Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Images of An Animated Film,"Spiritual Reality"

These images of the film show internal experience of meditation, how we persieve Eternal Power from our Sahastrara and, this Divine Energy runs our Subtle System of our body

The Ultimate Source of Divine Energy nourishes our Planet Earth 

During Meditation we also get Divine Energy(Adi Shakti)

There uses to be several types of thoughts when we sit for meditation

Before the opening of Sahastrara by "Shree Mata JI' one has to take his attention on his Breath(An Ancient Method of Meditation Introduced by "Shree Buddha"

Slowly-slowly the breath becomes shorter and shorter taking any body to thoughtless state

And finally we achieve "No Thought" state and in the mean time our Kundalini rises up to Sahastrara and  then we receive Divine Energy(Adi Shakti)

And this Eternal Energy equipped with Ether Elements and with all the Divine powers of Adi Shakti enters through our 'Brahmm Randhras' and moves into our Subtle Nerves 

 Pure Energy(Adi Shakti) is flowing into our Ethric Body(Subtle Body)
 Flow is coming and but we are not getting the benefit of Energy due to thoughts, this state generates some sort of diseases in the form of red patches

 Cleansing process is on during Meditation

 In a pyramid we get triple amount of energy during meditation

The opening of Third Eye make us enable to understand what is right what is wrong

After opening of third eye, some times we see different types of colors, but we should not stick with seeing of colors

This Pure Energy opens our Subtle Energy Centers ( All the Chakras(Plexus)) during meditation

In the complete state of meditation we may see(Darshan) our Adorable in the form of Different Deities and Sad-Gurus as our originators(God). This process make our belief more strong towards God. We actually see what(our old Sanskaar) is saved in our left Agnya Chakra as God.

Some times we feel that we are going through a deep and dark tunnel while meditation
And finally we connect with our Source of Being(Almighty)

During the meditation our whole attention secretes insides thus awakening of our Subtle Body

Some times we feel movement internally as rotating, leaning towards left or right side, some times we feel back and forth movement. This is the movement of our Subtle-body

In the state of deep meditation our Subtle body can travel to several places 

During Astral Travel we may go to different places even to different  planets,

After getting deep understanding our Aura gets full En Lightened  and we become calm 

The Souls comes from the source when we use to be in the Womb of our Biological Mother around two and half month time

Then we take our first Breath in side the Womb

And We grow almost in four stages starts from 0-7 years(almost knowing about the source). 7-14(we get influence of our Biological Parents), 14-21(we usually get influence of our surrounding), 21-28 (from this age our actual know-how start working, now we comes under the influence of our previous cycles habits, liking-disliking, preferences, our hidden and suppressed desires) and after this state e.i.from 28th year we usually start getting rigid about what we have felt till now. And when we do not meditate properly our old know-how gets stagnated and we usually live with our own thoughts being away from the Real Truth and finally we pass-away(Death) and our soul feel immense pain due to undue attachment. 

If we do not meditate we can not understand the very purpous of our Birth and sticks with External Materialistic articles and makes our life unfulfilled and our soul moves here and there wasting its vitality

मोह के कारण हमारी जीवात्मा वापस शरीर में जाना चाहती है.

और शरीर न मिल पाने के कारण जगह-जगह भटकती फिरती है.

We have to go through our own created "Hell"
अनेको प्रकार के अपने ही बनाये नरकों से गुजरती है और तकलीफ उठाती है.

If we meditate properly our soul comes out our body and becomes a light and go to its source and become one with 'Him'
और ठीक प्रकार से ध्यान करने वाले की जीवात्मा शरीर को बिना किसी मोह के त्याग देती है और प्रकाश-पुंज में परिवर्तित होकर अपने उद्गम से पुन: जा मिलती है और उनमे समां कर स्वतंत्र हो जाती है.

Our soul is going back  to its Source

Then there appear the state of Moksha (Lotus on Sahastrara)

And Finally The Lotus sprouts on Sahastrara

समस्त प्रकार का ज्ञान हमें स्वत: ही ध्यान के माध्यम से मिलने लगता है और बाहरी ज्ञान व् कर्म-काण्ड से मुक्ति मिल जाती है.
During meditation we receive all the knowledge of our creation Automatically then there is no need to read books, there is no need to do anything. This is the state of  "Akarma"

And This is Complete Enlightment 

I think,  all of you must have enjoyed this journey of Deep Meditation. I wish, May  you all touch the truth and make your life completely fulfilled  by achieving the actual purpose of  Life. May 'Shree Maa' bless all of you.  "Jai Shree Mata Ji"



  1. Jai Shri Mata ji narayan uncle....
    Superb article... Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed this article journey and want to experience this journey in reality :-)

    Jai Shri Mata ji

  2. Priyanka, are u doing some practice, if u are doing then u will definitely experience that journey, May Shree Maa bless u.

  3. sir i experienced astral body movement inside my physical body. before waking up i felt it many times. i felt like i am moving inside my body. i could sense everything but can't move. can you explain what was that? i never felt it after come into sahaja yoga.
