Lecture of “Shree Mata JI” over Deep Subjects.

But they Listen them and save them into the memory of their Brain only Which too become greatest hurdle in their Gradual Ascent because of Non Experience and Feelings of the same.

So they often try to impose the same limited know How over all the Sahajis out of Dominance and Ignorance because of their Incapability which is hampering the ‘Real Growth of Whole Collective’.

Though, They often emphasize over to Achieve Depth and Love in their lectures before Collective but they hardly follow what they say for the Up Gradation and Up Datation of Collective Sahaj Yoga Meditation.

Even such ‘Designated Ones’ always become Obstacle before the ‘True & Deeper Sahajis’ in Distributing their own Experiences and Easy Methods for Deepening Meditation with other Sahajis in Collective.

Which they have Invented and Discovered in their Individual Meditation by the Grace of “Mother” “who” has clearly stated in one of “Her” Lecture to Distribute to others what we gain in meditation.

Because they think that they will loose the grip over Sahajis if they are proved hindered in Meditation out of severe Myth.

So they have made a trend of Dominance among some Coordinators too to capture the whole Sahaj System through Organization.

Due to such Ignorant & Unaware some of ‘‘Designated Ones’’ of both the ‘Trusts’, our Sahaj Family has been Divided into Two Segments.

Because the Trustees of Both the Trusts have stuck with their Own Views and Perceptions strongly and are never ready to let others enjoy Organizational Oneness due to their Ego Clash and Non Cooperative Attitude.

Now the Duty has come to the shoulders of all the ‘Awakened Ones’(General Sahajis) to Bridge Up this Unfortunate Split with Due Respect and Love for every Soul rather than depending on such “Organization Authorities”
One can take the Example of ‘Meerut City’ U.P from where Independence Fight had begun in 1857.

Now the Whole Collective of Meerut is Enjoying Puja at One Place by the Grace of “Mother”.

The Initiative was taken by the Sahajis of Both the Trusts to become ‘One’ again with the Loving Efforts and Compassionate Approach of City Coordinator Shree Deepak Tyagi Ji of National Trust along with some Affectionate Sahajis.

So my Heart Humbly Appeal to all the General Sahajis and ‘Designated Ones’ to be reunited again to make our ‘Beloved Mother” happy by surrendering all kinds of clashes into “Shree Lotus Feet”.

And don’t not try to Block the ‘Ganges of Self Knowledge’ which is being flown by the “Mother” through some Deeper Sahajis who has the only Dream to Spread “Her Love”.

Otherwise all the Deities, Rudras and Ganas would become vey annoyed and they will show the Real Hell to such a ‘Negative Ones’.

When and Until we Rise Deep in Spirituality properly, we would not be able to Establish Sahaj Yoga in a True Manner by spreading “Her” Love into this Whole Globe.

So all of us should contemplate and decide very seriously either we want to ‘Grow Collectively’ or we want to Ruin the Dream of our “Beloved Mother. This is not a Complain but a Pain Actually.

My Awareness want to request those who have suffered from such kind of 'Sahaj Organizational' Dominance of both the Trusts, you must not be dishearten.

And do not even try to think to Form another 'Sahaj Yoga Trust' or 'Organization' out of Retaliation as some Sahajis has done this Greatest Mistakes out of Ignorance.

What was needed for the Standing and Benevolence of of Sahaj Yoga "Shree Mata Ji" has already done. "She" is "Adi Shakti" we must understand it's Meaning deep into our Awareness.

Now no more need is left to Constitute another 'Sahaj Organization' or Sahaj Spiritual Trust under any Name. Because it will be against the Ethics and Will of "Shree Mata Ji".

Such attempts and deeds will create more Confusions among Sahaj Followers and New Seekers.

And such acts will destroy the Name and Desire of "Shree Mata Ji. Be Cautious and Careful while thinking over so called New Sahaj Organizations.

If you want to Distribute and Share your Depth then you may enhance Interaction among Sahajis with Loving and Positive Approach.

You must have Complete Patience and Full Faith in "Shree Mata Ji", everything will be alright.

If possible Dissolve them as soon as possible and Enjoy 'Eternal Oneness' among all the Children of "Mother", now the time has come to Ascend Collectively."

"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

1.“Meditate and Distribute and more you find something in your Meditation, the more you want to go and distribute it to others.

That has to be. If that does not come into you then it has not worked out; there is no purity’ there is some bias.”

2.“The One, who has been meditative and has not been able to distribute what he has found is cheating himself and cheating others.”

3.“The Depth you achieve spreads all over,it is such an action and reaction. The Deeper you become the Radiation is much more.”

4.”Those who try to rise Higher pull the whole thing upward, and they give a pull to every one who ascend with them.”

---Extracts from “H.H.Shree Mata Ji Nirmala Devi”, ‘Shree Devi Puja’, Australia, 14-03-1983

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