Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----63---"Hyperactivity of Children of Sahaj Families"

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----"Hyperactivity of Children of Sahaj Families"

Jai Shree Mata ji, Some times we listen from our Sahajis their Kids are Hyper Active,they hardly sit at one place, the parents of such children usually complains and ask what to do for the rectification for the temperament of their children. Hyperactivity of the children usually shown right at the time of meditation or at the time of some meditation programme. Often all of us have to go through such types of situations. Few questions rises,is there any problem with the kids ?, or they have caught with some Negativity ? Why this type of expressions are there ? 

Actually, when we engage our self into meditation then our Kids become Scott free and as per their natural tendency to pull the attention of their parents towards themselves to see what they are doing or playing. By doing this they feel privileged and happy. And the another reason is very important to understand, 

when we sit for meditation and go deep inside then the collective or Individual Energy ignites and covers our surroundings to enlighten every particle or creature then this Awakened Energy goes into the Internal and Subtle System of our Kids and Children and take all the contamination on the surface of their Mind and the children get affected with their hidden negative aspects. Because they are so young to understand that contamination but their activity enhances automatically and they started shouting.  

On the other hand 'Shree Maa' wants us to put our attention loaded with the Eternal Energy to the system of the kids at that time during the meditation. So that the get relief. If we are aware of this fact then we would do it with our conscious state.

So, to make them calm and quite we first, have to feel vibration at our Sahastrara and in our Central heart at least for 3-5 minutes then we should take our attention to the Sahastrara of our kids for some time then to their Central heart at least for 2-3 minutes till the feeling of increased vibrations into our Central Heart and at Sahastrara. And then we should take our attention to their 'Right Agnya' and energize this Chakra at least for 5 minutes. We should do this as many times as we can. Its is very good for them as well as for us because it is capable to increase our depth.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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