Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "----67---"Possession of Thought"

"Contemplation (चिंतन) "-----"Possession of Thought"

‎"Now we come to the possession of previous thoughts, when some one has gone through either very good or very bad situation then the memory of that happenings saves into our Mind.

If we are living our present life unfortunately in miserable situation then our Mind help us by reminding our very good memories to keep us away from the severity of present sufferings. Our mind let us think of old days when we enjoyed a lot so that we might pass the trauma of bad feelings of presents. So some times old good memories give us a therapeutic effect for our mental disposition and give us some relief to the undue stress of acceptance of the present circumstances.  

But the problem starts when we become accustomed of thinking our old good time again and again rather than accepting the truth, which makes us weak and coward. When we realize some hard truth we quickly go into the past and stay there for some times. This makes us escapist and timid internally. Slowly we start avoid going before people and become the victim of Isolation. Then we make our own world in our mind and start dwelling into our imaginary world and then the situation of illusion generates which occasionally hallucinates us by showing a visual of our imagination.  

After some times we start talking with the characters of our illusionary world which manifests in the form of talking with ourself. Some times we laugh and some times we weep, some times we cry and some times we become angry. The people who live around us became scared by watching our activities and they start thinking that someone is living with us, or we have become possessed. This is actually nothing but being possessed by our own created world. 

In this situation his/her physical health would affect, his B P becomes unstable, suddenly it will get down or suddenly it might rise with his/her feeling of despair or Anxiety as per his/her mental and emotional state. Slowly, slowly his/her internal conflict would begin in between two imaginary aspects and he/she becomes discouraged and dishearten, he/she might feel defeated internally.  

When such types of people go before 'Shree Mata Ji' they some times start begging from 'Shree Mata Ji' what they want or some times they become annoyed with 'Shree Mata Ji' for not fulfilling their desire. And when they sit for meditation their attention immediate goes to the memory of past to their Mind and they being enjoying their fantasy land and often their eyes release tears because they get love from 'Shree Maa' and felt relaxed and their body starts moving in a rhythmic motion in back and forth position. Tomorrow we wil go through the memory of bad past.


"Jai Shree Mata Ji"

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